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Links: Penélope & Javier, Guy & Kate, Mavericks & Vampires

 Penélope & Javi
EW Penélope Cruz to headline Woody Allen's upcoming untitled Rome picture.
US Weekly First photos of the Blessed Babe of Penélope and Javi. His name is Leo. Awwww. Love the photo of Penélope with the pacifier in her mouth.
The Wrap Javier Bardem in final talks for Stephen King adaptation The Dark Tower.

Awwww. Look at Baby Leo.

More News
Awards Daily
Boon Jong-Ho (of Mother and The Host fame) will head the Camera D'Or at Cannes this year (they're the ones that pick the "Best First Film")
Gold Derby the Grammys are shedding 31 awards in a streamlining effort. The weirdest switch is dumping the gender specificity. I would die if the Oscars did this. Actresses would never get nominated for everything.
Movie|Line attempts to keep track of the competing Snow White projects, currently scheduled to open within six months of each other next year.

Anton Yelchin and Colin Farrell in the FRIGHT NIGHT remake

80s Mania
Cinema Blend Top Gun is returning to theaters for its 25th anniversary. Ride into the Danger Zone!
NY Post shares new photos from the remake of Fright Night.

Cinephilia & Sass names his 5 favorite Guy Pearce performances. Agreed fully on #s 1 & 2. Last weekend while watching Part 3 of Mildred Pierce a rather funny R-rated conversation from both straights and gays in the room erupted (It was awesome. As is his ass in Mildred Pierce. Unfortunately I can't share it, the conversation; I've been told by a girlfriend that the convo is strictly off-blog limits. Damn her!). The Guy/Kate scenes are the best ones in Mildred Pierce because they have more life pulsing through them, and not just because half of them erupt into tetchy sex scenes. The series is best when Mildred is angry and Monty & Vida (soon to become Evan Rachel Wood) are the only ones who significantly raise her temperature.

Doesn't it always feel like Guy is going to have a breakthrough that never quite comes? He has these big seminal movies and then... Shouldn't he be as famous as, like, oh Russell Crowe? Well, maybe not that famous. But it does seem like Hollywood has been inattentive? Or hasn't Chris Nolan been inattentive? For someone who reuses actors why not throw Pearce another plum role?

Not that he isn't busy post-King's Speech.

After piercing Pierce (sorry) he'll co-star in the Nicolas Cage thriller The Hungry Rabbit Jumps, headline the Australian drama 33 Postcards, appear in the sci-fi film Lockout with Maggie Grace and then reunite with John Hillcoat (who obviously loves him: The Road, The Proposition) for The Wettest Country in the World.

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Reader Comments (6)

Oh, Nat, I wish I could've put Guy's Monty Beragon on my list of the 5 Best Guy Pearce Perfs. He is SO GOOD in the mini-series and oddly perfect casting for Monty because while reading the novel I never would've thought of him. And I should've since he's obviously proven himself a fantastic and versatile actor. Someone give him more LEADS!

Also. His body is amazing.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMattyD.

I was so obsessed with Guy Pearce for awhile after rediscovering my love for L.A. Confidential a few years ago that I tried to watch all of his movies that I could find. Even the mess that is Flynn. My five fav performances are similar and would probably go
1. Memento
2. Priscilla
3. L.A. Confidential
4. The Proposition
5. Factory Girl (I too thought he and Sienna Miller were underrated for this, the writing and directing were a mess, but they shined)

Really need to see Mildred Pierce. Alas, my local friends and I are all too poor to have HBO.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDrewB

Haven't seen Pearce in a lot of roles, but from what I've seen, I've liked. But first, let me get this out of the way:

His body is damn near perfect! While watching Mildred Pierce sunday night, and the love scenes between him and KW, all I could think was, "Damn, this man's ass is perfect!" Of course, the rest of him ain't bad either!

Lust aside, he is a good actor. He is spot on in creating Monty's arrogrance, manipulation, and disolute gigolo character. He was good in the King's Speech as well, and got lost in the oscar glory that went to the three main leads. If anyone should have been nominated for Best Supporting actor from that movie, it was Pearce not Geoffrey Rush (who is more co-lead in my opinion).

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlinking Cursor

Good for Penélope!
If she could become one of Allen's regulars and combine Almodóvars and Allens, who'd need Von Trier? This news almost makes up for the Pirates decision.

About Mildred Pierce, I don't know if I'll ever get to see that around here. So thanks for that social service you do by sharing Guy Pearce's ass with the rest of the world ;). Anyway, given the prestige and quality of the people involved, I was expecting a much bigger response on the internet. Does this mean it isn't as great as people expected?

April 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteriggy

Guy Pearce is so slimy and gross in Mildred Pierce. How could anyone find him attractive? I nearly threw up after seeing his behind.

April 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

John -- well he is supposed to be slimy as he's basically a kept man.

Iggy -- i get that feeling too. I personally think it's good but nowhere near this EVENT that everyone thought it might be.

April 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R
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