"Raised by Wolves" 1-3: Prometheus Reborn

by Tony Ruggio
"Mother" and her children
Raised by Wolves is Ridley Scott’s answer to those who didn’t take to Prometheus, his magnum opus follow-up to Alien decades later. The powers that be got in the way of his true passion and led to a compromised vision once Alien Covenant came along. This is clearly an opportunity for him to revisit such themes as religion, man’s origin, and artificial intelligence, as well as delve into his slower, more methodical aesthetic preferences in greater detail. The first three episodes introduce us to a future wherein a great war has been fought (or is still being fought? It’s unclear) between atheists and a religious faction known as the Mithraic, spiritual fundamentalists devoted to a sun god called Sol.
The story begins on a planet distant from Earth where an atheist group has sent two androids with the mission of shepherding a successful human colony there. So far, Wolves is primarily interested in the evolving behaviors of these androids, known only as Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubukar Salim)...