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Oscar Gown Clearance Sale!

All dresses must go!! Low low prices !!!

Today is the official last day of Oscar 2010 posting (but for the mandatory podcast on Sunday) so to wrap things up, some random comments and some fashion highs and lows and why we HATE the ubiquitous fashion term "on trend" even when Tim Gunn says it.

But let's start with INDECISION: Sharon Stone, Jennifer Hudson, Marisa Tomei, Mila Kunis... should we love or hate these looks. Help.

Crazy Lady. Weight Watchers Success Story. "Sex Angel" and Dangerous Mila

Mila is giving the evil (smoky) eye in this photo. Who or what is she so pissed about? When the reporters asked JHud what color her dress was we wanted to shout out "If that's red I wanna know what's orange" but she answered tangerine orange which seems correct.

Unbest and Best after the jump. We already covered the nominees (SUPPORTING and LEAD) so they're not included.

Remember when Sharon Stone used to always make Best Dressed lists simply because she always marched to her own drummer? She still does. And speaking of taking the road less travelled by. Why is it considered a compliment to be "on trend"? That just means you're wearing what everyone else is wearing which is BORING. One can hardly be a fashion icon if one follows. If I saw one more shimmery tube sheathy thing on Sunday night I was going to hurt somebody. Everyone was wearing them from Celine Dion to Gwynnie to Mandy to Halle to Hilary to whomever. The only variation in them was shades of shimmer: you want skin tone? white? silver? There was also some variation in the bottom of the dresses. The ones that weren't just tubes flared out with delicacies or that feathery "I wish I was Penélope Cruz in 2007" desperation that we've seen so much of every year since. I'm not including any of them lest mine eyes die of boredom.ZZZzzz

Give me OFF TREND any day. Nazi stylists have ruined Oscar fashions. It's too safe. But that said, safe is chosen so you don' t make "unbest" lists (worst is too negative! Oscars are love)

Unbest Dressed

B&W Virginia, red carpet Kathryn, Easter Egg Cate, Lacey ScarJo

 I don't quite get what any of these women were going for. Perhaps Virginia Madsen was only undone by Reese Witherspoon being the other Black and White option?  Red Carpet dresses on the red carpet are always tricky but shoulder cutouts for a tall shouldery woman? Seems counterintuitive on Kathryn Bigelow though she's a great director so fashion need not be a top priority. Cate, you already took a poll (Easter Egg Candy Wrapping is winning). But absolutely worst had to be Scarlett Johansson. The messy heart lace cutout with some sort of undergarment bra look underneath it? The see through areas are so random and raggedy that one wonders if a swarm of moths were hired for that Vintage From the Attic look.

And these are my choices for... BEST DRESSED

Aishwarya, Dame Helen, Pint Size Powerhouse, Lisa Maria Falcone

I'm sure Aishwarya Rai is helped to best dressed lists frequently on acocunt of being one of the most beautiful women in the world but hers was the only shimmery sheath in a darker super flattering color. Helen Mirren looks amazement in that color and shape, yes? Reese Witherspoon is my #1 (yours? do share in the comment) because it's so feisty and she wins extra points for Black and White in a sea of reds and shimmery "light" things. Plus one extra half point because she starred in Pleasantville which had fun with being black and white in color. Finally, though we normally don't include non-actresses/non-celebrities props to Lisa Maria Falcone (127 Hours executive producer) for this amazing thing that is so gorgeous and interesting. The ringed pattern is even semi reminiscent of the eroded rock formations in Southern Utah (and/or tree truck rings the point being: The Natural World!) where her movie takes place without being obvious or gimmicky about it and maybe even being an unconscious choice. Plus the shoes are fierce.

Just... well wouldn't you wear that if you were a lady (maybe you are?) or a drag queen? It's awesome.


