With a Friend Like Emma...

And the prize for "Best Reaction Shot" of Oscar night goes to an overwhelmed Emma Stone cheering on her friend and surprise Oscar winner Olivia Colman. While we're sad the producers didn't also give us enough cutaways to Rachel Weisz (hopefully occupied by snogging Daniel Craig) and the sight of a tearful Yorgos Lanthimos was unexpected and heartwarming, nothing tops the effusive affection of a friend. Hang this in the Louvre next to Kate Winslet's clasped hands in support of Leo DiCaprio.
Reader Comments (55)
Yeah, I've watched Colman's speech like 15 times and it's made all the more perfect by Emma Stone's reaction. That these two incredible talents are Oscar winners is just...glorious...and that they support each other so emphatically...it's just beautiful.
Not enough cutaways to Rachel Weisz and NONE to Ryan Coogler
Eh... STOLEman can have Emma. Just give Glenn her Oscar. Thanks!
OMG, STOLEman, so fetch you guys!
Pissed that Weisz wasn't in her seat when Colman won. Would've loved a moment with all three of them.
Where was Rachel Weisz when Olivia won? Off to the toilet?
Ok let's get off the "Colman stole Close's Oscar" subject and talk about how fucking great another Emma is! (See Emma Thompson's letter published in the LA Times)
That moment was a shock—I know that sitting at home, I didn't quite know how to feel (but it was a sinking feeling) and the purity of Stone's excitement really righted things. It was leadership becoming of the most important actress/movie star of her generation.
I'm sure Colman appreciated it, too!
Am I the only one who found Stone's OTT reaction a bit fake? As LA LA LAND, THE FAVOURITE and BATTLE OF THE SEXES proved, Emma can turn the waterworks on in a millisecond. Hardly a stretch for an actress to play the role of 'smitten pal'.
And she's playing Cruella which will obviously BOMB. The nerve. She does not have the range.
And now the hate!
She was just happy her movie didn't go 0-10. After all, she dropped out of Greta Gerwig's film to campaign for it (a dreadful decision, given what she has on tap).
Stop normalizing this win. It was a hate crime. Glenn was treated abominably.
This reaction was great. I love seeing filmmakers of all types support each other. One of my favorite blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments from a recent ceremony was seeing Justin Timberlake on his feet cheering Auli'i Cravalho's song performance. He of all people knew how easy it would be to be overwhelmed by singing in front of millions at such a young age. She didn't miss a beat even when a dancer hit her with a prop, and I loved his enthusiastic standing O for her, especially because you could easily pick him out from the rest of the audience. (Most of them were still sitting.)
And, yes, Emma Thompson is a treasure.
so happy for olivia!! I thought I saw Weisz had left the show early? that could be wrong though, but would explain why there was no reaction shot from her.
These are the audience shots that I would Want to sit through after the 3 1/2 hour mark. Unfortunately, ABC wants to ‘trim the fat,’ give us reactions shots of non-related/not important to what’s happening onstage seat warmers (example only: Queen Latifah or a band member of Queen) and quickly get to the next TV commercial for the upcoming Marvel Avenger’s epic...
But, these current producers are so clueless. Wouldn’t it had been better slotting if Barbra Streisand (co-winner of Evergreen/A Star Is Born) had presented Best Original Song than the 2 no-names they had do it?
LoL, the sad hurt in this comments. I mean, god I get it. But Glenn likely has moved on and Olivia Colman is a deserving winner. It's not like she stabbed Close in the back or something.
As for Emma, yes, her reaction was superb and felt super real. Kinda insande that Weisz took a random bathroom break (unless it was something else). They all knew the schedule of awards!
I think Weisz left early. She has a baby, and she probably thought her film wasn't going to win anything.
Big fucking whoop de doop. Ppfft! I'm getting really frustrated at the worshipping of Emma Stone being this perfect supportive good person. I'm not saying she's evil, but she isn't this paragon of goodness and virtue that some of her stans that post on this blog make her out to be. Let's not forget Emma knowingly took on a white washed role in the film 'Aloha.' Once the public outcry came out and she became the butt of many jokes, she's since apologized. But her apologies - such as they are - ring hollow and come across as a defensive manuever to forestall anymore personal jabs at her expense in my opinion. Sure, she shouted 'I'm sorry!' when Sandra Oh made that pointed and barbed joke about Aloha at the Golden Globes, but again, if she had remained silent, she would have just come across even worse.
