Podcast: "Nomadland" and "The Nest"

with Nathaniel R & Murtada Elfadl
We're back for weekly podcasting now as the season revs up.
Index (58 minutes)
00:01 Virtual festivals pros & cons and blurry lines between film and TV
13:00 NYFF - Frances McDormand in Chloe Zhao's Nomadland
27:00 Ivory Coast's Night of Kings and the documentary Time
40:22 Sean Durkin's The Nest starring Jude Law and Carrie Coon
49:00 Boys in the Band in brief
56:00 Wrap up: French Exit is soon! Eeeeeee
Related Reading:
• Nathaniel's Review of Night of Kings
• All posts on Nomadland
• Murtada's Review of Boys in the Band
You can listen to the podcast here at the bottom of the post or download from iTunes. Continue the conversations in the comments, won't you?
Reader Comments (13)
Nice hair Carrie Coon, but Mira Sorvino is right there in our sidebar here. Hire her you cowards!!!
Hi! I really enjoy hearing you guys talk on the podcast, but I wonder if you might look at how loud you're speaking vis a vis the audio levels on your recorders? You both sound fairly distorted, and it just can be hard to listen to a whole podcast when the voices just aren't very clear.
I really hope this doesn't come off as overly critical (because I know you don't have the audio budget of say, This American Life), but I think just being a little more conscious of not recording audio at too loud a level could solve this problem fairly easily.
Anyway, I really enjoy your thoughts on the podcast, I just wanted to chime in about that, since it's bothered me for a while, and perhaps other listeners might have the same concerns as well, and it could improve listening quality for everyone.
Bryan -- constructive criticism is always fine. The only thing is i dont actually know how to improve these things. I need a "podcasting for dummies" book or something :)
Waited too long to get my French Exit screening, but hoping it will show up at AFI, who should have their listings up tomorrow. LOVED Nomadland and given its quiet beauty, I hope it was smart to release early and get such great press. It's going to be a weird Oscar year, but I'm just thankful we're getting Oscar movies now, full stop.
I agree with Bryan. I have tried to hear several of your podcasts but it is very difficult due to the levels of volume/audio in the recording. And sometimes some participants audio is too low and others too loud (in the same recording).
I don't understand the issues raised by the audio quality of the podcast. For me, it sounds like both men are sitting across the table from me.
I am still thinking about Nomadland. I like it more than you two do, and I certainly take issue at the dismissal of the notion that Frances McDormand could pick up a third Oscar for this.
Remember she also has The Tragedy of Macbeth due this season. I think Nomadland is sufficient evidence for a third prize, but the double punch of two major performances could qualm hesitancies.
I think it might be relevant to remember Katharine Hepburn who gave one of her best performances in The Lion in Winter, but she had just won the previous year on a sentimental vote for Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. She wasn't expected to win. Yet, she did.
Proud to be a card carrying member of Team Fran!
@Nathaniel R
You need to join AVS Forum or Home Theater Forum. Because you're complaints are typical for LCD (LED/QLED) TV technology is no good for picture quality concerning movies.
Loved hearing the podcast, thanks. Based on the conversation I am no super-excited for Night of Kings. Unfortunately it's not showing at London Film Festival but will definitely keep an eye out for whatever release it gets.
Jude Law deserves an Oscar nomination for "The Nest", but it seems it will be another miss for him - why is he so underrated ?
Team Fran for me! Although I think The Tragedy of Macbeth will end up being next season. And I agree with Murtada - they should have awarded Saoirse in 2017 so that McDormand could have easily won her second this year.
I love the NYFF's virtual option. I have watched 6 films so far, from 1000+ miles away, and am registered for 6 more (including French Exit). Eugene Hernandez told Screen Talk that they were moving toward virtual options anyway; I hope they continue to allow non-NYC denizens like I the option to see their films virtually in years to come.
The thought that Frances McDormand might win a third Oscar (at least before she's 75) seems implausible.... but only until it happens. There were people who didn't think Hilary Swank was really "double Oscar worthy" until the momentum started building quickly at the end of 2004. And Olivia Coleman won unexpectedly against two very glamorous women last year. McDormand is kind of the anti-glamor queen of our time. I can see her at home now, eating out of a box of Triscuits, saying: "Yup. Gonna get another one."
I didn’t understand ‘love valour compassion’ until I had seen ‘the boys in the band’
I completely stan Murphy for producing this; I had no opportunity to see this on Broadway (or stage at all) and haven’t ever come across the original film (though have Obviously heard of it); It reminded me of the self hatred I may have had as a younger gay man even if my expression of that Self hatred does not reflect the characters’
It may be uncomfortable, but we need to be reminded of this (self) attitude