'Training Day' Flashback & Double Oscar Wins

Ten years ago tomorrow, the bad cop / good cop drama Training Day debuted in theaters. It was a relatively inauspicious debut (for our purposes) in that, though the film was an instant hit, Oscar fanatics weren't really breathlessly awaiting its debut like it was a 'prestige picture' per se. The film surprised and wound up with two nominations for its leading actors, one in lead (Denzel Washington) and one in supporting (Ethan Hawke) because that's how Oscar do.
All it took was a couple of awesome soundbites and a sense that Denzel Washington was peaking as a movie star with that loss for Malcolm X still a regularly discussed Academy embarrassment and *BOOM* Julia Roberts was all
I love my life!"
.... and it was Oscar Number Two for Denzel!
Were you watching?
King Kong ain't got shit on him.
Oscar #2 let Denzel into the slim ranks of actors with two competitive gold men. Here's the complete list in the order it occurred (because I like to make things difficult for myself).
- Luise Rainer (The Great Ziegfeld and The Good Earth 1936-1937)
- Bette Davis (Dangerous and Jezebel 1935-1938)
- Walter Brennan (Come and Get It and Kentucky 1936-1938) *
- Spencer Tracy (Captains Courageous and Boys Town 1937-1938)
- Fredric March (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and The Best Years of Our Lives 1931/32-1946)
- Olivia deHavilland (To Each His Own and The Heiress 1946-1949)
- Vivien Leigh (Gone With the Wind and Streetcar Named Desire 1939-1951)
- Gary Cooper (Sergeant York and High Noon 1941-1952)
- Anthony Quinn (Viva Zapata! and Lust for Life 1952-1956)
- Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight and Anastasia 1944-1956) *
- Peter Ustinov (Spartacus and Topkapi 1960-1964)
- Shelley Winters (Diary of Anne Frank and A Patch of Blue 1959-1965)
- Elizabeth Taylor (BUtterfield 8 and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf 1960-1966)
- Katharine Hepburn (Morning Glory and Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? 1932/33-1967) *
- Helen Hayes (The Sin of Madelon Claudet and Airport 1931/32 -1970)
- Marlon Brando (On the Waterfront and The Godfather 1954-1972)
- Glenda Jackson (Women in Love and A Touch of Class 1970-1973)
- Jack Lemmon (Mister Roberts and Save the Tiger 1955-1973)
- Jason Robards (All the President's Men and Julia 1976-1977)
- Jane Fonda (Klute and Coming Home 1971-1978)
- Maggie Smith (The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and California Suite 1969-1978)
- Melvyn Douglas (Hud and Being There 1963-1979)
- Robert DeNiro (The Godfather Part II and Raging Bull 1974-1980)
- Meryl Streep (Kramer vs. Kramer and Sophie's Choice 1979-1982)
- Jack Nicholson (One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and Terms of Endearment 1975-1983) *
- Sally Field (Norma Rae and Places in the Heart 1979-1984)
- Dustin Hoffman (Kramer vs. Kramer and Rainman 1979-1988)
- Jodie Foster (The Accused and Silence of the Lambs 1988-1991)
- Gene Hackman (The French Connection and Unforgiven 1971-1992)
- Dianne Wiest (Hannah and Her Sisters and Bullets Over Broadway 1986-1994)
- Jessica Lange (Tootsie and Blue Sky 1982-1994)
- Tom Hanks (Philadelphia and Forrest Gump 1993-1994)
- Michael Caine (Hannah and Her Sisters and Cider House Rules 1986-1999)
- Kevin Spacey (Usual Suspects and American Beauty 1995-1999)
- Denzel Washington (Glory and Training Day 1989-2001)
- Hilary Swank (Boys Don't Cry and Million Dollar Baby 1999-2004)
- Daniel Day-Lewis (My Left Foot and There Will Be Blood 1989-2007)
- Sean Penn (Mystic River and Milk 2003-2008)
* They won again after this for a total of 3 Oscars (except Hepburn the all time leader with 4 competitive acting wins)
The thing I find most interesting about seeing them all together like this is that it instantly reveals that if someone is going to win a second Oscar it usually happens quickly after the first... 3 to 6 years being common. (which immediately makes you wonder about people by the name of Helen Mirren, Marion Cotillard, Javier Bardem and Kate Winslet). The list also shows us that the late 1930s were just brutal for actresses whose names weren't Bette or Luise, that the 1970s were the most friendly towards previous winners and that 1938 and 1994 are strange anomalies, years in which three of the four Oscar winners had already won gold. It's only so long before we have a year with all four since there's a first time for everything.
