20:10 The Scariest Movie Ever

As we wrap up the 2010 film year (one last week of awards brouhaha to deal with Oscar weekend and our own awards) a few more screenshots from the 20th minute & 10th second of last year's movies.
Today's topic Documentary Hopeful INSIDE JOB
V.O.: Scott Talbot is the chief lobbyist for the Financial Services Roundtable, one of the most powerful groups in Washington, which represents nearly all of the world's LARGEST financial companies.
Interviewer: Are you comfortable with the fact that several of your member companies have engaged in large scale criminal activities?Talbot: You'll have to be specific.
The interview responds with an incredulous "okay...uh...", preparing to get specific until Talbot realizes how evil not saying "NO" immediately may have sounded. (Hint: As evil as it actually is). He tries to recover with a more diplomatic response.
THIS IS THE SCARIEST HORROR MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN. Or at least that I've ever seen recently. Especially in light of the warfare on the middle class and Union workers that the Right Wing is waging at this very moment. But as for Oscar predictions... I do wonder if Inside Job is too dry and informational to take the Oscar? I still doubt that Exit Through the Gift Shop is going to pull it off. It's so unlike what Oscar goes for in the documentary category, regardless of the buzz. Should I predict Wasteland instead, a frequent audience favorite? What'cha think?
Reader Comments (10)
I was just thinking about Inside Job. Why do I feel guilty about the fact that I totally prefer it to Exit Through the Gift Shop? :/
Inside Job is fighting for #1 with The Social Network for me. Please someone, tell me I'm not the only one.
Did you see "Countdown to Zero"? For me that was the scariest movie of the year (haven't seen this one). It's horrifying. Documentaries are always the scariest movies of the year (and often some of the best).
I missed the week-long run "Inside Job" had on our indie screen (yes, just one), mistakenly thinking it was due sooner on DVD. Wish I hadn't -- that would have been 4 of 5 for me (once I see Restrepo on Insta-Flix, that is).
Even though I haven't seen it, I'm not sure it would have scared me as much as the flaming tap water in "GasLand." I used to think it was cool that the tap water in my home town could conduct enough electricity to light a light bulb. At least it wouldn't combust.
"Waste Land" seems like it might take it...they tend to like the 3rd world topics, like "Born into Brothels." "Inside Job" was fairly dry and not particularly dazzling visually. I'm also not sure if it'll be seen as so eye-opening that it would transcend its weaknesses. "Exit Through the Gift Shop" may be way too hip.
I didn't really dig Inside Job. I thought it was well made, interesting and informative, but I felt it was little more than a retelling of historical events. There wasn't a lot of insight to be gained from it. On the other hand, Exit Through The Gift Shop raised all sorts of questions in an unconventional and enthralling way.
I feel like there's a good chance Inside Job will date quite quickly as we move further away from the events it depicts. I think Exit will grow in stature over time. But, then, I'm highly critical of those who make that same type of judgment about King's Speech and Social Network so probably take no notice of it.
I agree with Samuel. I also had major issues with the director's "gotcha" tactics. I felt it was a cut above Waiting for Superman, but they're both cut from the same type of cloth.
But I also think Exit Through the Gift Shop is slightly overrated.
samuel -- but i think one of the points of INSIDE JOB is that we're not moving away from its story at all. which is even scarier.
arkaan --interesting to hear that since i had such a reaction against "superman" and was largely pro on Inside Job.
Kokolo -- don't feel guilty. it's a strong lineup isn't it? I actually prefer RESTREPO to either of them.
The documentary category hasn't been this nail-biting in years! I hear everything that you are saying Nathaniel but I actually think "Restrepo" will be the one to beat "Exit". Here's why: I think the Academy wants to prove that they (Hollywood) are not out of touch while 2 wars are still being waged. The Academy will want to show the rest of the country (mainly red states) that they are in solidarity with U.S. soldiers (and their families) and that Hollywood is not elitist and self-absorbed etc. Plus, the filmmakers risked their lives making the film which is another reason it might win: In the history of motion cameras we've never before seen war footage so close-up. The moments in battle that they filmed were extraordinary and emotionally powerful beyond words.
What "Restrepo" has against it is that it actually isn't a very anti-war film. I think the Academy would prefer to support a war documentary that had a clear message against the war and quite frankly, I wouldn't blame them.
ludlow -- hmmm. i'd be happy to see RESTREPO take it. It really does feel up in the air. I've never bought the Exit slamdunk thing that people seem to buy. so maybe i shouldn't be predicting it?
So are we not assuming that the controversy-averse Academy will reject Exit Through the Gift Shop due to the still-prevailing questions as to how much of it was real and how much was a put-on? Also...who picks up the award if it does win? I wouldn't expect Banksy to show, and the Academy hates being snubbed (see Woody Allen, 1978).
I thought Inside Job was very well put together and insightful. However, to anyone who watches "60 Minutes" regularly and may have seen any of the other on-topic documentaries that preceded it (e.g., American Casino or, to some extent, Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story), it feels a little bit like a compilation, if not a rehash, of everything they've seen before.
Ultimately, I think this is why Waste Land (two words, by the way; it's GasLand that's one) will win. I'll admit to not having seen it, but from what I've heard, it's worthy, and more importantly, its topic is something that would be new and eye-opening to the Academy.
I haven't seen Restrepo either, but I think ludlow's argument above was fulfilled by The Hurt Locker, and war fatigue may be setting in. I can imagine a few Academy members thinking, "Another war film? Didn't we just give one of those Best Picture last year?"