It's Pride Sunday here in NYC so we're taking the afternoon off for the Queer Liberation march and to get a sunburn. The latter is assumed from past experience no matter how much sunscreen we lather on (thanks Danish ancestry). On a more serious and celebratory note, isn't it positively inspiring how many out celebrities we have now? We grew up in the 80s when we had only a handful (Rupert Everett, Martina Navratilova, Harvey Fierstein, Jimmy Sommerville, Boy George, and maybe a couple of others). In the 1990s 'coming out' became a more regular but still 'controversial' celebrity occurrence. Today the news cycle moves on pretty quickly from a celebrity's admission of queerness and that's healthy! Today's young people have hundreds of LGBTQ celebrities to pick and choose from to enjoy or relate to or be inspired by during their formative years.
As movie fanatics we knew in our hearts all along (despite protests to the contrary, sometimes frustratingly from the queer community) that once enough actors came out the myth that it would ruin acting careers would be exposed as just that: a total myth. Strength in numbers! Happy pride to all the queer artists and entertainers and Happy Pride to all our LGBTQ+ readers and allies!