Doc Corner: '76 Days' and 'CoroNation' go inside Wuhan

By Glenn Dunks
Alex Gibney isn’t the only one who can crush a deadline and produce a documentary about COVID-19 in time for the new year. While Gibney’s Totally Under Control, made alongside (but appropriately socially distanced, of course) Ophelia Harutyunyan and Suzanne Hillinger, came out in October in an attempt to radicalise the American voters with tales of the then Trump-led American government’s inept response to the coronavirus outbreak. In doing so it already looks out of date.
Two other features, however, hone in more precisely on the pandemic’s beginnings in the city of Wuhan of the Hubei Province in the heart of China. Hao Wu and Weixu Chen’s 76 Days (made in collaboration with ‘Anonymous’) and Ai Weiwei’s CoroNation take different tacts with this setting, showing a city in chaos and alarming stillness at once.