Tweetweek: Lucas Hedges not a cinephile, Kirsten Dunst's mystique, Jamie Dornan clones

Can we talk about Lucas Hedges saying he'd never seen a Michelle Pfeiffer pfilm while promoting French Exit (finally "out" though that definition is so strange now) in which he plays her son?
Rescind his Oscar nomination
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) February 11, 2021
How is that even possible? Yes, he's just 24 but he's in the industry and she's made all kinds of movies in every genre from massive franchises to surprise blockbusters to indie darlings to cult favourites...
How do you get through life never having seen Grease 2 or Scarface or The Age of Innocence or Married to the Mob or Batman Returns or Witches of Eastwick or Dangerous Liaisons or Ant Man and the Wasp or Dangerous Minds or White Oleander or Stardust or Hairspray or What Lies Beneath or any number of other movies. Never having seen a single one of those? Ugh.
Anyway, yours truly took Valentine's Weekend off because he finally had reason to celebrate. But posting will be back to robust soon. In the meantime please to enjoy these amusing showbiz related tweets featuring Kirsten Dunst, Justice League, Jamie Dornan, and more.
kirsten dunst has played a minnesotan twice and shes good at it bc she seems friendly but deeply sad in a way she cant talk about
— Pearl Rose (@hipearlrose) February 13, 2021
When you say Oscar should get rid of Original Song
— Chris Feil (@chrisvfeil) February 11, 2021
If Barbra can have three clones of her dog I don't see why we can't each have one Jamie Dornan.
— Kyle Stevens (@cinementalist) February 14, 2021
What if the captain of the USS Enterprise was Jean-Luc GODARD, instead of Jean-Luc PICARD?
— Nate (@hollowchatter) February 14, 2021
🙏🏻 @hunteryharris
— Luli Farrell 💚 (@lulifarr) February 13, 2021
I had to see it, now so do you
— the thicc husband & father (@lukeisamazing) February 12, 2021
“Is that bad...?”
— Dale Lazarov from Sticky Graphic Novels (@dalelazarov) December 28, 2020
northern rockhopper penguins are unreasonably glamorous
— Kaley Brauer 💫 (@kaleybrauer) February 14, 2021
Happy Valentine’s Day to my spouse and our imaginary son we use as a weapon to wound one another 💖
— Chris Feil (@chrisvfeil) February 14, 2021
Reader Comments (34)
I'm going to defend dear li'l Lucas Hedges because he's a sweet fella who admits to an anxiety disorder and existing somewhere on the LGBTQ "spectrum," and, unlike that self-satisfied Timotheeee Chalamet, he's clearly pretty humble and down-to-earth. The headline incorrectly says he's still never seen a Pfeiffer movie, when he clearly said he hadn't seen one *before* working with her (that's for the people who suggest it was unprofessional for him not to have researched his costar once he got the part.) Anyhow, I'm on team Chalamet, and am still hoping for a spin off to LADY BIRD focused on his character.
Hedges should watch mother! first.
In hia defense, it isn't quite a stellar filmography. Scarface, Dangerous Liaisons, The Age of Innocence, that's it. And she's great in The Fabulous Baker Boys and Batman Returns, but these are not movies that belong to a cinephile canon.
First off, if you're going to watch a film starring Michelle Pfeiffer. I'd suggest the following 10 in no particular order:
1. The Fabulous Baker Boys
2. Batman Returns
3. Scarface
4. Into the Night
5. The Age of Innocence
6. One Fine Day
7. Stardust (not the bullshit David Bowie bio-pic of the same name)
8. mother!
9. Dangerous Liaisons
10. Dangerous Minds
Kirsten Dunst I'm starting to feel is getting more and more overlooked as the years go by as she is actually a better actress than people give her credit for. Jared Leto on the other hand is becoming more overrated.
I'd recommend The Fabulous Baker Boys and Batman Returns before and Scarface and Dangerous Liaisons, especially Scarface. I love DePalma, but Scarface is one of his least engaging films. When it came out we all rushed out on opening night--I risked my life to go out in a blizzard to the theater--and felt like a lead balloon had landed in our lap. Nobody really liked it. It has fun lines to quote in Pacino's bad accent. That's it Carlito's Way is far better.
As for Hedges, it does seem odd he hadn't seen Hairspray or mother! So I'm starting to wonder how many films he goes to, and what kinds.
The beard looks really good on you, Nathaniel!
Ugh. My post way above (first post!) should have said I'm on "Team Hedges," NOT Chalamet. Not that anyone seems to be paying attention.
Agree with you Mikko/Dan Humphrey about Hedges' down-to-earth nature. Love him in all the films I have seen him so far. I think he is more talented than Timothee Chalamet but I like Chalamet just fine.
My own favorite Pfeiffer films are:
Dangerous Liaisons
The Fabulous Baker Boys
Frankie & Johnny
Married to the Mob
Tequila Sunrise
Speaking of Dunst, I recently saw Dick for the first time in decades. She and Michelle Williams are so utterly delightful in it. Can they make another film together, please?
Hope you enjoyed your time off. You could take the whole Oscar post season off and we'd all be more than fed by the magnificient team you've assembled!
Ladyhawke! Nothing else.
Your headline is wrong Nathaniel. Hedges IS a cinephile. I met him at a q&a for Ben is Back like 3 years ago and he spoke very eloquently about a lot of the classic films that he loves. Films by Kurosawa (High & Low specifically), Bergman, Billy Wilder and others. Maybe Michelle Pfeiffer's filmography was just a blind spot; we all have them after all. Like Cal Roth mentioned, with the exception of 3 or 4 stone-cold classics, Pfeiffer's filmography is pretty spotty (especially her run from the mid-90's to the early 2000's.
