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Two By Bat

JA from MNPP here, taking a moment to cover one of Nat's most favorite topics - the endless conversation of who's playing who in Christopher Nolan's final (or so he says) Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. Only instead of indulging the bottomless echo-chamber of speculation, here be actual real for-sure announcements! Via EW:

"Warner Bros. has announced the official casting of Oscar winner Marion Cotillard and Joseph-Gordon Levitt in Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. Cotillard will play Miranda Tate, described as “a Wayne Industries board member eager to help a still-grieving Bruce Wayne [played by Christian Bale] resume his father’s philanthropic endeavors for Gotham.” Gordon-Levitt will play John Blake, described as “a Gotham City beat cop assigned to special duty under the command of Commissioner Gordon [played by Gary Oldman].”

So there we have it. Cotillard's not playing Talia al Ghul and Joe's not playing The Riddler or any of the other seventeen thousand characters people have been guessing. Just a suit (albeit a sexy French suit, probably with fishnets underneath) and a cop (albeit... well, knowing Joe, probably the same). This is probably for the best since we've already got Catwoman and Bane bopping about. What do we think?

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Reader Comments (30)

I'm glad they have relatively small roles. The movie was starting to sound WAY crowded.

For a minute I was wondering if Nolan was making all these casting announcements to throw out false leads and keep us all completely in the dark.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHolly French

nothing! i don't care.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpomme

For one moment I was expecting to read also Di Caprio as... some kind of villain. That'd be a great move, on DiCaprio's part at least.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteriggy

It sort of tickles me that this movie is a mini Inception reunion. But i'm happy with all the casting so far. No complaining from me. I finally started to love Cotillard after Nine and Inception and my love never wavered for JGL.

But not you, Ellen Page. After Juno and Smart People, its going to take a while before we're friends again.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDerreck

Marion Cotillard!! My dream has come true!

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike

shame. i would have loved to see JGL in a juicy villain role. doesn't this sound like essentially the same role he had in inception?

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercaroline

Doesn't it also seem like, in that Bruce Wayne/Batman way, the fact that JGL and Marion are playing these suspiciously benign-sounding people could easily be a portal into villainous alter egos... perhaps even the very personas people have been floating for weeks (whoever Al Ghul and whoever Falcone)?

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNick Davis

As much as I would've loved seeing Marion play a villain, I was also feeling like the cast was getting way too crowded, so this is good.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I am happy that these two are in it but that cop role better either have a lot of face time or a lot of dialogue because JGL needs to be on the screen.... Gorgeousness

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaige

I have a feeling Marion's character's name is just an alibi for being Talia. As in, she'll be Bruce's go-to gal for comfort, but then she'll reveal herself, turn on him and get her revenge in the end.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJordan

Nick Davis definitly has my thought process. There's no way they're gonna just be those characters, there's more to it. Anybody can play those roles but he got these two actors for the roles for a reason.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPoppy

I like Anne Hathaway - A lot - but it just seems wrong that Marion Cotillard is in the movie and NOT playing catwoman, she just seems SO perfect for that role, and Hathaway so wrong for it...

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterillnaa

Glad I'm not the only one who's still suspicious, especially about Marion's part. I really think her character could be Talia in disguise, after-all, her father was a bit of a shape-shifter in the first film.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterthefilmjunkie

Got to agree with Illnaa. Though I like Anne Hathaway, I think Cotillard is more suited for the role of Catwoman. The character is suppose to be intelligent, vampy, even a little bit campy, rogueish, a thief, but not someone that's evil or a murderer. There's even a streak of honor and integerity, though Catwoman's a criminal. In short, the character's an anti-heroine. In my mind, I can easily picture Cotillard in that role. Hathaway, not so much...

Oh, I also agree with Nick Davis and Poppy. Cotillard and JGL are big name actors (and expensive to boot), so it's unlikely that they'll be playing minor supporting characters. That's got to be something more to it. And come to think of it, Cotillard could just as easily be Talia al Ghul, the daughter of Ras'al Ghul. Talia is built along the same lines as Catwoman, though she is a stone cold killer, and would betray pretty much anyone at the drop of a hat if it benefited her. She's also stunningly beautiful, charismatic, and well, evil. If Cotillard's "Miranda Tate" is just the front for the reveal of Talia, I think Cotillard could end up stealing this movie. Actually, I expect her and JGL to more or less saunter in and walk away with it, anyway. Hathaway, though talented, is likely out of her depth with this cast.

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlinking Cursor

Are we sure that he is only making three films? If not, then I would not at all be surprised to see Cotillard return as a villian in a future film. It just seems odd to cast Cotillard as the straight man when she is capable of so much more.

Of course, even if their roles are small and pretty bland I'm sure it's still one hell of a payday for Cotillard and JGL. I just hope they aren't made into villains in this film, as the worst thing in an action flick is too many villains (then it's all fighting and no story).

