Review: Sandra & Channing sparkle in 'The Lost City'

By: Christopher James
Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum search for their own "Romancing the Stone" vehicle in "The Lost City."There are some movies that are “perfect films,” masterpieces that elevate the bar on what cinema can do, where not a single frame should be changed. Other movies are “perfect versions of themselves.” The Lost City is not a perfect film by any means. However, it is the perfect version of itself. It’s a light on its feet, star driven adventure-romance-comedy. Watching it transports one back to the 90s, when movies could be sold solely on a movie star and a logline. If the trailer makes you chuckle, you’ll be giggling for the entirety of the 112 minute running time.
There’s the old saying, those who can’t do… teach. In The Lost City, one could say: those who can’t be archeologists, write horny romance novels. That is the fate of Loretta Sage (Sandra Bullock), who has not left her house since the passing of her beloved explorer husband. Her latest entry in the bestselling romance novel series "Lovemore and Dash" is about to drop and Loretta’s publisher, Beth (Da’Vine Joy Randolph), insists on putting her on a book tour...
If anyone is equipped to find a lost city, it's a romance writer (Bullock) and cover model (Tatum).
She isn’t alone though, Beth has paired Loretta up with her cover model, Alan (Channing Tatum). Alan has long been obsessed with Loretta, but she has never given him the time of day.
Alan’s affection for Loretta comes in handy when he sees her get kidnapped by eccentric billionaire Fairfax (Daniel Radcliffe). It turns out, her latest book “The Lost City of D” is more factual than one would expect and Fairfax needs Loretta to translate the location of the lost city. She’s drugged and taken to a remote island in the Atlantic for that purpose. Alan enlists the help of an ex-military man (Brad Pitt), to track down Loretta and save her. He doesn’t let Jack go in alone, though. How else will Alan show Loretta how much he cares?
Just when you think it couldn't get more star-studded, Brad Pitt shows up.The Lost City wisely focuses on what we came to the movie for - movie stars. Bullock is beautiful and funny throughout. Her physical comedy chops are on full display as she slinks around the jungle in an uncomfortable, sparkly onesie. Over the past few decades, she has had memorable sparks with a slew of funny men, including Hugh Grant and Ryan Reynolds. Similarly, she and Channing Tatum play off each other incredibly well, making us believe both their bickering and their eventual burgeoning relationship. Tatum is in top form as he’s able to gamely be the butt of the joke (once quite literally) as well as the romantic heartthrob.
When dealing with a high concept genre blend, writers need to keep it simple. Focus on what is working and don't get bogged down in superfluous detail. Luckily, The Lost City never takes itself too seriously. For an example of a similar movie that doesn’t do this well, look at last summer’s Jungle Cruise. At the center of that movie was a fun fire-and-ice romance with Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt. Their entertaining chemistry was constantly dulled by extended CGI heavy action sequences, too-complicated backstories, and a third act climax that went on forever. The Lost City understands what we want - sexiness first and a little action on the side. The hunt for the titular city and the threat of Radcliffe’s Fairfax are merely decorative. It’s the Bullock & Tatum show, which is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Outside of our A-list stars, The Lost City is loaded with scene stealers. Between Dolemite is My Name and High Fidelity, Da’Vine Joy Randolph has established herself as one of the most reliably funny character actresses. Beth is the secret hero of the movie, a woman who’s just trying to do right by her client and rescue both her and the book tour. As Beth’s assistant, Patti Harrison nails every punchline with a hilarious deadpan whimper. Even Office alum Oscar Nunez surprises with a third act odd supporting performance. There’s even a fun blink-and-you-miss-it cameo from SNL scene stealer Bowen Yang. The Lost City has it all.
Who among us wouldn't want to pick leeches off of Channing Tatum's butt?Watching comedies in a crowded theater is a dangerous litmus test. If the jokes hit, you’re in for a fabulous time at the movies. However, if things land with a thud, the silence can be deafening. Not all theaters in all cities will have the same reaction. However, the sold out Fandango Premiere screening of The Lost City in Los Angeles could not have loved the movie more. Each joke was met with enthusiastic response. The audience broke out in applause when Channing Tatum had a comic nude scene. In so many ways, watching The Lost City felt like time traveling. This is why we go to the movies. To share in laughs and fun with others while watching Sandra Bullock pick leeches off of Channing Tatum’s perfect butt. As Nicole Kidman says in her now infamous AMC ad, “We come to this place for magic.” B
The Lost City opens nationwide on Friday, March 25th. Are you planning to watch The Lost City in theaters?
Reader Comments (9)
This might be the kind of film my mom would enjoy in all of its stupidity but I'll take this over a lot of the bullshit that is coming out.
This is the sort of take away film we need at the moment and Sandra is watchable in anything.
I also thought it was fun but didn't like it as much as Chris. It's an enjoyable throwback, not too serious and "gets" its movie stars which is always a big plus. I thought Channing Tatum was the MVP by a mile though. Sandra was charming but coasting a bit, I felt. I kept wanting a bit more physical comedy from her.
and the picture will remind you again, in case you've forgotten, how great Brad Pitt is as a movie star. And how much fun he is in comedies!
I just watched the trailer for the first time, and will be thinking about Kathleen Turner in Romancing the Stone all day. There are worse things, thanks Sandy!
I very much look forward to watching this one day when I'm sick in bed. Looks perfect for that.
This will be the one that gets me back into theaters for the first time Since Scream 5. It looks like so much fun!
Thanks for sharing such a helpful instruction, really appreciate for your article.
Thanks for sharing such a helpful instruction, really appreciate for your article.
I enjoyed this movie at the theater. It is a very good and funny movie. tunnel rush uno online