Lucas Hedges is the best. He could easily pick a big blockbuster but instead has spent the past few years saying "I think I'll make this little movie with Julia Roberts, and maybe this one with Michelle Pfeiffer, or this one with Meryl and Dianne and Candice." He's learning from them and just getting better and better.
I don't think someone who is 24 would have seen those old movies unless his parents were movie fans and showed him. He may also not be interested in watching old Michelle movies, which is not a crime. Michelle's peak was the 1990s. Even if you were 12 when Batman Returns came out, you are in your 40's now.
the only ones worth watching is The Age of Innocence and Scarface - not happening to have seen either of them is not egregious cinephile behavior
Dangit! My pseudonym, for when feel like I'm posting too much, or I want to say something slightly snarky, is BLOWN. I think I need to get off line for a while. Anyway, Viva Lucas Hedges! If you want to come over and spend a week holed up with me, I'll show you all the great Pfeiffer films.
Honestly with all the Pffeifer film lists in the comments, there are only one or two I'd be shocked or upset that a much younger person hadn't seen.
Lucas Hedges has been coming across very stupid in lots of his interviews. I’m over him.
Essential Pfeiffer: The Fabulous Baker Boys, White Oleander, The Age of Innocence, Dangerous Liaisons. I can’t say I’m surprised someone Lucas’ age hadn’t seen any of her work, since her heyday was over around the time he was in kindergarten and most of her filmography is not required viewing for cinephiles the way those of contemporaries like Tilda Swinton or Holly Hunter might be.
Ummm no mentions of What Lies Beneath???
Let's be honest: "Scarface" and "Dangerous Liaisons" are the only movies of Pfeiffer's career that everybody should know (you might add "Batman Returns" and "The Age of Innocence" but you don't have to :P ) and he has many years before him to watch them so...
Wait people actually think Scarface is a good movie ?? LOL
I'll just say that I'm only two years older than Hedges and yet I've seen over 30 films starring Michelle Pfeiffer. Her filmography isn't particularly obscure and is also full of big-name directors. I don't think it's unfounded to find it strange that Hedges had never seen a film starring her.
Claudio to be fair you're a lifelong film obsessive with actressexual tendencies who turns reviewing into an art not seen since the critics of yesteryear. I wouldn't use an extraordibary case like you as any real comparison.
I wonder how many Julia Roberts, and Meryl Streep movies he saw before working with them.
Well... it’s 2021 and Pfeiffer’s legendary filmography is doubted just because a 20something didn’t do his homework.
@John: Well, Niki Caro and Matthew Vaughn even think that it is one of ten best movies ever made: :) Surely, one of only few important movies in Pfeiffer's career.
Yes, Cláudio, but how many of those 30 are actually “Michelle Pfeiffer movies” and how many of them would you want to rewatch? ;-) I’m a lot older than you and Lucas, but I‘ve only seen ten films in which Pfeiffer has significant screen time (and a few where she cameos). The only ones I’d revisit are the ones I mentioned in the earlier comment and maybe Scarface and Love Field.
Michelle I is not known to the younger generation
Both my nieces ... who are in their 20s had no idea
Who she is. She has not had a successful high profile movie
In years
I was paying attention Mikko and glad you updated as I was confused. I'm fine with Chalamet, whose screen presence never fails to impress me, but I'm Team Hedges as well. I'll continue to judge him on his thoughtful acting choices (I mean, his career pretty much started in a Wes Anderson film!) and not what he's gotten around to viewing at this point in his life.
And since I'll never pass up the opportunity.......Baker Boys first and forever!
@ Claudio
"I'll just say that I'm only two years older than Hedges and yet I've seen over 30 films starring Michelle Pfeiffer. Her filmography isn't particularly obscure and is also full of big-name directors. I don't think it's unfounded to find it strange that Hedges had never seen a film starring her."
It's interesting, because I agree with you that it isn't strange, I'm gonna argue with you a little.
a) Of those big name directors, I'd posit that her films aren't the first three or four films you're going to go to when exploring their work (if you're digging into auterism or just exploring film). Even when going down the list of "interesting but not big name" directors (someone like Fred Schepisi) there are higher profile films you'd explore first.
b) Pfeiffer has done more interesting work in the last three years (Where is Kyra, Mother, French Exit hopefully) than she did in the 20 years prior, imo (between 1997 and 2016, only White Oleander and What Lies Beneath stands out).
c) A lot of her most interesting work even before that came from really unheralded films. I'm thinking films like The Russia House, Ladyhawke, Frankie and Johnny). Films that are more curios than anything, but contain worthy facets of a star.
d) If it was April 1, 1990 and someone told you that of the 1988 supporting actress nominees, that Frances McDormand would have more Oscar nominations and wins than Michelle Pfeiffer, you'd assume they were playing a mediocre April Fool's gag on you. And yet that's an accurate reflection of their careers (I mean, I'd have them on the same level of nominations and Pfeiffer would have a win whereas McDormand wouldn't, but it's not beyond the pale).
e) More generally, though, I suspect we all think that actors are more knowledgeable about film history than they actually are.
Gian -- agreed. Fabulous Baker Boys is one of the best films of the 1980s and i wish people would acknowledge that more often.
I try not to judge people on the film oeuvres they've yet to see....before last month I'd never seen a Fellini film for god's sake. Hedges is young, plenty of time yet to see a lot more films. Also: I'm on both the Hedges and Chalamet teams. You can like both! :O)
So many comments selected The Age of Innocence as one of Pfeiffer's best!
Do u guys tink she shld've been nom for it?
I rem it was quite a shock when the nominations was out & she was not included.
My local influential entertainment mag at tt time even predicted her as Hunter's biggest competitor