We all know that actresses have it more difficult than their male counterparts, and actresses that are persons of color even more so. Emma knowingly STOLE a role that should have gone to an Asian actress (or an actress of mixed Asian descendant), who are woefully underrepresented in Hollywood.
Until Stone makes some form of restitution to the Asian acting community and/or helps another unknown fledgling actress of color get work, she does not have either my respect or support. Stone can certainly afford to donate the monetary amount she received for her work in Aloha to some sort of Asian arts charity, and with her clout in Hollywood now, she could actively campaign to have co-stars of color too (and not just her friends Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer who are themselves quite successful).
The reaction from Emma Stone will rank right up there with Meryl Streep's happiness when Cher won for Moonstruck. A really great live moment.
A shout out to @joereid - on his twitter feed he has the whole sequence and it shows how many people helped Olivia Colman (who was overcome with shock) get up on the stage.
Btw. I liked Emma Stone's unusual waffle dress, very striking.
Coleman did say backstage that Weisz left to feed her baby.
Some of y'all really need a reduced-sodium diet. Glenn has class and beautifully took it in stride, so why can't you? This is not to mention that Colman was fantastic in The Favourite and gave a charming speech. There's no reason to believe Stone's enthusiasm was anything but genuine. I'll be really bummed if what comes out of this whole thing is irrational, unnecessary cattiness toward Colman. Some of you gays need a more expansive canon of actresses to support, truly. Pettiness is not becoming.
I completely agree with everything you said, Blinking Cursor. When Bugeyes shouted 'I'm sorry' at the Golden Globes in that cutesey what, she did not sound sorry at all. If she were truly sorry, she should donate her ALOHA pay check to Asian actresses in the arts who are struggling.
She also sounded disingenuous af during her campaign for BLAH BLAH BLAND, when she said 'this is for anyone who's ever had the door shut in their face'. What about all the Asian actresses who's door you shut in their face by stealing their role?
I'm Chinese btw, and the lack of visibility of Asians in films really chaffs my ass. So yeah, I loathe Bugeyes.
But salt makes everything taste better!!! Salt adds flavor. People love their fucking salt.
Emma Stone may have been genuinely thrilled that her friend and co-star won, but she's not some bodhisattva, a being of enlightenment, compassion and selflessness. She is an actor that financially profited from a white washed role and then went on to win an Oscar herself.
Cry me a fucking river over her "good" character, yo.
Ryan T. and Tim -- thank you. I've been talking about the unnecessary dramatics and have only been met with more hostility. The outrage is ridiculous. Some people need to get more fulfilling lives! I was upset Glenn lost, but I'm not acting like she was assassinated by the Academy via Olivia Colman. It's serious, but it's definitely not THAT serious.
Anyway, yeah I was sad that Rachel Weisz didn't get a reaction shot! I assumed she left early or something lol. But cool that all three of The Favourite women now have Oscars.
Huppert's Oscar thief crying for Close's Oscar thief. I can believe.
@Emma, I just saw your post after posting my response to Tim. Anyway, yeah counter signing everything you wrote, too. I'm Chinese as well, and what Bugeyes - heh, love that shade, btw! - did really pisses me off.
If there's karma in this world, some shit will come back and bite Stone on the ass!
I'm just disappointed that all Bugeyes' stans come here to post about how wonderful and kind and supportive she is. Bitch is self serving, just admit it.
I'm old enough to remember when the comments here used to be good.
All I got from that Stone/STOLEman exchange was Emma doing some unnecessary camera-hogging. I agree that Weisz should have been around in the audience for reaction shots. Did she leave early with Craig? They have an infant and all.
Bye, how about reading any of the comments above yours? Just look EIGHT ahead and it will answer your question. But like everyone else here, you just came to vent and rage without conversing or thinking.
This stupid world just keeps getting exponentially stupider, lol. What a shame.
I agree that the Stone Aloha flap was bad and a red flag about her character and I didn't like La La Land and thought it was kinda racist and thought she was just alright in it.
Beyond that I don't have particularly strong feelings about Stone, nor am I able to infer much if anything about the genuineness of her excitement for Colman's win, which I found charming and shared in. It seems like a lot of people — not the people above who have some very legitimate criticisms about her — are finding literally any reason to aggressively stan for Close. That bothers me as a person who is happy for Colman and has enjoyed her work ever since seeing her in Hot Fuzz over ten years ago.