I should note that I really wanted Cotillard as catwoman. But, part of me is glad she isn't playing it since it means no one (as of know) will be able to trounce Pfeiffer's catwoman as being both a great batman villain, and the one of the top/most complex villains (male or female) in a superhero/comic book film.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

Joe, I don't expect Hathaway to be better than Pfeiffer and I personally don't think she's that well suited for the role, but remember when people were suspicious about Ledger and said nobody could ever top Nicholson's Joker? We really don't know anything at this point.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLucky

First of all, Hathaway has enough talent to not only turn a best-in-show performance here but also top Pfeifer's perf. Second of all, if an actress has talent...she can play any role. What about Hathaway makes her wrong for the role of Catwoman? She's beautiful, sexy, and perfectly capable of getting physical (Get Smart).

Also, as much as some may clamor for Cotillard to play Catwoman instead, sometimes other real-life happenings factor into these decisions when casting. For example, Cotillard is pregnant and due in May/June. I highly doubt she would be capable of taking on such a major role and such a physically demanding role like Selina Kyle so soon after having a child. She's been in negotiations for this film for three months now, and I imagine working out her schedule had something to do with why it took so long.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertony rock

I like Anne Hathaway - A lot - but it just seems wrong that Marion Cotillard is in the movie and NOT playing catwoman, she just seems SO perfect for that role, and Hathaway so wrong for it... [2]

When I read the headline I was like "wee she's the next catwoman! my dream came true!". damm u nolan, if she wont be able to play it cuz of her pregnacy, wait for her, i'd totally worth it.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDanilo S.

So many doubters! Hathaway will be fine as she (almost) always is. How can you be that famous and still so underrated? Somehow she's doing it.

Tony -- although there's no way anyone will ever top Pfeiffer in that role. Not such because Pfeiffer deserved the freaking Oscar but because Nolan's women aren't nearly as interesting as they ought be. so there isn't that much time or space for the actresses to really go wild in the parts.

April 20, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Cotillard as Catwoman would be weird because she's never done accent work (if she did in Public Enemies, I don't remember hearing it in the trailer). I agree, Nat, that no one should be doubting Hathaway as Catwoman at this point, both because she can be phenomenal (I didn't love Rachel Getting Married as a movie... but that performance? Second best of it's year (Sally Hawkins = Winner.)) Cillian Murphy was Scarecrow, Liam Neeson was Ra's al Ghul, Heath Ledger was The Joker. Will he be doing a fourth? Probably not. There's a few villains (Black Mask, The Ventriloquist, The Riddler, Hugo Strange and maybe Firefly, but Firefly would certainly be a minion) left that he could cover, but most are minor in the eyes of pop culture. We still need good interpretations of the villains mucked up by the last Schumacher: Ivy and Freeze. (Two ground rules: 1. Don't pair them together and 2. If you're going to do Poison Ivy, don't put her in a movie that paints Batman as gay. That's the biggest problem with the movie (aside from the schizoid mood brought on by introducing the "Alfred's dying" plotline.)) As is: Batman & Robin: D-.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Also gutted that Marion won't be playing Catwoman, but thrilled she will be in the movie.She's kinda a scene stealer, so I don't mind if her role is smooth.

I don't like Hathaway. I don't doubt her acting but she just annoys me. Not sure why. I used to like her. But now whenever i see her in amovie I get really put off. But I have faith that Nolan can do something with her that I will like,

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBrooooke

As fantastic as it would have been to have Cotillard as Talia al Ghul, it's probably for the best that they don't over-burden themselves with villains. We don't need another Spiderman 3. *shudder*

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjbaker475

Gordon-Levitt will play John Blake, described as “a Gotham City beat cop assigned to special duty under the command of Commissioner Gordon [played by Gary Oldman].”

...who suffers a horrific accident and is presumed dead by Batman and Commissioner Gordon, only to resurface as The Riddler in Batman 4:The Dark Knight Strikes Back, directed by McG.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSawyer

I have to say me level of interest just shot up now that Nolan/Bale will reunite with Cotillard. Woo.

Actually, Christopher, can you just make your post-Batman movie be all about Mademoiselle Marion? I'd love to see her headline a big expensive project by you. HEADLINE.

In general, though, I'm excited to see how this whole movie plays out. So many characters, skilled actors, 'finale' of the trilogy, etc.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark

"First of all, Hathaway has enough talent to not only turn a best-in-show performance here but also top Pfeifer's perf. Second of all, if an actress has talent...she can play any role. What about Hathaway makes her wrong for the role of Catwoman? She's beautiful, sexy, and perfectly capable of getting physical (Get Smart). "

Tony, there is no denying that Anne Hathaway is enormously talented. She's got range, is at home in drama, comedy, dramedy, and can dance and sing very well too. There isn't anything that is wrong with Hathaway, it's just that for some, she doesn't seem like the best fit for the role of Selina Kyle/Catwoman. There are many actresses that have the skill sets to play Selina/Catwoman, it's the producer/director's job to hire the one that can perform the role the best. Personally, I think that Cotillard could have aced the role, had she been given it. Further, I think Cotillard as an actor has a certain gravitas, one that Hathway with her past screen credits such as the Princess Dairies, Ella Enchanted, Get Smart, and the recent debacle of oscar hosting lacks. That isn't to say that Cotillard's resume isn't also filled with some similar lightweight fare, but there's that certain 'je ne sais quoi' that certain special something that Cotillard could have brought to the role.

