The Sound of Mia

The hills are alive with the sound of minds-blown. Mia Farrow auditioning for The Sound of Music.
Thanks to The Broadway Blog for sharing this. Tom succinctly describes exactly how I'm feeling whilst watching this on loop right now.
The Sound of Music is so iconic, so ingrained in our collective consciousness, that it feels immovable, inviolate–a solid totem of granite clothed in floral-curtain lederhosen. It is, has been and always will be. That’s what makes this brief audition video all the more shocking and hilarious and unsettling. In my opinion the world would be a better place if every film were to hit DVD with failed auditions as extras. I realize it's not so great for the egos of actors but think of the fanssssssssss. Also: doesn't this only makes you love Mia more... and there's already so much to love about her.

Reader Comments (11)
Holy shits.
Nope, I prefer when they wait till the failed auditioners have become huge stars. No one deserves the American-Idol-shame effect when they're still struggling.
True, Colin, but they should really consider it as a requirement for all 25+ years special editions....
Colin -- but Mia Farrow. This is not the definition of "still struggling" :)
Richard Dreyfuss auditioned to be one of the children but didn't get in because he couldn't dance. I'd love to see his audition too!
This is great! I was just thinking about how strange it is that she hasn't even been nominated for an Oscar before.
I really like her and remember her saying certain things about Woody. Now I'm engrossed reading this article. It sort of ruins you on Woody Allen -- he's still a genius, so is Michael Jackson and Roman Polanski.
OMG this reminds me of an audition video on the internet a while back...I think it was like a guy from American Pie auditioning for a musical or something. It was REALLY bad, thus being naturally hilarious.
Philip -- you're thinking of Chris Klein. that was like total eye/earsore audition. yikes
Hilarious, though. I felt bad for him.
I love Mia Farrow.