Third time acting wins have only happened in 1940, 1968, 1974 & 1997
Only four people have ever won more than two acting Oscars and the last to join the club was Jack Nicholson in 1997 for As Good As It Gets. The universe assumes that Meryl Streep will be the fifth, but will she? Quite a few two-timers are still working.
Answer Me These Questions Three
- Which three double winners did you find most deserving of both?
- Which three would you immediately remove if you had a time machine?
- Who do you think is joining the two-timer ranks next?
Reader Comments (90)
Lots of fun questions...
Three most deserving:
1. Vivien Leigh-forever and always and for the rest of time-no one has deserved two Oscars more, in any field.
2. Marlon Brando-though for my money he's probably more in the "snubbed for a third" category than Streep, between 1951 and 1973.
3. Robert de Niro-who, surprisingly, won for EXACTLY the right two roles. That may be what separates these three from the rest-of the ones who you feel should have two Oscars (Nicholson, Bergman, Hoffman), at least one of them wasn't for the proper role. De Niro, on the other hand, won for the perfect combination.
1. Hilary Swank, for the second one (to I win a prize for being the billionth person to say it?)
2. Helen Hayes, a brilliant actress but both of these films she won because she was THE Helen Hayes, and not for her performances.
3. Ingrid Bergman, who gets one for Casablanca as an apology.
Next Up for Seconds...
I think Winslet's going to gun for it. Unlike Kidman, I say she lays low in art house flicks for a few years and nabs one for a gigantic epic around 2015. If not her, then perhaps Angelina Jolie, who I still think needs her "Virginia Woolf" before she goes quietly into the philanthropic night.
3 I love: Vivien Leigh (those are two iconic performances and companions in a strange way), Elizabeth Taylor, and Denzel Washington
3 I'd remove: I'd take away Jodie's first Oscar and give it to Glenn Close, Michael Caine's 2nd and give it to Tom Cruise, and give Sean Penn's first to Johnny Depp.
I think that Spain's Golden Couple (Penelope and Javier) have a great chance at winning again. For the predominantly English speaking, I'd like to say Kate but it took sooo many tries to get number 1 that she'll have to really wow us (on the level of DDL in There Will Be Blood) to WIN her next one. So I'll go with George Clooney, who could do it next year lol
1. Maggie Smith, Elizabeth Taylor and Jane Fonda.
2.Jessica Lange, Jodie Foster and Hilary Swank.
3.Cate Blanchett, Kate Winslet or Charlize Theron.
Meryl definitely deserves a third
Swank and foster should not have two... Fonda deserves for Klute but not for Coming Home
1 - Hepburn, Brando, Lemmon
2 - Robards, Field, Lange
3 - Winslet, no doubt.
I'd take Sean Penn's first away in a heartbeat and give it to Bill Murray.
George Clooney is extremely likely to win a second one sometime soon.
Gone with the Wind is a glorified soap for me. I've seen two Best Actress nominees from 1939: Vivien Leigh and Bette Davis for Dark Victory, and I prefer Davis.