Now all that said, I'd be absolutely delighted to see Hathaway rock this role, and make all naysayers (myself included) eat their words. However, I remain skeptical that it could be done. Not because she's a bad actress - she isn't - but because as already stated there's cast bloat, a boatload of villains, and Nolan isn't a woman's director when you get down to it.

Oh, on a tangential note, you said "Second of all, if an actress has talent...she can play any role." I got disagree with that a bit. Actresses that have range may be able to perform many roles, but there are still some roles that they won't be the best suited for. Some actresses are very good at drama but lack the comedic chops to work well in a comedy.

"Cotillard as Catwoman would be weird because she's never done accent work (if she did in Public Enemies, I don't remember hearing it in the trailer). "

She did try for a slight southern accent in Public Enemies. However, as that the character she played, Billie Frechette was half french, her natural real french accent was explained away through that. A similar situation happened in Nine. Her character of Luisa Contini was half french on her mother's side, hence Cotillard's french accent being explained that way.

The more that I think of it, the more I'm thinking/hoping that "Miranda Tate" is a front for Talia al Ghul. If memory serves, in Batman Begins the real Ras al Ghul was played by Liam Neeson, whose character's name was "Henri Ducard." Now that's a french name for you. Cotillard who is french, can have her accent explained away again as being the daughter of a frenchman. Besides, "Miranda Tate" is such an english sounding waspy name for a woman with a clear french accent! And of course, why waste the Oscar winner on a throw away role? She's too talented, too expensive, to waste on a trivial supporting role. I'm thinking that there's much more to this, and "Miranda Tate" could very well be the main female villain, with Selina being regulated to secondary female lead.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlinking Cursor

@ tony rock- "Second of all, if an actress has talent...she can play any role."
Are you serious? Could you see Emma Thompson as Selina Kyle?
A great actress should be versatile and chameleonesque but she cannot play every role. It is simply apart of being an individual and having your own characteristics and character traits.

@Nathaniel- "So many doubters! Hathaway will be fine as she (almost) always is. How can you be that famous and still so underrated?"
You just proved everyone's point with your little parentheses. Anne Hathaway is not a reliable actress when it comes to turning out great performances. Furthermore, what does famousness have to do with credentials. Jennifer Aniston is a quite famous, would you suggest that she is an underrated actress?

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJayJ

Anne Hathaway not a reliable actress? Since when? Just because she's starred in some frivolous titles like Princess Diaries or Get Smart doesn't make her unreliable. Oh, and by the way, how many terrible movies and mediocre performances did Heath Ledger deliver before Brokeback Mountain/The Dark Knight? Many, many. As soon as I've seen an actor deliver a performance like Hathaway's in Rachel Getting Married, all doubts are removed.

There are many different interpretations of Catwoman. I'm sure Anne will fit whatever Nolan's come up with. And I repeat, Cotillard is PREGNANT. We can wish and wish that she had been cast as Catwoman, but real-life circumstances prevented it from happening. It would take at least a month to two months after she gives birth in June to fully recover and train enough to be ready for a physically demanding role like that.

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTony Rock


My statement wasn't specific enough. Of course you have to fit a certain bill in order to play certain roles. But again I ask, what specifically about Hathaway makes her not right for the role? Don't say acting ability, because that's your mere opinion (and a minority opinion at that), so what else? I've seen nothing to suggest she can't play the part. Not to mention we don't even know what the part will entail. We might see a cultured socialite Selina instead of a slinky femme fatale Selina.

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTony Rock

I have no doubt about Ms. Hathaway talent, but even when she goes crazy (Rachel) or sluty (Havoc) she always carries that innocent beauty with her. She never delivered any of the crazy sexiness mother fucking bitchness ruling the house that Catwoman obviously requires.

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDanilo S.

@Tony Rock- My point is not that Hathaway is not a good actress it is simply that she does not consistently, or at least more often that not, turn out great performances. Sure she was great in RGM but her subsequent work has not been up to par, in fact her work in Love&Other Drugs is quite over the top... she did not rise above the material.
I refuse to fall back to one performance to signify an actor's or actress's talent, otherwise I'd be consistently ducking rocks trying to defend Kate Hudson who in my opinion delivered on of the all time best supporting actress performances in Almost Famous.
"(and a minority opinion at that)" Says Who????
Of course we have no clue as to what direction Catwoman/Selina Kyle is being taken in. If she is the damsel in distress then Hathaway will probably nail it, but if she is the cunning yet viciously sexy villainess that is portrayed in the comic books than I have my doubts.
And since Nolan doesn't have the best track record with creating compelling female characters Hathaway will probably have to rise above the material, which in the past she has had trouble doing.

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJayJ
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