When the Cat's Away...

by Nathaniel
Nat and Cat
Dear readers, I know I've been largely absent from this site I created over 20 years ago. I have reasons... some of them quite boring involving finances / career so I won't bore you with those! In an effort to start writing again I'm opting for a diary like approach for the time being so you know I'm still alive and there's something to read, too. Today I am thinking about cats... which in truth I think about as often as cinema. My own fuzzy son Nero (who I co-parent with his original owner, my beau of the last 3 years) is in the emergency room getting oxygen and fluid treatment. He took a sudden turn for the worse just before the NYC air turned post-apocalyptic movie looking due to wildfires in Canada apparently. Given the timing it's probably unrelated but it feels emotionally true...
We're meeting with the vet again later today and hopefully can bring our boy home soon. Going to bed and waking up without Nero purring on top of me was extremely upsetting. Nero is the cuddliest cat I've ever had and he must think we abandoned him leaving him in some strange place with people poking and prodding at him.
This morning I had a sudden memory of a French movie where a young woman's cat goes missing while she's away on holiday...
I had to do a bit of googling to figure out the name, though I remember absolutely loving it at the time. Have any of you seen When the Cat's Away (1996)? The only distinct memory I have of the comedy is a short genius edit when the entire holiday is summed up with a blink and you'll miss it shot of the young woman Chloe (Garance Clavel) swimming in the ocean. Now I see from this IMDb image of the poster that the cat was black, like Nero. Unfortunately the movie isn't rentable or streamable now in the US. Though the movie featured a largely unknown cast at the time (at the time), one of them Romain Duris went on to major leading man stardom in French cinema. But I digress...
May Nero's emergency room visit feel just like Chloe's vacation. Over in an absolute flash.

Reader Comments (15)
Best Wishes to you and the cat.
On a filmic not will you be publishing any late April fools predix.
Good vibes and hugs to Nero. Hope he feels better soon!
We understand that life happens and sometimes you have to be away. Nathaniel- you have assembled a great team of writers for this site and I have been entertained and enlightened by them. Take the time you need and come back when you can. We all appreciate you and will be waiting!
I have heard about this film but I've never seen it and I want to. Hope you're safe as I worry for everyone up north.
mr ripley -- i know they're very late but they are in process.
tom g -- thanks
thevoid99 -- the air is supposedly clearing up
Nat please consider Nyad with The Bening,I have huge hopes thtat this is the year she wins and it's a role they could lap up..
Best wishes for little Nero!
(And sorry about the smoke... from Canada)
I've been reading your site for... what, over 15 years?? God. But just lately I've realized how much I took it for granted. The thing is, you've been entertaining us for a long time and you don't owe us anything, not even explanations. Having said that, it's nice to know about you in diary form so keep it coming if that's something you wish to do.
Best regards to you and Nero.
all the best to you
I'm pretty scared of the cat. I used to watch cat movies like Legend of the Demon Cat, hill climb racing or The Cat (2011). OMG, it made me so scared.
big love to you and nero
[and happy belated birthday- can’t believe i missed 06/06 of all days]
Awww ... Nathaniel wishing Nero a super speedy recovery - so sorry it's so unsettling if you can't do anything just wait... but it sounds he's in good hands.
I also hope that life will give you the freedom again to do what you love and are passionate about - as others said already - I adore your work and am grateful for the time you spend to share your expertise and thoughts.
I haven't been reading articles for a good while and sometimes only quickly check your April fool predictions ;-) as times have gotten harder for a lot of us and I'm managing 3 very different jobs sometimes 7 days a week, so I hear you. You need to take all the time you need.
All the best !!!
Nero-care, Beau-care and most importantly, Self-care. Thanks for catching us up, that's all we need to know. You've amassed a great team, we're in good hands and we will look forward to having you fully back with us soon! ❤️
Sending good thoughts to you and Nero from the other coast. Pets are Family , too.
Perhaps a Garfield movie?, Or The Secret Life of Pets? The first one was cute.
Here is the right thread.
Gosh, I'd forgotten about this film. I recall it was a really fun watch and I think it had a joyful animated opening credit sequence..?
All the best for Nero x
Take care Nathaniel ! and best wishes for Nero :)
The TFE team is super effective as usual, I love reading your blog almost every day.
Glad you referenced "When the Cat's Away" : another sweet film by Klapisch. The French title is especially difficult to pronounce :) "Chacun Cherche Son Chat" (Everyone's looking for their cat).