1 - Vivian Leigh, Maggie Smith, Diane Wiest
2 - HIllary Swank, Jodie Foster, Helen Hayes
3 - Geoffrey Rush
1. bette davis (though i'm still amazed she only won two and so soon before her dominance of the 40's), dianne wiest (the definition of scene stealing), and daniel day-lewis are the first to come to mind, but making a top 10 would be easy
2. jessica lange, hilary swank, jodie foster
3. george clooney has a shot to pick up his second this year
It goes without saying that Close should be on the list at number 28 with wins for Fatal Attraction and Dangerous Liaisons -joining Rainer, Tracy & Hanks in that very exclusive back to back club. That I am still waiting for win number 1 makes me very sad *sigh*
I think the next double-winner will occur at the 2012 Oscars and it will be Anna Bloody Paquin and I'm totally kidding.
I'd say Redgrave a few days ago but now I'm not so sure.
And Leigh's two victories amount to absolute epicness!
Oh and maybe Julia Roberts will win a second for August: Osage County if she goes supporting.
Besides the ones already stated,
1. Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Spacey, Daniel Day-Lewis
2. Melvyn Douglas, Glenda Jackson, Dianne Wiest,
3. Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Morgan Freeman, Judi Dench, Christian Bale
Which three would you immediately remove if you had a time machine?
1. Hilary Swank
2. Hilary Swank
3. Hilary Swank
1. it's hard to argue with Vivien Leigh, Marlon Brando, Meryl Streep and Diane Weist in those roles
2. Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby goes), Jessica Lange (Blue Sky goes) and Sean Penn (Mystic River goes)
3. Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush (stole that last one from JM's excellent suggestion!) - I'm sure I should put an American native on this list, but my judgement is clouded by there being SO many who still deserve their FIRST win!
DeNiro, Wiest, Washington
Penn/Murray for 03 -- Foster/Close for 88 -- Swank for both nominations/Bening for 99/Winslet for 04
Julia Roberts is who I'm personally rooting for. I have all but given up on Bates (throws hands in the air) she maybe stuck on stupid these days-- she tells on herself interviews. I know the Academy gave her the cold shoulder twice for leading performances in Tomatoes and Claborine but she's not even fighting to get the aclaim again-- she's just living off her name. Back to Roberts her theme song Go West King of Wishful Thinking keeps haunting me these days whenever I think of her. She turns 44 this year -- she needs something soon to get her a 2nd BA prize before 50 comes!
Three most deserving double winners:
1. Daniel Day-Lewis, My Left Foot (1989) & There Will Be Blood (2007)
2. Vivien Leigh, Gone with the Wind (1939) & A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
3. Marlon Brando, On the Waterfront (1954) & The Godfather Part I (1972)
Three I would immediately remove:
1. Sally Field, Norma Rae (1979) & Places in the Heart (1984): Jane Fonda deserved it for The China Syndrome in '79 and Kathleen Turner for Romancing the Stone in '84
2. Kevin Spacey, American Beauty (1999): Russell Crowe deserved it for The Insider
3. Hilary Swank, Million Dollar Baby (2004): I think Swank did a very good job actually, but when you put her next to Kate Winslet for Eternal Sunshine, Imelda Staunton for Vera Drake, Catalina Sandino Moreno for Mara Full of Grace, or even Nicole Kidman for her two outstanding performances (Birth or Dogville), it was clearly such a banner year for actresses for the Academy to even nominate Swank over a plethora of much more deserving contenders.
I have no clue who might join this group. I judge based on meritocracy (and even that is debatable and subject to the individual) and the Academy clearly considers other factors. If I had to choose a contender for this year, it would probably be Tilda Swinton or George Clooney.
1. Vivien Leigh. Robert De Niro. Meryl Streep.
2. Luise Rainer (Garbo or Dunne in 1937, Harlow in 36). Jack Lemmon (Brando instead in 73). Hilary Swank (Winslet or McTeer in 1999. Winslet in 2004. So probably McTeer in 1999).
3. I would've send Blanchett, but clearly, she's followed Nathaniel's dictum and abandonned the screen. I think Judi Dench could do it, actually.