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Reader Comments (40)

Cate Blanchett looked AMAZING.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKeegan

JHud = <3

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commentereurocheese

Agree with #1

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNikesh

Sorry to be contrary but... I think both Cate and Scarlett looked great, although Cate's works much better full length than when you can only see it waist up. I love Scarlett's odd combo of vintage dress with just-come-back-from-a-swim hair. A little heavy on the eye makeup, but otherwise totally arresting. And I'm ususally bored to tears by her. By contrast, I think Reese looked safe - although still a million dollars. In fact, the only one of the twelve I actually dislike is Madsen's carpet-roll.

Katheryn Bigelow's look = pagan high priestess of cinema.

And yes, serious props to Lisa Maria Falcone. Is this a rare occurrence, or are we missing a tresure trove of great looks every years by turning our attention only to the front-of-camera talent.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLaika

Cate Blanchett was the best dressed. She looked gorgeous and original.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNina

Cate Blanchett's dress is a total Monet in the Clueless sense. From so far, the flow-y bottom is amazing. Close up, the top is a mess.

I feel like I'm the only one in the world who appreciated Scar-Jo's attire.

I thought Reese's dress looked nice enough, but I hated the hair. A ponytail at the Oscars!?!

Helen Mirren has been my best dressed two or three times now. I love that woman, particularly this Weimaraner gray color.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

I thought Reese's dress was just as boringas Jennifer Lawrence's; plus it was way to reminiscent of Julia Robert's when she won her Oscar (something I'd like to forget).

My best dressed are definitely Mila and Jennifer Hudson. They worked it.

I already hate seeing Cate Blanchett as it is - that dress is giving me even more of a reason to just turn away, count to ten, and hope she's gone.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfbh

BEST: Anne, Mila or Reese (who had the best hair by far!)

WORST: Cate Blanchett (or as dlisted commented; "it's my little pony with genital warts" lol!

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

That's a dress? I thought Cate was wearing the magic mirror.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPercy

Reese's whole outfit reminded me of Angelina's 2009 combination-black dress and those aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamazing esmerald earings. But Reese is no Angelina.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

I hadn't seen Falcone's dress before, and you're right, it's really cool. I was ambivalent about Cate Blanchett's dress. I t looked horrible close-up, but surprisingly effective from a distance.

Jennifer Hudson - if you're going to wear a dress that showcases your boobs, it shouldn't make your boobs look weird, like they're stuck in the middle of some cropped outtake photo. At least Mila's eye-drawing breasts were more quietly reflective, yes, I see they are breasts, will they fall out, won't they. And Tomei seemed to be wearing Jane Russells' dress, as though it was several sizes too large for her, and just the side seams had been taken in. She's beautiful though.

Although Johansen's dress didn't show her off at all, my eyes kept going, not to her dress, but her awful hair. I just thought, so this is what a gorgeous woman looks like when she's unhappy.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteradri

I really liked Hailee Steinfeld's dress and her diamond-studded headband. Perfect, as per usual for Steinfeld on the Red Carpet. Natalie Portman's dress was probably my favorite, though.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTyler

Helen Mirren is my #1, she looked amazing, that colour and cut were so unique. Finally something refreshing after some very elegant but too similar choices. Also, I loved Reese's looks, the dress was not boring at all but surprisingly classy and she pulled it off in a way it demanded attention.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commentervg21

Helen Mirren continues to rock my world, and Mila's dress makes me feel a little dirty...

Cate Blanchett looks like she's wearing some ultra-expensive toilet seat cover, which is a shame because her hair and make up are gorgeous.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJenn

Percy- my thoughts exactly! I made a similar comment, I think, in the live blogging thread. I had to check to see if Cate was in that new movie "Snow White and the Huntsman," thinking she might be trying to make a plug for it.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

Reese gets my prize. Bring back the Valley of the Era. More extensions! Higher falls!

Cate was atop BOTH the worst and best dressed lists at my Oscar party. Now that's fashion.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSan FranCinema

*Valley of the Dolls era, oops.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSan FranCinema

So which category does Mila belong to? quoting herself from Black Swan, “Cos I think...you’re gonna be uh-ma-zing."

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMikhael

Ah, I knew Cate would get slammed for her ensemble, but I do admire her for attempting an...avant-garge homage to Krypton? (As has been said, her hair and make-up *were* flawless.)

