Make Up For Ever

by Seán McGovern
About ten months from now, there will be a press release from the Academy informing us that some of the 24 categories will be handed out during the commerical breaks. Initially there will be uproar all over again. How dare they?! Didn't we go through all this last year? What an outrage! But then I'll turn to you and say 'yeah but remember those make-up people who won for Vice?' at which point we shall all accept this harsh but necessary decision...
Now look, I don't want to be mean to normal people who are obviously magicians of their craft but if you were there to prove to everyone at home that your category deserves to be broadcast, wouldn't you... I don't know, rehearse? Prepare? Plan anything? Maybe have some idle chit-chat as you get settled in your seats? You were the second award of the night, guys!
Some highlights from the best-worst speech of the evening!
- oh you're here?
- go...go ahead...
- Mentioning SAG, at the Oscars, for some reason.
- A landscape printed sheet of A4 paper.
- Kenny...k-k-Kenny... Myers?
- Literally turning off the mic and the lights.
Congratulations once again to Greg Cannom, Kate Biscoe and Patricia Dehaney on their Oscars.
Reader Comments (23)
This was way too brutal to watch; I had to change the channel.
They were truly awful but there's always a couple of bum acceptance speeches every year. It goes with the territory. The category still deserves its moment on the worldwide stage and an acknowledgment as an integral part of the filmmaking process ON AIR.
If we're talking about terrible what about that oaf John Bailey who couldn't even handle making the intro to the In Memoriam segment a fitting tribute!
@joel6: No, this was historically bad. Brilliant of TFE to recognize that this speech merited (demerited?) its own post.
In addition to the above circumstances, it’s a field with only three nominees, and the other two films were not contending for Best Picture. Complete failure by the winners, and also the studio for not slipping them a speech, or some eyeglasses, or hiring a streaker. (Adam McKay is still close friends with Will Ferrell, right?)
If I were directing this telecast, I would tell the orchestra NOT to play them off. Give them all the time in the world. Let them flail. Then require them to present their video at next year’s nominee luncheon as an example of what not to do. Mandatory Q&A.
This absolutely terrible set of acceptance "speeches" embarrassed the Makeu-p Branch and made one wonder if they had not made the case for relegating the award to the commercial breaks. One would have thought that the winners would be sensitive to the fact that they would restored to prime time and would act accordingly. These amateurs made asses of themselves.
lol I love this post... yeesh that speech was so bad
I disagree. If anything I'd like to see more awards added - certainly casting and stunts, maybe separating art direction and production design. And I kind of love it when we are reminded that actual humans are a part of the show and not designer robots. Bring on the oof moments!
This was deliberate.
I thought it was a comedy speech!
I honestly thought the man was recovering from a stroke and the women were badly trying to prompt him through his speech.
I rather deliver triplets than watch this speech again.
Ha! I actually tweeted this after their speech:
"Look, I hate cutting off speeches as much as the next guy, but I think it was @nathanielr who suggested that the Academy should give nominees speech writers to help them with their speech. Do NOT just list a bunch of names y'all! #Oscars"
They came out from a Rob Zombie and David Lynch co-direction
Yes, it truly was a dreadful speech, and at one point I wondered if they were deliberately trolling the Academy. I got up and made myself some tea, which was much needed. (and more interesting).
The biggest night of his life and the dim bulb can't even bring reading glasses? Or at least just not even try?
This was a total embarrassment. As if it weren't enough, these people, who obviously had not rehearsed, seemed to want to take turns at thanking their collaborators!
Now, I don't mean to offend anyone, but another person who could have rehearsed his speech is Spike Lee! He hesitated, he fumbled, and he had difficulty understanding what was written (as if it were not his handwriting).
This was EXCRUTIATING to watch.
Only made bearable by this hilarious twitter observation/30 Rock joke:
The worst part may be that Greg Cannom has won before, not once, not twice but three times! His speeches were also name drops, but not quite that painful.
Mrs. Doubtfire
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
You all are so overdramatic. This is comic gold at worst.
They were simply awful. I remember yelling GET OFF THE (bleeping) STAGE at them. But still they persisted.
This was rough, but honestly nothing gets me more anxious than when one winner hogs the microphone at the expense of their co-winner. Here they at least seemed to actively not want the microphone in equal measure. That production designer reading an endless essay off her phone whilst the set decorator stood there barely able to thank his team made me way too stressed.
So many of the speeches were bad but this was the most amateurish, I was cringing.
What happened to teams of winners picking a spokesperson? It's not like they weren't the favourite in this category - they could have at least TALKED to each other but what they would do if they won.
This was the most hilariously bad speech I ever remember seeing!
Seriously people- this was horrible- decide on one person to thank for the group and that's it.