1.) Daniel Day-Lewis, Katherine Hepburn, and Meryl Streep
2.) Sean Penn (2008) and give it to Mickey Rourke, Hilary Swank (1999) and give it to Annette Bening, and Gene Hackman (1992) and give it to Jaye Davidson.
3.) Tilda Swinton, Philip Seymour Hoffman, or Cate Blanchett (who should already have two, let's be real).
1. Vivian Leigh, Marlon Brando, and Robert De Niro.
2. Michael Caine's second (replaced by Tom Cruise in Magnolia), Denzel Washington's second (replaced by Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind), and the one mentioned by almost everyone, Hilary Swank's second (many deserving, but Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind deserves it the most).
3. Hard to say at this point, but Clooney looks like a good bet for the upcoming year.
matt- I agree & I would go further by saying Close should be in the "Three Win Categorie" for "Reversal of Fortune" as Supporting!
Glenn Close should be in that group for Fatal Attraction (1987) and Dangerous Liaisons (1988). Also, Michelle Pfeiffer for Dangerous Liaisons (1988) and The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989).
1. Viv and Hoffman.
2. I'd start by taking away Bette Davis' Oscars and giving her two for All About Eve and The Little Foxes instead. That would be the beginning of doing and undoing that will tire me for the rest of the whatever.
3. In a perfect world, the Academy would apologize for sandbagging both Brad Pitt and Viola Davis by immediately including both of them into the two timers club. But the former will happen before the latter.
I support Michael Caine's being in this company but think he has statues for the wrong films. Same for Bette Davis but to a lesser extent (I'm less familiar with the people she beat out those two years). Anyway, yeah, it is Swank's trophy I would snatch away. And I bet it is Judi Dench or Tilda Swinton who nexts joins the 2+ club...
@st jeans - if only the academy was as right thinking as us the (cinematic) world would be a better place
1. Vivien Leigh, Robert De Niro, Marlon Brando
2. Hilary Swank's second, Jessica Lange's second -But maybe I change the nominees of that year- and Ingrid Hepburn's second
3. If "Low Life" is made soon, Marion Cotillard is next in line. For the men, Christian Bale and Javier Bardem are very likely
Sorry, I say a tie between ingrid Bergman's third (She belongs to Autumn Sonata and Katherine Hepburn's second
Ingrid Hepburn - LOL!!
1. Vivien Leigh, Olivia de Havilland, Dianne Wiest
2. Elizabeth Taylor - BUtterfield 8 is an embarrassingly bad performance and in my opinion Taylor only gave one great performance and that was in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? She (barely) deserves only one Oscar.
Katharine Hepburn - In the top ten greatest actresses all of all time but won for all the wrong performances.
Hilary Swank - Million Dollar Baby? Really? Really?!
3. I could see George Clooney winning a second due to popularity, not because he's a particularly great actor
matt- Alleluia!...
1. Leigh, Fonda, Streep
2. Quinn's first, Douglas' second and, of course, Swank's second
3. Who knows
Jack Lemmon won for a comedic and for a dramatic performance, but is nevertheless totally misrepresented by these wins.
1. Brando, Leigh, De Niro and DD-L, I love Meryl, but Kramer vrs. Kramer is a solid performance, but not one of her best, Bette Davis was better in Baby Jane and Eve than in Dangerous and Jezebel.
2. Copy > Paste HS! Jody Foster and Sally Field, even if that means that the Academy didn't love her.
3. Hmmm, probably a boring choice like Clooney or la Winslet, but more interesting, because Meryl's third Oscar is so elusive, I think the next one to join the three-timer rank is going to be Daniel Day-Lewis.
"because I like to make things difficult for myself"... great line! That's why we love you!
1.- (Surprisingly) A lot of them: Vivien Leigh, Brando, Jane Fonda, Meryl, Gene Hackman, Dianne Wiest, Jessica Lange, Tom Hanks, Michael Caine, Kevin Spacey, Sean Penn.
