Yes No Maybe So: Death on the Nile (2020)

Please welcome new contributor Josh Bierman...
The trailer for Death on the Nile, Kenneth Branagh’s latest Agatha Christie remake, arrived recently and we haven't discussed. Do we think this will be better than his previous venture Murder on the Orient Express or is it another vanity project? Let’s take a look...
• The cast is stacked and beautiful. It’s not as stacked and beautiful as the last movie, but that’s bound to happen when you’re losing Penelope Cruz, Michelle Pfeiffer, and that perennial sexpot Dame Judi Dench.
• It’s always a treat to see Sophie Okonedo in a movie. Even more of a treat to see her in period garb in front of an old timey microphone. Maybe she’s the hero 2020 needs.
• The two opening shots excited me. I’ve always wanted to go to Egypt and since March I’ve really wanted to leave my house. The film was shot on location, so here’s hoping we’re treated to more imagery like that and we can pretend we’re somewhere that isn’t our living room.
• One of the things the the remake of Murder on the Orient Express got right was having a keen eye for the period and that’s the case here, too. The costuming and production design are gorgeous and look faithful to the era.
• As a gay man, my first thought after watching was: Annette Bening is in this movie and you’re not going to feature her until :50 into the trailer? And when you do she’s making this face?! The first time I watched I literally blinked and only saw her for the first time at 1:26. (While I have a flair for hyperbole, I’m dead serious. I had to slow down the speed of the video to get that screenshot. The moment is THAT fleeting.) Maybe she’s barely in the movie or she’ll have her moments in another trailer. It’s more likely that they’re trying to pull in superhero movie lovers by prominently featuring Gal Gadot and Letitia Wright (no shade, I got a kick out of seeing them here). Regardless, that woman did not lose to Hilary Swank twice only to continue to be treated this poorly.
• I’m tempted to say “no” to this movie in general. Do we really need another go of Kenneth Branagh in this role? The first one was entertaining, but it left me wondering one thing: why? Sidney Lumet made a great version of Agatha Christie’s story in 1974 with a really fun performance from Albert Finney as Poirot. I’m not convinced Branagh added anything to either the story or his portrayal to warrant a remake, but....
• ....maybe it helps that this time around he’s remaking a film that wasn’t as popular as it’s predecessor. The 1974 adaptation was a box office success (just missing the top 10 of 1974 at #11) and garnered six Oscar nominations including a win for Ingrid Bergman. The original Death on the Nile was released in 1978 to mixed reviews and a middling box office. Despite its all star cast, it seems to have faded from the memory of moviegoers more than its predecessor (full disclosure: I haven’t seen the ‘78 version, though the cast is making me rethink that). Perhaps that works in Branagh’s favor? His movie won’t be in the shadow of an old Oscar favorite and there's room to improve on its lukewarm reception.
• I kept trying to figure out who was that bearded and bespectacled man featured multiple times. I thought it was maybe Oscar Isaac until the credits rolled and I was shocked to read that it was none other than filthy comic of yesteryear, Russell Brand! I haven’t seen him in years, though an IMDb search revealed he’s been on HBO’s Ballers for the last two years. Who would have thunk the former Mr. Katy Perry would turn up in an Agatha Christie whodunit? And this may be the quarantine brain talking, but he’s actually looking kind of cute. Glad to see he’s treated himself to a shower and a haircut. It’s more than I can say for most folks these days. Is Russell Brand on the verge of a career renaissance with his new poor man’s Oscar Isaac lewk? Probably not, but ~maybe so~.
By now I’ve pontificated as much as Poirot. What say you? Are you looking forward to Death on the Nile or would you rather die on the Nile?
Reader Comments (34)
I would normally be a no. But ... Bening, Okonedo, Saunders AND French? My gayness demands a viewing.
Yes on looking forward to seeing Gal Gadot being killed on screen.
No on the whole thing. Orient Express was an abomination, but I might still see this shite anyway lol
I think it can only help that this particular mystery is less well-known and hasn't been told as often. However, Poirot as a character does very little for me - Team Marple, through and through.
