This Had Oscar Buzz & Chasing the Gold

by Nathaniel R
I had the pleasure of recording not one, not two, but three podcasts this week. Yes, The Film Experience's own podcast returns very soon (hopefully tomorrow). But before that's edited, please enjoy these two guest-spots I had the pleasure to do.
Joe Reid and Chris Feil, former Team Experience members!, launched this brilliant podcast in 2018. You're probably already a fan. "This Had Oscar Buzz" discusses one failed awards hopeful per episode. They gave me a list of films to choose from for my guest spot and perusing it I knew exactly which film I had to choose. The very blonde, very actressy, very complicated, very Pfeifferiffic White Oleander (2002) called out to me. Please give it a listen!
You can also hear me discussing the brand new Oscar nominations on InSessionFilm's podcast hosted by Ryan McQuade. Erik Anderson of Awards Watch and I were the special guests and we really get into the weeds of Oscar campaigns and this odd season.
Reader Comments (10)
Just watched White Oleander again on cable last week. It’s not bad! Each of the vignettes is moving in their own ways (although Robin Wright should’ve turned down the accent 35%), and Renee’s chapter is the saddest of all. Pfeiffer definitely deserved that Oscar nod. Only slight demerit for the film was that lumpy ending.. I just hate it when movies feel the need to recap everything we just saw.
currently listening to the THOB episode, i'm cackling with Robin Wright's "Virus"
I think it's a fine film but not great. Michelle Pfeiffer is great as is Alison Lohman (where is she?) but Robin Wright kind of overdoes it with the Southern accent while Renee Zelwegger was sort of forgettable. The ending was a downer.
Honestly I think I've read and heard enough about Pfeiffer's performance in White Oleander here that in my film reading bubble she's turned into overrated in the role! It's shocking, but here we are.
Every week I listen to "This Had Oscar Buzz". But this week was a double bonus. Nathaniel as the guest for a discussion of " White Oleander" and Michelle Pfeiffer. A wonderful treat.
It's wonderful to hear Nathaniel wax nostalgic over his first Oscar moments, and show off his expertise on Pfeiffer.
Michelle was below Meryl in The Prom and Kate Hudson in Music this year.
@Monty Nobody can ever here enough about Michelle in WO.
Ha, not true. The Pfans are worse than the false narrative being spun about so-called Glennistas. It's very fetch.
STREEP was awful in The Prom a terrible embarrassment 👀
I *LOVED* every minute of both these podcasts! CTG was such a thorough and fun look at the races and THOB had me going down memory lane and LMAO at the image of Wright's 'Oleander' character storming Capitol Hill.