2.- Elizabeth Taylor, Sally Field and Jodie Foster
3.- Cotillard and Bardem
1. Brando, DeNiro & Penn (and Streep and DDL)
2. Swank, Lange & Bergman
3. Maybe Clooney, Cotillard, Blanchett, who knows?
Well, allow me to preface this by saying that of all of these, there are only nine instances where I've seen both winning performances. I am SO behind.
1. Sean Penn - His performances are fully realized, complete human beings...and also completely different, in build, attitude, voice, stance, etc. So magnetic.
2. Shelley Winters - I love Shoutin' Shelley, and she uses her BIGness (not necessarily physical) to great effect, whether it be desperate confusion (Anne Frank) or disappointed meanness (Patch of Blue).
3. Maggie Smith - She IS my all-time favorite actor, after all. Jean Brodie is just such an iconic role, and her segment in California Suite is the funniest, saddest and truest of them all.
Honorable Mentions: Brando, Wiest
1. Tom Hanks - I hate hate hate both films, and while I don't think he's terrible in them...come on. *These* are the winning performances?
2. Kevin Spacey - For Usual Suspects. I just feel Bryne, Pollak and Del Toro give stronger, more memorable performances.
3. Michael Caine - Tough love time. Caine is one of my all-time favorites, and he's fine in Cider House Rules, but his performance simply doesn't compare with anyone in Magnolia, or Chris Cooper in American Beauty, or (dare I say?) Harry Lennix in Titus.
Philip Seymour Hoffman, or -- even though she hasn't won her first yet -- Viola Davis. Yes, I'm declaring that Davis will be the first black woman in the club, and I hope we won't look back on this and laugh.
Surprised about the hatred of people on Hilary Swanks, I personally think she did a very good job in Million Dollar Baby.
Anyway, my list:
1. Kevin Spacey (He won on his 2 most famous roles, and he deserved that).
Daniel Day Lewis (legend)
Marlon Brandon (legend)
2. Glenn Close (Dangerous Liaisons) instead of Jodie Foster (Accused)
Jaye Davidson (The Crying Game) instead of Gene Hackman (Unforgiven) [it's a very challenging role, yet he was exceptional. Hackman's role, on the other hand, seems over the top to me.]
Mickey Rourke instead of Sean Penn (Milk) [Sean Penn is always a very excellent actor, but Rourke just stole everyone's heart here. And common, Sean Penn would be able to get more Oscar other than this one, so why ruined the beautiful acting here?
3. I hope: Al Pacino. He should be on this list, and he had been snubbed countless time. Hopefully 1 supporting performance will do.
I want: Tilda Swinton could get her second Oscar in the next 5 years. In leading category.
I think: Ryan Gosling could be on in the next decade. It's quite a possibility.
Walter -- i think you're right about Philip Seymour Hoffman and it alarms me that I didn't even think of that as a possibility. Too much wishful thinknig that he'll go away? ;)
Tombeet -- despite my issues with Kevin Spacey as a person I love it when people win their Oscars for their best roles... it seems less common than deservedly winning but for the wrong role
John -- well re: Clooney. isn't popularity the reason so many of those 38 people won a second?
Leon -- i think we'd alll like to change the nominees of 1994. what a weird lineup they had. as bizarre as 2003 or 2005 for who it snubbed just to have typical Oscar-seeking roles represented even though the performances weren't special
matt-- much as i love Cher in '87 and Close back-to-back in 87/88 would be more deserving than any of the back-to-backs that have actually occurred.
1.- Leigh, Taylor, Hepburn (I love 'Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?'), Brando, De Niro, Streep, Day-Lewis...
2.- Hoffman and Nicholson: Both are legends and both deserved a second (or a third) award, but 'Rain Man' and 'Terms of Endearment' were not the right roles.
And, of course, Swank...
3.- Philip Seymour Hoffman seems very likely. Winslet and Dench too. And I wish a second award for Al Pacino, he totally deserves it but he needs a good role for a good comeback. And it would be also very nice to see Julia Roberts making a triumphant return and winning a second award. But she should forget her last awful choices and remember 'Erin Brockovich', 'Closer' or 'Charlie Wilson's war'. Maybe 'August: Osage County'...
