Watch at Home: What/If life were a Cabaret, Greta?

Nathaniel R giving you the heads up on what's available to you now to screen at home.
New on DVD/Blu-Ray
• Climax - Gaspar Noe's latest provocation about an orgiastice dance troup on drugs
• Greta - Opinions are split on this femme thriller at TFE HQ but yours truly is on the 'Did Neil Jordan forget how to make movies?' side of said split.
Notable iTunes 99¢ Deals
• Cabaret - OMG you guys. See Bob Fosse's masterpiece (well, his first masterpiece. There was another one seven years later) for only a dollar...
Then read our in-depth retrospective which was thrilling for us to do. And while you're at it binge Fosse/Verdon and tell us how many Liza films you've seen.
• Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy - Narrated by Joel Grey and only a dollar just in time for Tony Awards week.
• The Man Who Killed Hitler and then the Bigfoot - Somehow this one slipped by our knowledge last year. It's a genre mishmash B movie starring Sam Elliott and the title says it all one supposes.
New to Streaming
-It's going to be okay.
-How do you know?
-Because we have each other.
WHAT/IF (Season 1 on Netflix)
Uh-oh. It's like this guy is asking for trouble. Doesn't he know this is a pilot episode? Renée Zellwegger stars but our streaming roulette wheel didn't land on her for this screencap.
BEN IS BACK (2018)
See a great Julia Roberts performance in a so-so movie!
You guys... I think a whole other universe could exist?
THE FLASH (Season 5 on Netflix)
I loved this show so much in Season 1 and it went downhill so fast once it added the multi-verse, a more serious tone, and kept repeating "evil speedster" as its big bad of every season. But I recently watched Season 4 which was a big improvement. Perhaps a new showrunner? But boo on multi-verses and multiple earths. This is obviously where the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going and it ruins comic book stories in the long run. Without exception we'd argue. What it eventually does is remove all stakes. Everything is temporary and do-overs are constant and the plotting also becomes impenetrable for casual fans -- this has happened over and over again in comic book properties.
[Creepy 1970s theme music]
Speaking of do-overs. Chris Feil gave this the thumbs down and we trust him.
• Riverdale -S3, She's Gotta Have It -S2, Supergirl - S4, Outlander S1 and S2 (Netflix)
• Lulu on the Bridge, Morning Glory (Hulu / Prime)
• Game of Thrones: The Last Watch, Running with Beto (HBO)
P.S. Dolly Parton would like to remind you that a certain movie is celebrating its 30th anniversary and there is a new blu-ray out to do so (which we somehow didn't catch when researching this post)...
Hey y’all! Still can’t believe it’s already been 30 years! Grab your girls and celebrate the 30th anniversary of Steel Magnolias on Blu-ray today!
— Dolly Parton (@DollyParton) May 28, 2019

Reader Comments (10)
Actually, Fosse has a third masterpiece TWO years after Cabaret.
Yes! Lenny (1974) is streaming on Amazon Prime, y’all.
What/If has to be seen to be believed. Zellweger is chewing Madeleine Stowe-in-Revenge-level scenery, and bless her for it. The rest of the cast, however (Jane Levy excepted), is as generic and uninteresting as a WalMart ad.
Halloween (2018) was fine, and Jamie Lee Curtis is a bonafide treasure, but the storyline really makes zero sense.
P.S. Poor Daryl Hannah. Steel Magnolias was, oddly enough, it for her till Kill Bill. What happened?
Awww Steel Magnolias, I loved that movie as a young 'un.
Greta is worth seeing for Huppert's bonkers performance. Someone should cast her in a good horror film.
Not a Julia Roberts fan, but she was great in Ben Is Back.
Is anyone streaming All That Jazz!? I can't find it anywhere and need it...NOW.
Oh oh... I literally just finished the soapy but entertaining What/If ... and oh my lord ... Like Pelosi I'm staring to pray .... for Mrs Zellweger and her "Judy". With her new face, her former sometimes strangely charming mannerism seems to be nearly grotesque... so little seems to be real in her acting choices - what is she doing ? I really wish her a new breakthrough but I think she's not stretching her wings at all... :-(
... oh and to end on a high - I loved Lucas Hedge fantastic performance in Ben - what a legend next to Julia
Climax rules and everyone who fell over themselves to write it off as empty provocation should be ashamed.
What! MORNING GLORY is streaming on Prime/Hulu? Loved Rachel McAdams’ performance in it. If there was a roulette stop for it, it’d be hilarious if it was that makeout scene with Patrick Wilson.