Joan Castleman got there first

Joan Castleman might have had to watch her husband win her rightful Nobel, but she got to the Oscars before him. She lost the film award to Queen Anne of the United Kingdom while her dishonest spouse failed to launch a campaign for Best Supporting Actor. This year, John Castleman finally followed in his wife’s footsteps even if his chances at winning are much slimmer than hers were. We can only guess this is a bit of karmic justice for that eternally bereaved wife whose ghostwriting went so horribly uncredited throughout her life.
Silliness aside, Jonathan Pryce is finally an Oscar nominee and, whatever one might think about The Two Popes, that honor is still worth celebrating…
Pryce has been awards-worthy for ages and he’s no stranger to the type of prestige drama that usually nabs veteran British actors slews of Oscar nods. Back in 1995, he won the Best Actor award at Cannes and seemed well-poised to get some awards traction but, apart from the BAFTAs, most big organizations ignored the Welsh thespian. For those (like me) who dislike The Two Popes, one can always try to look at his recent nomination as recognition of a whole career rather than a response to the individual merits of his performance as Pope Francis.
Of course, considering his troubling track record, Pryce’s nom might be more attributable to the movie’s buzz than to any great love for him as an actor. Lest we forget, The Two Popes was written by Anthony McCarten, a screenwriter with a most curious of Oscar trajectory. For the past few years, three Best Actor winners starred in biopics written by him. The Theory of Everything, Darkest Hour and Bohemian Rhapsody were all penned by the screenwriter and now he has The Two Popes in the running.
With Phoenix and Driver in the Best Actor line-up, we guess McCarten’s winning streak will end, but we should never discount the improbable possibility of a surprise victory for Pryce. Alternatively, this might be the time for the writer to win instead of his script’s performers. One never knows for sure and, even if this year’s nominations didn’t arbor many surprises, the eventual wins may defy all expectations. Hope is everlasting.
How would you feel if John Castleman won the Oscar the year after Joan was so shockingly defeated?
Reader Comments (36)
I know the 20 performances Oscar picked aren't exciting as a whole. But it's hard to argue with many of them, individually.
The Two Popes is a striking and exquisitely acted movie. I love how (as opposed to The Wife here, or Judy) they got the flashback sequences so right. I'm glad Hopkins and especially Pryce fought through such crowded fields to make the lineup.
I'd take those two over all the actors from The Irishman.
Oh boy, even with moderation this comment section should be a shit show. Drink anytime someone says "stole" "robbed" or some variation on "Olivia Stoleman". I mean that last one is still better than "ScarJo 3:16", but that doesn't make it any less cringe.
If he were a legitimate threat to win, I would answer the question, but I know he's not, so [insert shrug emoji here].
Obviously, Price was helped tremendously by The Wife (at least that's my opinion) without which I don't think he would have been shortlisted.
Happy for Pryce, he did a great job. Unlike Hopkins, who couldn't decide on an accent and sounded like he phoned the whole thing in. Which has been the case with his acting for decades now.
Honestly, after last year with Green Book beating Roma and especially Colman beating Close, I felt so over the Oscars. This year's crop of nominees only confirmed that for me.
He was Jack in Jumpin' Jack Flash (1986).
I'm not even going to answer.
Apparently Glenn Close is the only American actress who needs to be in a masterpiece with at least 7-8 Oscars nominations and a Palme d'Or to win Best Actress. Meryl can win her third with The Iron Lady, Renée her second with Judy and Sandra Bullock her first with The Blind Side.
Have a nice day.
He was actually great in this, so happy he got the nomination. I thought the flashbacks were handled a bit clumsily (I would've shortened that sequence and put them in the beginning as a preamble), but he embodied the Pope excellently.. it feels like you spent 2 hours with the actual man.
Isn't that a bit of a spoiler? Seriously.
I think it's A solid film but Hopkins dominated in a more subtle way.
Also, I rewatched one of 2018's great films, Blindspotting. And upon second viewing, Casal is also a lead, rather than supporting. So in my personal ballot, until a rewatch, I now have Pryce as supporting and my winner, rather than near miss.
If he was campaigned as supporting, I can't understand the lack of traction last year. Also, he's outstanding in this film.
