Posterized: Harrison Ford

by Nathaniel R
Harrison Ford has been a major star for our whole lives but Call of the Wild (2019), opening today nationwide, is actually the first time in many years that studios have trusted his name alone to sell a picture. Well, that and a CGI dog, but the solo name (no pun intended) above the title is still worth noting.
Ford, who is now 77, has been a regular on movie screens for over 50 years and his films have amassed over $9 billion dollars globally. But he wasn't always a superstar. In the 1970s he wasn't just acting for filmmakers but also doing carpentry jobs to support his then wife and sons (Francis Ford Coppola famously hired him as a carpenter before casting him in The Conversation and Apocalypse Now). The rest, of course, is showbiz history.
How many of his 49 pictures (excluding uncredited appearances and voice only roles) have you seen? All 49 posters are after the jump as well as a breakdown of his career in chapters...
Chapter 1. Sometime Actor / Sometime Carpenter (1967-1977)
The bit parts, sometimes uncredited began in 1966 when Ford was 24 years old. Curiously his first credited role A Time For Killing (also known as The Long Ride Home) was in a film where the top billed player's last name was also Ford (Glenn Ford). Harrison's casting in George Lucas's American Graffiti (the first of three consecutive films he appeared that nabbed Best Picture nominations) was the game changer. It led to a little film called Star Wars.
Chapter 2. Rising Star (1977-1980)
Star Wars pushed his name up the credits lists of various pictures and gave him a few headlining opportunities like Hanover Street and The Frisco Kid. A second round of Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back ended the "rising star" status -- he had officially risen.
Chapter 3. Superstar (1981-1998)
Star Wars was the launch pad/test ground but it was actually Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) that made Ford a true superstar and the only bankable member of the Star Wars cast outside of that galaxy far far away. Hit (Witness) after hit (Working Girl) after hit (Patriot Games) after hit (The Fugitive - his 8th and final time in a Best Picture nominated film) after hit (Air Force One) followed for two decades. His superstar years also gave him his one and only Oscar nomination (Witness), underrated dramas (Presumed Innocent), auteur curiousities (Mosquito Coast and Frantic), more Indy and Han Solo outings and his third legacy role as Rick Decard in Blade Runner, a flop that over time became one of the most influential and beloved pictures of the 1980s.
Chapter 4. The Fade (1999-2014)
The descent from superstar status happens to almost all A+ listers eventually. What Lies Beneath and a fourth go at Indiana Jones were his only blockbuster hits over the next 15 years with many films fading quickly into obscurity whether they were underperformers (Hollywood Homicide, Morning Glory, Ender's Game) or fast-fade successes (Cowboys & Aliens). He also returned to supporting roles which he had done approximately none since 1979 (42, Expendables 3, Anchorman 2)
Chapter 5. Legacy Comeback (2015-2020)
Hollywood's discovery of "legacy reboots" where they essentially remake a series by sequelizing it (rather than fully rebooting it) and give the original stars the chance to pass the torch ONSCREEN to a new generation of stars, has been very kind to Harrison Ford. It's resulted in great reviews, successful films, and served as a hard-to-miss reminder to audiences of how brightly his star has burned over the past 40 years of pop culture.
So now Harrison Ford is the sole headliner again via Call of the Wild. Do you plan on seeing it?
Reader Comments (32)
I've never particularly been a fan of Ford's (he's a good actor - I've never gotten his broody appeal), though I would see Call of the Wild - it's a classic story, and hopefully they've done right by it.
I will say was surprised at a couple of the films Ford has been in.Apocalypse Now and The Conversation? Wow, I had no idea, they're both such classic films, good for him!
I'm sure I will see it but the common complaint is the same one I shared from the first trailer viewing - the CGI looks TERRIBLE. I'm actually shocked this made it to theatrical release - considering it's a Disney film it seems much more suited for the streaming service.
Posterized is back!
He will always be THE movie star of my lifetime. Shockingly underrated at times but also, boy, does he need someone pushing him at other times. But when he is on, he stands up there with the best of Golden Era movie stars. Just watch Working Girl...what a light touch.
As for Ford the actor - obvs as an 80s kid he's got a special place in my movie-loving heart but I think we can clearly see his limitations. Charisma in spades, can be very good with very good direction.
Ford has a single Oscar nomination for Best Actor for Witness. Yet, Best Picture nominees Raiders, Star Wars, The Fugitive and Working Girl are great in large part to his performances.
Ford reminds me of Cary Grant, a beloved movie star whose underplaying never received the recognition it deserved.
Only 22. Huh.
Surprising omissions: Frantic, Mosquito Coast, Sabrina.
Surprising additions: Heroes, which I saw in the theater, because I was a big fan of "Happy Days."
Making a Harrison Ford movie poster is a little like making a Phil Collins album cover: just focus on his face, and you're all set.