I'm a big Agatha Christie fan so I'm a yes even if the last movie was just fine. McKay is featured so prominently and beautifully in the trailer so she might be the MVP. She does have the best role on paper. Wright is playing the Olivia Hussey role from the 1978 version. In the novel her character gets some emotional moments and if Branagh is generous and gives her a scene to show that emotion she could be a contender for supporting actress. Her career is on the rise, she is recognizable (check out people on YouTube watching this trailer and they all point out her and Godot) and her character is pivotal to the plot.
Bening is playing a new character one not in the previous film or novel. I'd imagine her character is a combination of several smaller ones in the novel but who knows.
The movie looks beautiful. Cinematography and costume should be in consideration for awards.
Armie Hammer's mustache is incredibly bad. I wonder why, like the bustle, that style was ever in fashion.
Also, although not quite so dismissive as it is of Bening, this trailer isn't doing Dawn French any favors either.
The original Death on the Nile was so much FUN!
You should definitely check it out - Maggie Smith/Bette Davis/Angela Lansbury were great!
Not sure about this remake - I personally did not care for Branagh’s Poirot - but will probably watch just for Bening and Saunders/French.
I tend to loath Branagh’s work as a director, but when he goes trashy and unpretentious, his films can be fun. (I'm one of the few who liked his FRANKENSTEIN.) I didn't have as much of a problem with ORIENT EXPRESS as some people. It's not like he's doing (checks notes) Shakespeare (haha!) so a throw-everything-into-the-blender-and-hit-puree approach can work with something like this. I mean if Billy Crystal shows up with a skull waxing philosophical you wouldn't roll your eyes, right?
I love that they're actually making big budget period pieces, so this is a yes for me.
Love French and Saunders but they seem very out of place,apart from Bening where are the major stars like the 78 original,no real names.
Okenedo will not be able to top Lansbury's delirious drunken act in the 78 version.
I'll probably see it because I'm a Christie fan but my expectations are not high.
Branagh bled all the color and joy out of his remake of Orient Express leaving a harsh bitter shell and wasting a good cast. While the first Death on the Nile wasn't the delicious marvel that Lumet's Orient Express was it was a messier sort of fun with Angela Lansbury positively swallowing scenery whole and Bette Davis and Maggie Smith bitching the hell out of each other. I have no reason to think Branagh's remake will have any such delights in store, and he sure as hell is no Peter Ustinov.
That looks totally...unfun. I guess I will get around to it eventually but I don't expect it to be any better than just acceptable. Orient Express was pretty bad and this cast is a bit downmarket from that one, just in my opinion.
The first one was a good plane movie. Easy to watch, pretty scenery, and likeable actors. This one seems mostly the same, so if I'm ever on a plane again or when this gets to streaming, I'll watch. If Tenet didn't get me into a theater, this certainly won't.
I will say, I'm excited to Annette in a big budget film. She's always fun in these roles, and like Michelle was in Murder, I suspect she'll be good too. I'm also excited to see Rose Leslie, who was great on Downton and The Good Fight. Armie is a beautiful man and a solid actor, so it's hard to say no to this cast.
I find Gal Gadot a bit of a bore, but maybe this will change my mind.
The music on this trailer does not fit.
Did somebody say perennial?
I prefer the 70s Death on the Nile to Murder on the Orient Express. The murder itself has a much more satisfying solution, and the cast are having loads of fun.
I worry that what Branagh's missing here is the tongue in cheek delight that comes with these stories. His MotOE was far too bleak.
No. When it comes to this slop, I am the Queen of Denial.
You just don't do this to Annette, Agatha or any gay man.
No. Absolutely not.
My goodness - was just about to write that I’ve seen the original and remember nothing other than Lansbury going full-over-the-top... then I see Markgordonuk mention that SOPHIE OKONEDO is playing the character and all of a sudden my expectations go through the roof.
She’s an underrated comic actress (anyone who’s seen Anna Paquin’s glorious but little-watched Flack series, which should have been showered with Emmys and BAFTAs, will confirm this) and I just know that she’ll nail it...
I went from “after the last one hell no” to “yes please” in a millisecond...