And Helen Mirren is the sexiest sexegenarian this side of Jane Fonda a decade ago! (I saw both her and Cate at the Tony's last year, and they both are stunning in person.)

Bottom line: The fit of Reese's dress is what really put her over the top. It hugged her curves in all the right ways/places, and had the added benefit of being topped off by an eruption of faux hair. (Very va-va-voom Valley of the Dolls—in a good way!—which also has been rightly name-dropped.)

P.S. No Sally Kirkland this year? :-(

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark

mila's dress made her tits look tattooed

best dressed - michelle williams
worst dressed - jacki weaver

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpar3182

loved: Mila, Scarlett, Helen...BEST DRESSED MICHELLE WILLIAMS
hated: Marissa, Sharon, Jennifer, Cate, Reese...WORST DRESSED NICOLE...(and it still hurts)

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstjeans

Mila Kunis looked like a Babylonian princes. She's really cool!

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlack

Hailee Steinfeld, Michelle Williams, and Anne Hathaway were the best. And I also kinda liked Melissa Leo. Original. And I thought Scarlett and Nicole looked fab as well.

And I thought that Marisa Tomei looked like a saloon girl in mourning, something I was surprised Nathaniel did not comment on.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Cate Blanchett looked amazing.
Nicole and ScarJo were the worst dressed :(

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBernardo S

You claim you want originality when Blanchett gives it to you – you cry crap. Blanchett was my favorite because it’s the most different and it fits her being an odd ball underneath. Someone who disappoints me in fashion these days is Kidman who was the undisputed queen of awards season fashion for over a decade. That country husband of hers has dulled her sense of good taste.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

I agree with whoever said that Mila's dress made her tits looks tattooed. It was the first thing that sprung to mind (in fact, I thought they were actual tit tattoos) when E! showed her walking up to the red carpet from her car... Best trompe l'oeil ever?!...

My faves were: Cate (so fashiony); Mila (tit tattoos, hello!); Scarlett (heart motifs and vintage lace always do it for me, plus that colour looked great with her dirty blond do); Reese (monochrome is always a winner for me, plus loved the audacity of that ponytail); J.Hud (best pop of colour, the new body-con); J.Law (oh so cool in a 1996 kind of way, damn bang on trend); Helen Mirren (that colour was sublime with her hair); Gwynnie (it was like liquid metal, gorgeous 90s minimalism revival, which she is best placed to do considering it harks back to her heyday and she has the boyish figure to pull it off).

Natalie Portman's, considering it was Rodarte (who I adore), disappointed me ever-so slightly.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmir UK

When Cate first arrived, I was like what the hell is she wearing??? But her dress has really grown on me and I'm now fully convinced she was one of the best dressed. She was by far the most polarizing on the red carpet, however, with many claiming her as the absolute best and some as the worst.

I really liked the color of J.Hud's dress, but her boobs looked majorly awkward. Mila was STUNNING...my friends picked her as the best dressed. Helen, of course, looks stunning. HATED Scarlett...dress made her looks so old and her hair was a disaster...the back cutout of her dress was quite unique and beautiful, but it can't make up for the whole fiasco.

Best dressed of the night MUST be Reese Witherspoon though...I haven't seen her looking so fresh in awhile. Loved that she looked like a pint-sized barbie. She was adorable...Michelle Williams, Hailee Steinfeld, and Natalie Portman also get my votes too. (as well as Cate, as mentioned before).

Worst dressed was Marisa Tomei. I'm sorry--I love her--but that was a complete and utter failure...and her hair and makeup aged her about 10 years.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

"You claim you want originality when Blanchett gives it to you – you cry crap. "

Well, I have to co-sign this. On top of that you chose one of the most boring dresses of the night as you're favourite one, and adding insult to injury, what's that mall hair-do all about? Compare that to Cate's beautiful, sophisticated short hair.

