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Entries in Sam Raimi (11)


Into the Linknown

The Onion "'Frozen 2' Creators Confirm That Elsa Is Gay But Also Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist" teehee. The Onion nails it sometimes, with those headlines, don't they?
AV Club  Keegan Michael Kay loved art films in high school and college. Sees Titanic for the first time in quarantine, and reenacts it in 61 seconds.
Awards Circuit Damien Chazelle's first miniseries The Eddy has a trailer. So excited about this cast: Joanna Kulig (Cold War) with Andre Holland (Moonlight). Yes please

After the jump more record-breaking for Parasite, Mark Ruffalo's future, Cate Blanchett in Mrs America, a new Tom Hardy movie and more...

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The Quick and the Dead, 25 Years Later

by Ben Miller

When you rewatch Sam Raimi’s The Quick and the Dead, it desperately needs to be contextualized.  Look on the surface and you see four actors with both bonfide acting chops as well as moviestar magnetism.  On top of all that, you have a cavalcade of character actors hamming it up in the background while Raimi pulls out every B-movie trick he knows for an entertaining-as-hell Western.  

All of it all works, but it didn’t in 1995...

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Great Moments in Kissing: "Spider-Man"

For Valentine's we asked Team Experience to share favourite screen kisses. Here's Salim Garami...

What’s good?

When I think of THE most cinematic of movie kisses, what pops into my mind isn’t necessarily my favorite (which would be Alfred Hitchcock’s explosive fireworks button on To Catch a Thief) or what I think of as the best (which would be Hitchcock’s taboo-busting “Another one! And another one!” in Notorious). I think of the kiss that was most formative. The kiss that showed me how image and movement could communicate ardor to somebody as young as 6. The kiss that came in possibly the most formative movie in all of my childhood: Sam Raimi’s 2002 superhero landmark Spider-Man. A film that has long informed the majority of what I love to see in movies and established itself deep in my heart (although it is quite possible that Into the Spider-Verse has now embedded itself deeper), it should be no surprise that it informed what I love in romantic scenes, especially the moments in movies that are accused of oversentimentality and cheesiness...

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Today's Five: Don't go into that castle, Jonathan Harker! 

by Nathaniel R

We got a little carried away with our "on this day" posts these past few months. They were meant just to be fun and festive quickies and not take over so REDUCE REDUCE. Moving forward we'll give you 5 reasons to celebrate any given day because a) we're trying to stay positive b) it's good to be alive and c) who knows how much longer we'll be able to do that with nut-job man-babies running the world's most weaponized countries? So put on your party hats every day, is the point. 

Five Showbiz-Related Anniversaries (May 3rd)

2002 Sam Raimi's pop and playful superhero picture Spider-Man opens in theaters to massive then record-breaking returns. We were all so innocent back then. There was really only Batman and Spider-Man (Superman still on his long hiatus) and no "universes" to obsess over. If only even 1/10ths of the superhero pictures that came after it these past 15 years were shot as inventively (but they can't all be Raimis)

In its honor today: Look at yourself in the mirror the appreciative way Tobey Maguire does when he wakes up after that spider-bite, improved. You're awesome. Maybe you just didn't notice it before?

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Bridget Fonda At 50

JA from MNPP here to wish Bridget Fonda a tremendously happy 50th birthday today.

Indeed I hope that hitting 50 is such a momentously joyous experience for her that it stirs a renewed something-or-other inside her belly and reignites Ye Olde Acting Bug, because I don't know about you all but I really miss this lady.

It's been a full twelve years since she last acted - twelve years! Can you believe that? She side-stepped all of her 40s in the public eye - her last acting role was as the Snow Queen in the 2002 tele-movie of that name, about that same Hans Christian Anderson tale that inspired this year's hit Frozen. Maybe Bridget took her son to see Frozen and was all "Hey, I remember what it was like shooting icicles from my fingertips, that was fun! Acting ho!" If Frozen reinvigorates Bridget Fonda's acting career it'll be the greatest thing to come from that movie - yes, even better than "Let It Go." 

Anyway to celebrate just a smidge of the twenty or so years of her career that we do have, for now, I figured I'd single out a few of my favorite scenes from her movies. The ones that come right to mind when I think of her....

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