Nope. Branagh ruined Orient Express with his terrible acting and terrible direction.
I saw the '78 version and remember absolutely nothing. Forgettable but enjoyable. The plot will genuinely surprise me -- it's that much of a blank (quite unlike '74's Murder on the Orient Express).
I'm a maybe. The trailer does nothing to turn me completely on or off; I'll wait for word of mouth.
I'm going with a maybe as I thought the last film was alright.
FWIW Bening's role is an original role that isn't in the novel. So lord only knows exactly what she's doing in the movie.
There are things I love about the 1978 version (costumes! music!) but) as much as I love Lansbury, Ustinov, Niven. Davis, and Smith in the 1978 version, it's not like that cast doesn't contain a lot of dud performances: the always awful Olivia Hussey, the vacant Lois Chiles, Jack Warden making it clear he's there for the paycheck, I.S. Johar doing that awful ethnic caricature that British filmmakers always made him do, and Mia Farrow's shallow performance as Jackie, just to name the worst offenders. So, I'm not of the mind that the 1978 version would be a hard version to top - but Branagh's take on Poirot took all the fun out of it for me in Orient Express, especially after the fascinating take David Suchet's Poirot series had on that novel just a few years before. I suppose I'll watch it, given that I'm a Christie completist, and I have hopes for Okonedo, so I'll be charitable here and give it "maybe so."
See the 78 version for what brilliant, stylish, and witty costume design is...This version looks flat..But I'll still see it
Sorry, this looks bad and trashy so a big NO!
Think Branagh should definitely stop doing these adaptations as they're awful. I get he's taking liberties and changing things from the books but imo they just don't work.
I mean it looks worse than the new Crook House TV movie from a couple of years ago.
Regarding the '78 version, Angela Lansbury is my winner that year and is unfortunately she didn't even get the nomination. At least she rightfully won the NBR for it.
The 1978 film is tons of fun.
Branagh's Poirot is maybe the worst performance I've seen in the last 5 years. But I'll endure it again given my love for Christie and French and Saunders, and Hammer seems a good fit for his role.
The 1978 version is a cinephile's dream.
Branagh should have doubled up the glamour. This just looks bland. Also, what's up with Hammer being in unnecessary remakes ?
In the UK Death On The Nile is as beloved as Orient Express. Both are on TV at least twice a year. I myself much prefer the former to the latter.
I refuse to watch any film starring Russell Brand. He's an idiot.
I am a big Agatha Christie fan, so I will watch this, but I'm really resenting Armie Hammer being in this and Rebecca.
1978 Version - had lot's of great scenery and that's what I'm here for. I have visited Egypt and it was a fabulous trip. Just give me those shots of Luxor.
It's a very creaky plot, and I hope that Annette Benning, Jennifer Saunders, and Dawn French get a chance to misbehave and make us all laugh.
The 1978 is tons of fun, and very actresssexual with all those ladies chewing the scenery. I'm a definite yes, as we do need to support these kinds of movies.
Also, VERY happy to hear that they filmed on location. The lack of real Eastern Europe beauty was one of the many detriments with MotOE.
Fingers crossed.
I'd be more excited without Branagh's name attached, and I don't dislike him. I'll probably see it, but I didn't see Orient Express.
I actually really enjoyed the 1978 version and I'm a fan of Ustinov's Poirot but I wanna be optimistic. Yep, we need Sophie a lot! Bening's character isn't included in the original plot
A big no from me. Let's be honest. Apart from Bening and Okonedo, this is a trash cast. I love French and Saunders but I agree they are totally out of place here.
Maaaaaaaannnn common guys this looks like fun - some light A trash entertainment, what do u expect ?? I also was quite surprisingly disappointed by Orient Express but I definitely give Branagh another chance ! Like every good theatre play I think these grand Christie 70's adaptations needed a desperate revamp - I'm just missing the iconic old bat here - is Benning playing Bette's role - oh apparently not ? Dame Diana Rigg would have just been perfect for this - bless her heart !!! I'm in - rather this then another mutan, superhero or moody teenager!
Russell Brand is a big NO. I just can’t watch anything he’s in, no matter the size of the character.