@J.J.: I did post without reading what was above me. You caught me, u condescending asshole. Bye.
Just an addendum because it's a little unclear who I'm addressing: I basically agree that Stone hasn't given us a lot of good reasons to go to bat for her and I don't really claim to know or care if she's a good person, but Glenn Close fans are knives out right now and it's pretty tacky and Colman and Stone are getting caught in the crossfire.
To echo what others have said, there was NOTHING cute or endearing about this speech, win or Stone's reaction. It's "Crash" all over again, only a thousand times worse. The xenophobic, sexist and ageist attitudes which cost Glenn her win must be addressed!
When will the academy stop being so xenophobic towards American actresses?
Obviously someone has multiple usernames here and he/she is answering each other with one purpose: trolling. It's so obvious from the way this person writes. We just have to ignore him/her.
Hey, I just see her being happy for her co-star and such. I like Emma Stone. I wish I had a friend like her.
I thought she was terrific in The Favourite and loved her reaction to Olivia Colman's win.
I side-eye her for 'Aloha,' and also for being friends with Jennifer Lawrence.
While I'm bitterly disappointed for Glenn, Olivia's win is growing on me... But does anyone else think Stone will go down as the best performance of the three ladies? She was certainly MY Favourite.
Xenophobic? I'm actually laughing out loud in the library right now. People seem to be using their big boy words without knowing what those big boy words mean...
Loved her reaction.
Hating the hate
@Philip H., My last post was a parody of (some) butthurt Close fans... I was trying to be funny and mimick the comments in Nat's article yesterday, which did say a 'xenophobic' British bias counted for Coleman's win. Sorry for using my Big Boy words!
I need to be friends with Emma Stone and Melissa McCarthy!!
Emma reactions to Olivia wins is priceless!!! So unique! Did you all know that Olivia refuses to see Emma alone / travel alone during the shooting of The Favourite and made Emma sleeps in her house during all the shooting to Emma feel embrace and welcome (not alone)? Hollywood Reporter or Vanity Fair issues for The Favourite has more details.
Glenn is my Favourite actress of all time but something makes me think that she didn't come to win last Sunday. a feeling that is not now, not for this role. I was right. Breaks my heart see her Not Oscar winner yet but some loser moments makes better to a carrier.
Did u all know that Alfonso Cuaron wants to work with Glenn?
And Spielberg (they talked during the Vanity Fair Party)?
Reese Whiterspoon (linking for material to produce for Glenn and Amy Adams)?
Francis "Kate Winslet / Saoirse Ronan Ammonite" Lee (looks Guy Lodge twists about how Glenn Close could win a Oscar)?
And someone please look Bjorn Runge Instagram last posts! He was in LA knowing the city (especially Sunset Blvd itself and around), having reunions with Netflix and Focus Features. With a producer side by side of him.
Glenn let a note on his photo of a pool saying she is recovering from the awards season exaustingness and happy to see him back to work. Her too.
I think he is the director who accept to direct Sunset Blvd. 😱
@Nathaniel: hire someone to discover this!
@Tim, for the record I was rooting for Glenn. When the oscar for Best Actress was being announced, I had the fingers on both hands crossed (for luck) and was chanting 'Glenn! Glenn! Glenn!' in the hopes that she would win. That said, I have nothing against Coleman for winning. I'm just really sad and devastated for Glenn, who has graced us with multiple wonderful performances that are more than worthy of being honored with an oscar. As it has been pointed out, Glenn's advancing age and chances of being nominated again are not high, and that just adds additional pain to her loss.
@thevoid99 - welp, different strokes for different folks (and there's no accounting for taste...or lack thereof....). Personally, I would have a really difficult time being friends with someone like Stone (see my above comments for my reasons).
Peacing out...
Please. Emma Stone just does not know what to do if she isn’t part of the conversation.
But seriously, can y'all imagine her Cruella? Lmao, I'm cringing in anticipation. Will they make her evil through bad parents or a bad lover? Can she even laugh?
James -- ooooh I see. The satire was lost on me because people really sound that hyperbolic these days...thank you for the humor; much needed. Carry on my friend.
Stop normalizing this treatment towards a just win. It’s being treated like it was a hate crime. Glenn was treated fairly, losing to a better performance for an award for this year, not career achievement.
Huppert's slightly less deserving Oscar defeator, crying for Close's fair amount bettet Oscar defeater. I can believe.
OMG, STOLEman, I’m so fetch you guys!