Toni Collette is winning in "Dream Horse"

Abe Fried-Tanzer reporting from Sundance...
Toni Collette is an incredibly versatile actress. In just the last two years, she has enthralled indie horror fans in Hereditary, hilariously parodied GOOP excess in Knives Out, and impressed Netflix viewers with her tremendous turn as a no-nonsense cop in Unbelievable. In comparison, her latest turn as a Welsh bartender with big dreams, may seem tame or even unchallenging. Yet Collette is always up to the task and prepared to deliver...
Dream Horse, which is screening in the Premieres section at Sundance 2020, is an adaptation of an award-winning documentary from Sundance 2015 called Dark Horse. The story follows a woman named Jan (Collette) who, frustrated with her boring life, decides to create a syndicate and breed a horse. Her main partners-in-crime are her husband Brian (Owen Teale) and an accountant named Howard (Damian Lewis) with a history of going all-in on questionable bets. Their syndicate is made up of predictable types, including a local butcher, the town drunk, and an older woman with nothing else to do. They name their prized horse 'Dream Alliance' in honor of their partnership, and, from there, its off to the races.
This premise may sound quite familiar, but this true story has a genuine heart to it. There’s such a sense of wonder and happiness present on each of the character’s’ faces when they show up to a race proudly wearing their owners’ badges, and a sincere glee and joy when their horse performs admirably. Jan, who sports the same hair clip each day, is most concerned about the livelihood of the horse, gradually exerting a leadership role over her colleagues as she builds a self-confidence she’s never possessed. Collette is just as endearing as the film, serving as a surrogate for the audience in holding her breath as Dream Alliance trots out and begins to run every time. This film is reminiscent of past crowdpleasers like Pride and The Grand Seduction, chronicling a narrative that may not be entirely unique but, thanks to the uplifting and human qualities of its characters and performances, ends up being a real winner.
Reader Comments (10)
She seems to be having a bit of a moment and is building career momentum. I'm guessing she'll win an Oscar within the next five years.
I can't wait to hear Toni Collette's Welsh accent. If anybody can pull it off, it'd be her.
Schmeebs, if Collette does win in the next five years then that's basically the ladies of The Hours accounted for at the Oscars apart from Miranda Richardson.
I hope Collette’s accent is ok cuz I don’t think I can stand the vitriol from UK viewers who obsess about “dodgy” regional accents despite otherwise good performances. Euros Lyn is a talented director (and Welsh); have high hopes for this one as we need more crowd pleaser films.
Collette has shown she can do it all. It would be nice to see her lead a real audience pleaser (read moneymaker).
Pam - consider me guilty of that. The latest offender? Christian Bale in Ford v Ferrari. I think Collette will be absolutely fine.
Has been one of my favorite actors since I saw her in
Japanese Story.
I'd be shocked if Collette had an issue with any accent she attempted. Watch United States of Tara and you'll know what I mean.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the best thing about this Toni Colette mini-renaissaince, that started with "Hereditary", is hearing from so many people IRL that they love her. I didn't know she was treasured so much outside of weirdo cinephiles.
Toni is on a roll. Loving this so much. Thank you for this review.
I am just thankful she is getting great roles