I remember seeing 23. Maybe a few more beyond that? I should watch Frantic again. And perhaps K-19 (never saw it).
32 of them, and almost everything between "Star Wars" and "What Lies Beneath"
Some of those latter day ones.... did they go straight to video? "Paranoia"? "Crossing Over"?
Gallons of Charisma, but really limited as an actor. But he does what he does so well.
Hoping the best for "Indiana Jones 5".
I have seen everything from 77 - 09 then Only the odd few if the cast were good.
Top 5 performances in no order
Star Wars
The Mosquito Coast
Presumed Innocent
But you missed his cameo in Sacha Baron Cohen's Brüno...
Nice to posterize Harrison Ford.
I've seen 24.
His superstar years were my childhood and teens, so like Tom M, he's THE movie star for me.
Yep, I'm up for Call of the Wild if I get the chance.
I'm not convinced that RANDOM HEARTS is actually a movie, lol.
Has anyone seen this? Kristin Scott Thomas?? Mind blown.
Seen-38. I really fell off after Air Force One. I've seen everything before.
I remember he gave a terrific performance in his small role in Heroes. Some of his choices have been odd and some of the movies empty but he's appeared in his fair share of excellent pictures and for the most part has always done solid to outstanding work.
I'm not chomping at the bit to see Call of the Wild but if the opportunity presents itself I'm not adverse to it.
I know people say his range is limited, but this guy successfully pulled off classic Americana (American Graffiti), space Western (all the Star Wars movies), action adventure (Indiana Jones movies), paranoia detective thrillers (The Conversation, Witness, Presumed Innocent, The Fugitive, the Jack Ryans), all-time sci-fi (Blade Runner), rom-com (Working Girl, Sabrina), and horror (What Lies Beneath).
Harrison Ford can hold his own.
Only 16. I always like Harrison Ford. But he is just so Han Solo to me that I'm not drawn to see a movie because of him.
I've seen 24 of his films and don't plan on catching the most recent one. Outside of the franchises my favorite might be What Lies Beneath.
DAVID, it indeed is an actual movie which I saw in the theater with my father upon its initial release. It so was not what I expected.
I’ve seen 35 out of 49.
My favourites are:
Blade Runner (1980s), Blade Runner (2010s)
All the Star Wars
What Lies Beneath
Morning Glory
Age of Adeline
I would have been happy if he had won Best Actor for Witness, and Best Supporting Actor for Blade Runner 2045. I think his acting skills have been under-rated (although some of those 35 movies I have no interest in seeing again).
“Call of the Wild”? Never, ever, ever. The book with its story of the poor dog being being kidnapped, beaten, starved, tortured, was too scarring. Now it’s “feel good”? Eewww
34 based on these posters though the one poster that is missing is Zabriskie Point where he has a small appearance in that film.
41. We just finished a retrospective on dvd. Loved him till 1997. "Witness" and "Working Girl" are our favorite ones.
thevoid -- i excluded all uncredited appearances which is why zabriskie point is missing.
now i feel responsible for the fade - i was loyal until ‘the fugitive’ but i’ve only seen the misguided ‘indiana jones & the kingdom of cate blanchett’s accent’ since
oh well, we had a good run
It is a very good work and has many meaningful values
Not really interested in Call of the Wild... IF reviews are stellar and hint some campaigning in the Robert Redford's All is Lost fashion, I might give it a try. Because this clearly looks like an Oscar vehicle, in advance, echoes of The Revenant but more family friendly?
Thirty and counting- Mr Ford is a great modern movie star who is still going strong at 77.
Seventeen, and he has not been a major star for my whole life.
I will not be seeing "Call of the Wild" but I do think Ford is underappreciated - not to the level where he deserves recognition alongside Cary Grant (someone mentioned that upthread, lol) but he's a consistent presence in cinema and has some total classics at his side (Blade Runner, Witness, Working Girl). This movie looks like crap but good for him.
Oh finally ! My partner is waiting for this movie been made for years now ... (but his favourite movie is also "The Man from Snowy River" bless his heart - lol) so I definitely have to see it ...
Good for Ford - great cast !
I was very taken by his perfectly balanced cheeky brittle charm in the early Star Wars & Indie Jones movies - and followed him gladly in his superstar stage for good action & entertainment - but I've seen a lot of his mediocre performances to really warm up to him.
Would be nice if Call of the Wild will give him a platform to shine ! He's a superstar - who does not need an Honorary Academy Award
I don't understand the use of the CGI dog in a story that is a celebration of the real thing- yes for some dangerous action scenes I can see it- but the entire movie ?!
That nine year run from 1980-89 is almost unimpeachable. My God
Two sets of the best sequels ever, the most influential sci-fi movie (non-Star Wars) of the last 50 years, Witness, Mosquito Coast, Frantic and Working Girl.
Jesus Christ that run might never happen again.