Maybe your medicines are clouding your taste? ;-)

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLara

I love the story of Cate Blanchett's dress. I'll defer to The Guardian's fashion editor Jess Cartner-Morley to explain:

"I am literally obsessed with this spring/summer 2011 Givenchy haute couture collection. [...] Let me tell you about the embellishment on this dress: those beads are pearls and gems trapped between the layers of fabric, the idea being that over the decades, the chiffon starts to rub and the beads show through, and so the dress develops. These dresses are incredibly body-conscious but not in a cheesy boobs-and-bum way. Lavender and egg yolk yellow isn't the obvious, go-to red carpet colour combination – but that's part of the point. Probably only Blanchett could pull this off. And that's the message here: I'm special. I don't do girl-next-door."

It's also exactly why I loved ScarJo's D&G get-up. It was bang on trend, oh so fashion, and the fabric had a real narrative to it.

Also forgot to give shout-outs to Hilary Swank's Gucci metal- and feather-fest (colour: stunning; form: stunning) and Penelope Cruz's I'm-a-hot-new-mama-just-squeezed-into-this-L'Wren-Scott. That little bit of extra weight looks so good on her.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmir UK

LOL you're so right about all the ripples that Penelope Cruz 2007 look caused. No one has done it as well her though. Or nearly as shameless as Angie Harmon at the SAGs recently. *shudder*

I blame Marchesa for the dullness of the red carpet nowadays. And by extension, Harvey Weinstein. You know every time one of his actress 'friends' gets nominated he's all, 'My wife designs Marchesa therefore you will wear it!'

Cate Blanchett is easily my favourite. Long Live Riccardo Tisci!
Reese's was classy Valley of the Dolls fun and I am NO fan of hers.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark

Amir - I love that Jess Cartner-Morley Guardian piece!

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark

/3rtfull -- i hope you're not implying that Originality ALWAYS = Good. Because it does not. Originality is a bonus but you can be original and still be terrible just like you can be derivative and also great. It's all in how you wield your choices. i just h-a-t-e-d Cate's look.

lara -- as for aishwarya rai. (i assume that's who you're tlaking about?) sometimes when you're ridiculously beautiful simple dresses are the way to go. I think that's why Jennifer lawrence wowed so many people with the red tank dress. very basic but very flattering for her (even if i totlaly get that it was too baywatch in color and fit and with her haircolor.)

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel Rogers

Loved Cate and Reese. The rest were predictable/boring

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

Aishwarya Rai looks fine, it's Reese I'm talking about ("Reese Witherspoon is my #1"). :-)

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLara

Mila looks so pissed because Chris and Stewie keep getting all the positive attention.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrobo

Maybe this is old news, but according to this:


A remake of La comunidad is in the works and the names talked about to star in it seem to be Emily Blunt and Reese Witherspoon for the role Carmen Maura nailed. The news doesn't say much else, apart from younging it up (so predictable) the director seems to be Ken Kwapis (He's just not that into you - nooooo). I fear they'll lose the dark part and they'll only focus in some kind of slapstick with a young actress running and falling down from roofs The Money Pit style. But I'm really curious to see how this ends. They have left out the creepy Star Wars fanboy that was great and could've been a scene stealer if played by the right actor.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteriggy

I did like Reese's black and white thing... feisty for sure.

But I have to agree that Cate's dress was great. Definitely bonkers, but I kind of loved it. She really took a chance, and was unapologetic for the weirdness. There's something sort of childlike-Greek-goddessy about it.

Absolute worst for me was Bigelow. Ouch. It looks like she has shoulder pads ON HER ARMS and like they were supposed to be on her shoulders but she was too tall and popped out the top of it and broke open the shoulders. Really unflattering. Also just makes her look like a grandma, which she's actually old enough to be, but she's way too hot to be playing up that aspect of herself. So basically she looks like a grandma who's too tall for her broken shoulder-paddy dress. I literally cringed when I saw her here.

Best is a tougher call, cause there were lots of interesting looks. I did like both Natalie and Mila in their competing purples. But it's hard to pick a fave.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAdam Keller

Originality should count for more considering everyone uses a stylist or demand to only use known designers. An interesting miss will always be more interesting than note perfect.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

aishwarya rai lke dress

March 5, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkumarkawar

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March 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercomforter
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