I'm probably in the minority here because I think very few actors deserve multiple Oscars (i.e. more than one). So, counting on my memory of their performances (if seen at all) and the general idea I have about their greatness as actors, and not counting, because I really don't know, their competition those years and those that have already been mentioned, I'd take one Oscar from Friedrich March, Olivia de Havilland, Anthony Quinn... and I won't continue not to piss off more people. They're good actors, sure, but as great as to have 2 Oscars?
I have no idea which current winner could have a second one, careers seem so short and uneven these days. I see DDL winning a 3rd easily if he doesn't sing and if he finds another Plainview that will motivate enough to go back to work. I guess Clooney could be the closest thing to it, as he's as universally loved as Hanks was back in the day when he won two in a row. Maybe one of the wonder boys Fassbender/Gosling? They'll have to win one first. Bardem? I don't know, if he had more Biutiful projects, maybe, but his latest steps don't seem to go in that direction. Maybe a supporting one for Brody? Ok, I'll stop throwing names.
As for the women, anything is possible after Bullock's win, really. It's a beauty contest, so Portman could, Theron could, Kidman could... I don't see Roberts or Paltrow winning a second one, they don't seem to have that likeability factor. And I don't see Cotillard either, nor any other foreign actress winning a second one. Maybe Mia Farrow or Gena Rowlands? Oops, they don't even have one.
1 - Brando, Glenda Jackson, Daniel Day-Lewis
2 - Dustin Hoffman, Jessica Lange, Tom Hanks
3 - Vanessa Redgrave!
1.meryl streep ,marlon brando (both deserve more than 2) Vivien Leigh
2.hilary swank (second one)]
3.kate winslet
Most deserving:
Vivien Leigh-Both performances masterworks of skill and understanding.
Jane Fonda-Great performances by a wonderfully insightful actress. She needs to find a project worthy of her and get back to work!
Finally a toss-up between Gary Cooper-a great minimalist & Olivia de Havilland-always great at revealing the inner life of her characters.
The 3 I'd take away:
Luise Rainer-I'm sure she's a lovely woman but I've always thought she was terribly wan and unimpressive and her Oscars a product of studio manuevering.
Walter Brennan-Always the same performance
Denzel Washington-I know many people who think he's a fine actor but to me he is another one who is almost always giving the same flat performance that falls back on a bag of tricks.
Most likely to win a second:
Kate Winslet
Most: (meaning whole heartedly deserving of both specific ones they were rewarded for), Brando and Spacey (even if The Usual Suspects should have ALSO been in Lead Actor). DeNiro would have both his wins switched to what I feel are significantly better performances for back to back wins in 84 and 85 (Once Upon a Time in America and Brazil). Running down the list, if it were me:
Rainer's first goes to Lombard
Can't argue with the Bette Davis choices
Don't have enough of a clue about Brennan's first two, though I'd count James Stewart's The Philadelphia Story role as supporting and have him win that.
Spencer Tracy loses his second to Cagney
Frederic March loses his second to Stewart (It's a Wonderful Life)
DeHavilland loses her first to Bergman and her second to Hepburn for Adam's Rib. Wins for The Snake Pit.
Vivien Leigh loses her first to Garbo.
Gary Cooper loses his first to Welles and his second to Takashi Shimura.
Anthony Quinn loses his second to Eli Wallach
Ingrid Bergman wins for (at the very least) Casablanca and Notorious as opposed to Gaslight and Anastasia. Loses her third to Dunaway. (sorry, but her role in Chinatown is not a lead) (Haven't seen Autumn Sonata.)
Ustinov loses his second to Sterling Hayden.
I have no clue If I'd keep those Shelley Winters wins.
Elizabeth Taylor loses her first to Shirley MacLaine.
