Podcast: For our season finale, Oscar night, naturally!

with Nathaniel R, Murtada Elfadl, and Nick Davis
On this week's podcast, we three Oscarphiles unite to talk about the big night: Parasite's win, Brad's speech, Bong Joon Ho mania, Fonda's magnificence, the musical performances, our hopeful takeaways from the big night... and who we are rooting for among the nominees for a next great Oscar winning act.
You can listen to the podcast here at the bottom of the post or download from iTunes. Continue the conversations in the comments, won't you?
Reader Comments (27)
You don't have a streaming link.
No movie needs two Oscars for Best Picture.
/3rtful - fixed
This was such a good time. Thank you to all three of you!
Nick, the 2019 Ballot you posted the other day is delicious. Do you have plans to release ballots for other recent years? Curious about how you'd manage to narrow down the 2017 and 2018 actress lineups, especially
The way the acting clips were done was like the year of "The King's Speech" in BP where all the clips were a jumble but thematically narrated by Colin Firth's big radio speech. That should have informed me back then just how in the tank the Academy was for "The King's Speech" over "The Social Network," but I digress. Hindsight and all. But I thought the acting clips were great, and at least they weren't cut! The BP presentations during the show were cut, which at first I didn't like b/c I want each nominee to have a showcase, but I see it helped to streamline the show. Presenters presenting presenters is ridiculous! All is forgiven now with "Parasite" winning the biggies tho (well, "forgiven" for "Green Book," at least, but never forgotten).
Frank Langella won a Tony for "The Father." Wonder why he couldn't reprise the role in film? Could be a contender for Anthony Hopkins.
If Jane Fonda touched my cheek like that, I'd fall over dead from bliss.
Just discovered the whole Oscar-cast is streaming on Hulu (without commercials!) Great to rewatch it after listening to your podcast.
One of my favorite, untalked about moments; the short doc filmmakers, especially the woman who got a student Academy Award in the 70s from Frank Capra and called it the boost she needed to survive 40 years in the industry. Testify, sister.
And I'm like Nick, I got teary-eyed watching Eminem. Nothing said "generational change in the Academy" better than watching Anthony Ramos, Kelly Marie Tran and Zazie Beetz sing along to every lyric.
@Malick: No movie won 2 awards for best picture.
Great podcast as ever, guys! Having said that, I was shocked when you said the only acting legends presenting were Fonda and Weaver, when Diane Keaton was there!!
Like murtada, I have wondered if Saoirse could finally win Supporting Actress next year for Ammonite. It does sound as though Winslet has the larger role and will likely be campaigned in Best Actress.
Phoenix was the perfect example, the embodiment of what Gervais was talking about on his Globes Speech. Multimillionaire, spoiled celebrities trying to lecture the world on how to live.
He is passionate about veganism, and fine by me. He is free to live hisnlige as he chooses. But to go on and on about cows and milk on stage, it is the embodiment of what Gervais was saying. You know nothing about the real world you have no ideia how real people live, you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg, thank your agent and leave.
Does he know how expansive veganism is? That a strict vegan like him needs supplements, nutritionists, vitamins, periodic medical exams, and so on?
People need to eat. People need to feed their children.most people eat whatever they can, on their half hour break from their work shift. People kust feed their families.
Many people cant afford organic food, let alone go vegan. Its easy for him to preach on Others, while sitting on his many millions and having special meals prepared to him by his private chef.
And as I say that as someone who, while not vegan, only buys organic chicken, fruits, vegetables, milk and eggs, and try to buy from local farmers as much as possible. But I am fully aware that this is not possible for everyone.
Movie Stars are the most spoiled people on the planet
(How expensive veganism is) sorry about the mistake.
Carlos -- i apologize for the Diane Keaton erasure. Very bad form of me. I loves me some Keaton.
I know lots of vegans who don't have a lot of money and do just fine living their values affordably.
Joaquin gave a heartfelt speech about his ethical world view, which is backed up by his civil disobedience and behind the scenes work getting Hollywood to implement plant based menus for the first time at awards shows. Why pile on him as an example of spoiled movie stars? We all use our voices as best we can, with the platforms we have.
whunk, Racist
Nathaniel – apologies accepted on her behalf... I know you do! ;)
Saving it for the weekend to ease the withdrawal syndrome.
I got so many questions: against or in favor of the new acting clips? Jonathan Pryce was barely in the montage. What's the next rule that the Academy is going to break? Hope is voting for hot male actors...
I love the new acting clips. 1) it provide the Oscars a chance to show more than the same clip that you have seen many time in interviews and other award shows and 2) it creates some connection among the acting nominees, which I love. The "mother" angle for supporting actress, for example, is quite lovely.
As for Phoenix, I think it was smart that he was appealing to the higher up people to develop more (and cheaper) means to be vegans versus imploring everyone to change their lifestyles right now. At least that how I read the following:
"But human beings at our best are so creative and inventive, and we can create, develop and implement systems of change that are beneficial to all sentient beings and the environment."
But I do think it is interesting that he basically made an acceptance speech without thanking anyone. I wonder if that's a first.
I like the idea but not the execution. They don't have equal time or relevance. Pryce was barely in it and Laura's killer monologue was reduced to a sentence. Also, they used the scene when Banderas says "the best actor is not the one cries but the one who fights the tears" and THEN they added the fight scene in Marriage Story and Joaquín doing his thing in Joker. Shady.
Othiefia Stoleman looks older than Fonda.
@Malilck: Why don't you busy yourself campaigning for Donald tRump?
OMG Tyler, you are so Fetch!!!
What a great podcast! Murtada continues to raise important questions which makes listening a joy. Nick & Nat , always as good as it gets.
On a side note, I am a vegan. $30 thousand a year. One does not need J Rivers money to achieve a very simple goal. The mythology by so many stupid people who shriek about the impossibility of veganism without a private chef are right-wing fanatics, children without experience, or guilty hob-nobblers who rely on Kathy Bates. Re-watch the movie. He gets free!
What a great podcast! Murtada continues to raise important questions which makes listening a joy. Nick & Nat , always as good as it gets.
On a side note, I am a vegan. $30 thousand a year. One does not need J & River Phoenix money to achieve a very simple goal. The mythology by so many stupid people who shriek about the impossibility of veganism without a private chef are right-wing fanatics, children without experience, or guilty hob-nobblers who rely on Kathy Bates for sustenance and pork pie. Re-watch the movie. He gets free!
What a great podcast! Murtada continues to raise important questions which makes listening a joy. Nick & Nat , always as good as it gets.
On a side note, I am a vegan. $30 thousand a year. One does not need Joaquin & River Phoenix money to achieve a very simple goal. The mythology by so many stupid people who shriek about the impossibility of veganism without a private chef are right-wing fanatics, children without experience, or guilty hob-nobblers who rely on Kathy Bates for sustenance and pork pie. Re-watch the movie. Caan gets free!
Apologies for the unwanted tri-peats. There goes drunk editing! Forget about history :(