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Madonna is a Member of AMPAS. Pixar Wears Kilts. And Other News

In Contention "No Refunds" sign posted outside The Tree of Life. It's the crazies.
Towleroad gay pride, Cars 2, Bad Teacher, James McAvoy, etcetera
Twitter Look, it's one of the most amusing Official Tweets of the weekend. 

I mean, who knew? Madonna votes on Oscars?!? They haven't even deigned her worthy of Best Song nominations even though she totally has been. 
Boy Culture reminds us that Madonna has good taste in movies. 

Cineuropa I hadn't been following the Cloud Atlas screen adaptation story but talk about complicated. It's got three directors: Germany's Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski (of The Matrix fame though I wish they were more thought of as the Bound duo); four Oscar winners: Berry, Broadbent, Hanks and Sarandon; six different stories all set in different eras with the actors playing multiple characters.
Wesley Morris if you're looking for a surprisingly strong defense of Cars 2. I love Wesley but Cars 2? Blech.
Everything I Know... reviews the stage to screen concert of Company with Neil Patrick Harris 
The Wrap Taylor Hackford will serve another term as President of the DGA. Congrats to Mr. Helen Mirren.
Filmes do Chico top 100 gay films. One may quibble with the order but how many have you seen? 

Oh, remember that movie The Rocketeer? Wonder why they haven't rebooted that? Here's a fanmade short celebrating it... well, the character more accurately.

The Rocketeer 20th anniversary from John Banana on Vimeo.


Off Cinema
Guardian I'd been wondering why we haven't received any Missy Elliott music in so long. Turns out she's been suffering from Graves disease. But "Block Party" is coming in the near future. Yay. And get well soon, Missy.
fourfour Rich's night out during the gayest of gay nights after NY's historic decision. 
The Daily What "Yahoo 'answer of the day'" in regards to the gay marriage decision. Hee.

Third Looks
I hope it doesn't disappoint y'all that I am not one to rush at every "exclusive" that's posted across 203,001 blogs at once whenever a new anything arrives. But here are three newish ones from the past few days that people seem to like and I do, too. From, respectively:  The Hobbit, The Raven and Pixar's Brave.

Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins in "THE HOBBIT" coming December 2012John Cusack as Edgar Allan Poe in "THE RAVEN" coming March 2012Princess Merida in "BRAVE" coming June 2012

Final Fun Fact: The Pixar animation department is wearing kilts every Friday while working on Brave (2012). Isn't that adorbs? (I learned that here.)

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Reader Comments (10)

I sometimes wonder if the Academy hands out "we really wanted to nominate you, but you didn't quite make it, so here's a voting membership" kind of thing. Like when Allison Janney became a member the year Juno came out, despite Ellen Page not being invited until just this year. Just a thought.

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

Madonna decides what good acting is? There are some things you just don't want to know.

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRax

Madonna is more than qualified to vote with a group that has given Oscars to Ron Howard, Halle Berry and Paul Haggis.

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJon

John Cusack looks wonderful as Edgar Allan Poe. I've missed seeing Cusack. I hope this is a really good movie, followed by more good ones.

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteradri

I loved loved love the Lord of the Rings trilogy. So why am I not excited about The Hobbit?

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan

Arkaan -- what you said. Only i think i know why i'm not excited. Nothing Jackson has done sense has given me faith that he hasn't already peaked. and also: star wars prequels. yikes. sometimes it's best to leave a good thing alone.

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

Definitely. Also, there's no surprise this time. That sense of "lightning in a bottle" that defines the LOTR movies (the gamble, the success, the alchemy) is missing.

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan

The loss of Del Toro from the project also makes it a big "what could have been."

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrubi-kun

I'm with Rubi-kun, when Del Toro was attached I was super excited for it, if only to see how great Smaug would look. But I'm still on board, if it's anything like the other LoTR movies I'll be scratching my head the whole time wondering how Sir Ian McKellan didn't win an Oscar for being the perfect Gandalf

June 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Adri: You and me both. Grosse Pointe Blank is almost undeniably his "peak" as of now. (Nom list: 1986, Supporting, 1990, Lead, 1997, Lead (win. Grosse Pointe Blank, as I've said many times, wins all four acting categories), 2000, Lead.) I'm a little weirded out by the approach of this film. (A thriller with Poe as the main character? What's next, Lovecraft actually seeing Cthulhu?) Other than the lead, the cast is full of "we haven't proved ourselves" talent and it's directed by James McTeigue. (On the one hand, V for Vendetta was as good as it could be. On the other, he's behind the STUPID looking Ninja Assassin. Though that could also be the Wachoswki's proving they peaked way early.) If it's really good, we'll see it pushed back to September or later due to the, "We're one of the few thrillers ever released that can also claim we're Oscar Bait" thing they've got going on.

June 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia
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