Katharine Hepburn loses her second to Anne Bancroft
Helen Hayes loses her second to Anita Pallenberg (Performance)
Marlon Brando keeps his
Glenda Jackson loses her second to Sissie Spacek
Jack Lemmon loses his second to Kris Kristofferson (Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid)
Jason Robards loses his to Hal Holbrook (yes, I'm just transferring the win to another member of the cast) and Christopher Walken. Wins for Once Upon a Time in the West.
Jane Fonda loses her first to Julie Christie
Melvyn Douglas loses his second to Duvall
DeNiro's first win is bumped up to Lead where he loses to Pacino and his second loses to Nicholson
Streep loses her first to (likely) Veronica Cartwright
Jack Nicholson's first is switched to The Passenger and he loses his second to Burt Lancaster.
Sally Field loses hers to Shirley MacLaine and (on current knowledge) Marita Breuer.
Jodie Foster loses her first to Jamie Lee Curtis
I wouldn't even nominate Gene Hackman for his first win (category goes to Malcolm McDowell)
Dianne Wiest loses her second to Kirsten Dunst (I accept young performances a bit more readily)
Jessica Lange is bumped to lead for Tootsie and loses, loses second to Natalie Portman
Tom Hanks (Silver for Big) loses to Bruce Campbell and Samuel L. Jackson.
Michael Caine loses to Dennis Hopper and isn't even nominated in the second race (winner of second race is Stephen Root.)
Kevin Spacey's first is bumped up to lead and still wins, and silvers his second race. (Jim Broadbent is amazing. Topsy-Turvy should be VERY DULL.)
Denzel loses his first to Danny Aiello and his second to Jake Gyllenhaal.
Hilary Swank loses her first to Annette Bening and her second to Kate Winslet.
DDL loses his second to Simon Pegg. (Haven't seen his first, but it looks like that's the only thing that could possibly top Spike Lee.)
Sean Penn loses his first to Daniel Bruhl and his second to Mickey Rourke.
Note: Nicholson's third is lost to John Cusack.
Sissy Spacek should be a two or three time winner for Crimes of the Heart and especially In the Bedroom.
Most Deserving:
1. Vivien Leigh
2. Dianne Wiest
3. Sean Penn
*Bette Davis deserved at least two Oscars, but she didn't win for her best work.
Least Deserving
1. Katharine Hepburn (Her win for Guess Who's Coming to Dinner should have gone to Anne Bancroft for The Graduate, who would have then joined the 2+ club herself.)
2. Sally Field (Places in the Heart...eek.)
3. Michael Caine (Cider House Rules).
I have no clue who's next to join.
Most deserving: Leigh, De Niro, Hackman and Fonda
Least deserving: Sally Field, Swank, Lemmon and Glenda Jackson
Next up: Blanchett, Winslet, Clooney and Bale
Volvagia, you are crazy.
That said, I'd like to highlight the fact that the three I mentioned as the most deserving are most deserving of two oscar, but not particularly the one they have won.
Why are people overrating Jaye Davidson so much and underrating Hackman's performance in Unforgiven. He deserved his Oscar for that one, no question about it
1. Vivien Leigh, Robert DeNiro, Denzel Washington. I'm going to ignore your instructions and give another three, which would be DDL, Dianne Wiest, and Gene Hackman (even though I haven't seen 'Unforgiven' - but Hackman is just so consistently good, that I'm sure he deserves a second even if not for that movie)
2. Jack Nicholson, Kevin Spacey, Hilary Swank. I would say Michael Caine, as I don't think he deserved it for 'Cider House Rules', but the idea of him being a two-time winner doesn't seem as flat-out wrong as the other three I listed.
3. Javier Bardem.
Oops, forgot about Clooney. He is more likely to win a second one.
Oh I agree with you on Hackman Rebecca, hes always consistently good, and he himself along with his Oscar wins get unfairly dismissed as undeserved. I just cant understand the praise for Davidson's essentially gimmick and fluke acting role in The Crying Game over Hackman's far more complex characterisation in Unforgiven