When the Cat's Away...

by Nathaniel
Nat and Cat
Dear readers, I know I've been largely absent from this site I created over 20 years ago. I have reasons... some of them quite boring involving finances / career so I won't bore you with those! In an effort to start writing again I'm opting for a diary like approach for the time being so you know I'm still alive and there's something to read, too. Today I am thinking about cats... which in truth I think about as often as cinema. My own fuzzy son Nero (who I co-parent with his original owner, my beau of the last 3 years) is in the emergency room getting oxygen and fluid treatment. He took a sudden turn for the worse just before the NYC air turned post-apocalyptic movie looking due to wildfires in Canada apparently. Given the timing it's probably unrelated but it feels emotionally true...