Ask Nathaniel

Hey all! In the October wrap-up, Pedro requested a return of the old Q&A column wherein I, well, Answer your Questions. So why not? Let's do it! Since we had to implement a membership step to commenting there is less engagement but would be happy to feel "connected" again to you all of you [Norma Desmond voice] "wonderful people out there in the dark".
Put your questions in the comments or e-mail them my way and I'll whip up some answers in the next couple of days.

Reader Comments (26)
What is your all time favorite festival movie viewing experience? And is there any other theater viewing experience that tops it?
- Would you ever consider a smackdown like series for a technical category? Say costume design?
- Favourite dance sequences on film?
- Actors you would like to see in a musical movie?
- Musical you would like to see adapted to a movie? Movie you think would make a good musical?
- Favourite performances seen in theatre in new york?
- What films do you love visually but you don't care for as a whole?
- How do you feel about violence in film? Do you think it has real life implications or is necessary for storytelling.
- Who would you like to see present at this years Oscars?
- What do you think of the current state of queer cinema? Compared to the NQC of the early-mid 90s etc.
- What actors who started to out with promising careers but have since faded would you like to see make a comeback?
- What is the most perplexing acting nomination of all time?
- What is your biggest Oscar nomination morning surprise?
- What is your favourite place you've travelled to in the world? Was there any cinematic link?
- Favourite visual artists?
- Favourite albums of the 2010s
1 - how do you feel as a gay man getting older
2- do you think Madonna should return to dance music
3 - who should be the next Bond
4 - favourite Kristen Stewart performance
5 - who is the more talented Chris Pine Hemsworth or Evans.
5 - do you think Amy Adams time for an Oscar win has gone
6 - who do you think is the future Oscar darling
Speaking of Norma Desmond, do you think Garbo would have won the Oscar if she came out of retirement for it?
Other than Judy in A Star is Born, which Best Actress nominee is the most snubbed of a win?
Who do you think should have the most acting Oscar wins in history? Male and Female
What is your favorite Nicole Kidman wig? Least favorite?
Who do you think most deserves a second chance in Hollywood?
Favorite bit of old Hollywood gossip?
What is your favorite Oscar win of all time?
Has the pandemic made you see one of your favorite movies in a whole different light?
Was there a go-to favorite movie that helped you through the last 18 months?
I know it's early. But do you have an early Oscar prediction regarding an out-there, wild nomination for any of the acting categories?
Both best actor and actress have had one tie at the Oscars. If you had one tie to bestow on each category in your Film Bitch Awards, which performers would tie?
Please share that first time you knew film was special and would be an important aspect of your life.
A somewhat general question, but interested in your thoughts:
What changes do you think the pandemic SHOULD bring to (any part) of the movie industry? I.e., if there is a "new normal" for Hollywood, what should it entails?
First question: when did you get so rugged? Lookin' good!
What's your favorite makeover/training/getting-ready montage?
What's a good example of where breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to the camera works?
First question: when did you get so rugged? Lookin' good!
What's your favorite makeover/training/getting-ready montage?
What's a good example of where breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to the camera works?
What's your favorite film/TV show about Thanksgiving?
Is there a Christmas holiday classic that doesn't get its due anymore that should be rectified?
Is there an Election Day movie you enjoy the most?
Andrew Fraser: not that you asked me (🤣) but my biggest Oscar nomination surprise was without a doubt Lakeith Stansfield 's SUPPORTING Actor nomination for JATBM. Just stunned.
Another take on Eurocheese's question: Most memorable in-person screening where lead actors or actresses/director/cinematographer/etc. was also in attendance?
Favorite actor/actress over 60 currently working.
Favorite actor/actress under 25 currently working.
Go-to site for movie news.
What rules, if any, would you implement to address category fraud in the acting categories? Would you be in favor of enforcing a limit on what percentage of screen time a performance can have in order to qualify as a supporting role, or should it be more nuanced than that?
Stars who you most want to be in a movie musical (who never have!)
Favorite 2021 movie in a genre you don't generally care for?
Top five actors and/or directors most overdue for a first nomination?
Do you take notes when you watch movies?
When you're stuck in end-of-year screener-land, are there movies that you make sure to check out on the big screen later?
Just to say first of all, I'm enjoying the comments threads on the site so much more since the introduction of the login. I'm just sorry I haven't commented more myself in recent weeks.
I have two questions:
Do you think the Academy should change the acting categories to acknowledge non-binary performers, and if so, how?
Is there an Oscars race where you find it so difficult to separate two contenders in a particular category that you would be tempted to award them a tie?
I am curious... did you ever see Javier Fesser's three masterpieces "El Milagro de P. Tinto" (1998), "Camino" (2008) and "Historias Lamentables" - Amazon - (2020)? If so, what did you think of them (I think he's the very best and most talented director at work in Spain, not named Almodóvar) and if you didn't, do yo plan on watching them, some day? Extremely recommended...
Also, an extreme recomendation for you, to discover the work of Luis García Berlanga - who specialized in comedies - and has masterpieces as "Bienvenido Mr. Marshall", "Plácido", "El Verdugo", "Vivan los Novios" or "La Escopeta Nacional" (which had 2 sequels). He's basically the spanish Robert Altman (a master of directing ensembles and long takes) but he was doing this thing before Altman started.
And also, extremely recommended to you - and available in youtube - "La Cabina" by Antonio Mercero, which won the Emmy and is one of the most terrifying short films you'll ever see (and a perfect satire/allegory on Spain). Here's the link (legal viewing!)
The walk-on music when an actor receives their Oscar: now that we can see so many of the past clips, which one is your best/worst/oddest? (I never understood the music they used for Beatrice Straight and I loved how beautifully timed they were on the one for Ruth Gordon.)
If the Film Bitch Awards existed in 1950, who would have won Gold, Silver, and Bronze in Best Actress?
Is there an actor or actress that you really like but maybe you don't talk about them enough on The Film Experience so we wouldn't know?
is Chastain really a sure thing for a nod given the film's heat never reached more than tepid? A Judy narrative this is not.
But, if she is nominated, is her narrative stronger than K Stew's with a third nomination, aging out of Oscar's Best Actress sweet spot (gross), and a more traditional biopic performance?
Do you have any favourite current or past Spanish filmakers or actors – other than Pedro, natch!
YAY! Thanks! My question: of all people involved in moviemaking that you have interviewed or known, who surprised you the most and why?
You've done it now. You should have said, "strictly one question per person, please."