Also, JF is right. The flashbacks in the other films were not great, but they were in The Two Popes. Only issue is that the last one, in particular, went on too long and detracted from the main story. Kind of loke some old criticisms of The Godfather Part II, only not inaccurate lol.
@peggy sue - It's downright cruel how unfairly they've treated Glenn Close. It's just shocking, really.
The BAFTA win really put Colman over the top (in addition to her fine performance, of course). The BAFTAs have their awards timed just right for maximum late effect on the Oscar race. Being a "national treasure" helped Olivia a lot last year. I'm sure the BAFTAs will have no trouble awarding Renee for her OK performance this year.
Brie won for not covering her pimple with any makeup.
I have one The Favorite dvd to sell! I think IT was a huge mistake to purchase, but my The Wife dvd is not for sale!!! Rather Glenn and Jonathan than Colman/Weisz/Stone!!
Pryce is fabulous in THE TWO POPES! (Though I'm admittedly still surprised he managed to edge out both Bale and Egerton.)
I think you meant to say three Best Actor winners, not four (unless you're THAT confident about Pryce's chances!).
I love him in Carrington and I’m glad he’s an Oscar nominee now. Mrs Castleman’s loss still hurts, even if Queen Olivia is a treasure
Joan Castleman - This comment took me out! XD
Uh, gosh... umm.... oh, my god... eeeh... don't know what to say.... eeeh... thank you, I guess... ehh... I'm pissed. Bugger! Bye!
I came here to read about Pryce’s much-deserved Oscar nomination and LOL, we’re back to the never ending Glenn Close sobfest. Beyond ridiculous now. Get over it.
Jonathan -- Well spotted. The mistake has been fixed. I'm sorry for it and, as always, thank you for the feedback.
@Goodbar: It's pretty obvious what the angle of this post was from the title and photo. I think you may be the one who needs to get over the fact that people on this site will continue to talk about Glenn Close's loss.
1. He won in 1995 at Cannes. 1995 for actor, while not as deep and broad as actress, was still seriously stacked.
2. I like Jonathan Pryce and it's nice when a long term stalwart gets a nomination, but the only film I'm really enthusiastic about him in, after Carrington, is Regeneration. Brazil too, but that's really a directorial achievement for me.
The Two Popes is boring but I am happy for Pryce.
Othiefia Stoleman robbed that Oscar and you all know it.
My favourite tweet about Pryce’s nomination (apologies to the author for not remembering who) was that we would soon discover that Pryce's acting in 2 popes was actually done by Close.
I am happy with the nomination but somewhat surprised it broke through.
@Goodbar these people REALLY need to get over the Glenn Close-Olivia Coleman episode. Sounds like a broken record over and over!! We are here to talk about Jonathan Pryce. Goodness gracious!
I'd say the greatest Hamlet of our era got an Oscar.
In a post with both /3rtful and Peggy Sue (both shockingly level headed) Fadhil provided the full trash heap comment? Ouch man, eat a snickers or take a nap or something because that’s a pathetic place you’be put yourself. Even the almost always miss ‘Joan Castleman’ handle got off likely their first comment. We will pray for you.
I'm happy for him that he can now go on as an Oscar nominee, but my personal feelings towards Pryce cannot change the way I feel about THE TWO POPES that it is a toxic work of film that I loathe in almost every conceivable way.
As a fun throwaway line or two the Castleman angle for the article is fine, but as it is, very clickbaity. Especially since the worst offenders of Close/Colman visciousness was not imposters, but regulars and those being imitated.
Glenn Dunks;
You have no right to loathe it the way you do. It's unconscionable that people think they have a right to see things the way they decide.
It you're a thoughtful person, don't slander.
I'm with Glenn.
Grorl -- i find it hilarious that a post about a 72 year old non "star" actor Jonathan Prycee that mentions THE WIFE which people joked endlessly and stupidly about in the vein of "nobody saw it" (even though people did in its yar) would be deemed *clickbait*... only at THE FILM EXPERIENCE would those topics be considered clickbait. ;)
I'm still traumatized by Pryce's turn as the High Sparrow (esp. what did to Margaery!) on Game of Thrones!