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Links: 2011 Lists, Avatar Rides, W.E. Edits, Drive Colors, 

The Wrap have you heard this big news? Florida is getting an Avatar theme park. Florida is just overrun with theme parks, yes? How can they work in the hair sex thing? 
Movie|Line Madonna's W.E. will be reedited following festival savaging.
In Contention Now officially moved to the HitFix family. Check it out.
Movie|Line the movie Brad Pitt wants to be remembered for is... ??? Really? A personal pick I see.
Fuck Yeah Dementia I loled at this reworked moment from The Shining. [via]
Ultra Culture on Crazy, Stupid, Love. It's okay to want to f*** Ryan Gosling. Society says so! 

My New Plaid Pants discovers the Evil Gay (Rob James Collier) in the Emmy winning Dowton Abbey. And loves him.
Han Cinema we've been wondering if we'd see any foreign animated films in Oscar's weak animated eligible pool this year? Wonder if this could be one King of Pigs from South Korea. 
The AV Club and PopWatch both wonder if it isn't time that we all let go of Star Wars. As someone who grew up with them, seeing them in first release, I understand this issue too well.
Low Resolution, taking Nick's Flick Picks cue, is making a best of the first 50 he saw this year. Interesting and fine choices for acting honors including my Higher Ground gals (see previous interview
Some Came Running on Cronenberg's A Dangerous Method and the notion of what's cinematic. Interesting read for sure though I quit halfway through as it'll be better once i've seen the movie in question. My online reading is increasingly developing this pattern so my link lists are becoming cataloguing lists given that bloggers tend to write about movies so far in advance of your ability to actually see them.

Finally... since we're obsessed with Drive this week

Her breasts aren't real! Just sayin'.

Scanners I was just about to post this very framegrab from the Drive trailer. I hadn't noticed it until I accidently freeze-framed at this moment the other day and saw all the blurry breasts. LOL. It's a very breasty setpiece in the movie (and one of my favorite scenes; the strippers collective zombie like performances are perfection) But here it kicks off a host of observations about the color palette of Drive: teals, pinks, oranges and its orgasmic but nonsexual relationship with red.

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Reader Comments (5)

I live in Florida, but being broke makes the theme parks useless to me.

September 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

Uh if I met and fell in love with my future wife, Angelina Jolie, while making a movie, I think I'd pick it too.

September 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDean

I was just going to say what Dean said. That would be my choice too if i were in his situation. Sappy, but true. If i met 'the one' while starring in a mostly forgettable movie, i'd totally pick that one over everything else. (but i would think momentarily about something like Fight Club or Seven though)

September 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDerreck

As much as I love Madonna, no way in hell will I be listening to her commentary on "W.E. - Unrated Directos Cut" hah

September 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDave

A few years ago my brother gave me VHS tapes of the original SW trilogy. I rewatched them for the first time in years (SW was the first PG film I ever saw in a theater, in 1979) and then let them go. I had no need for them once I watched them again, right?

Had I known Lucas was going to withdraw all the original versions and make them impossible to see, I would have kept them on my shelf. I'm one of those who doesn't care what he does with "his" films (although the amount of money he's making for himself, rather than making good, new films and growing as an artist rankles, but whatever), as long as I can see the ones I grew up with if I choose to.

This is where Lucas gets is wrong, I think - he calls them "his" films. In the first place, filmmaking is a collaborative process, and I lot of creative minds and talents were involved every step of the way. More importantly I think, is the fact that once you show a film (or play, or a painting, or release a book) it also becomes "ours", part of our collective and private culture and consciousness; it becomes in some way the mental property of the audience because it becomes worked into their memories - and each of us in turn remembers it differently, and intereprets or reacts to what we see quite differently.

George Lucas says fans need to "grow up" and "let go" of the films? I'd say he needs to follow his own advice.

September 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJanice
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