"Gravity" is Now Test Screening

One of 2012's most anticipated features, Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity, is far enough along now that it's test screening. All we know (and want to know!) of its plot is the synopsis which goes like so "The lone survivor of a space mission to repair the Hubble telescope desperately tries to return to Earth and reunite with her daughter."
Sandra and Child and George Clooney on the set of "Gravity"
I heard from a Film Experience reader in California shortly after he exited a test screening and I thank him for not telling me plot details! (I can't be the only one who wants to be surprised at the movies anymore). He guiltily prefaced things with "I know I'm not supposed to speak about the movie" but he was too excited not to share calling Cuarón "insanely monumental" though he confirmed my suspicions that the film will prove divisive.
Gravity is Cuaron’s masterpiece. It’s gonna be divided. Half will think it’s a self-indulgent borefest and half will think it’s amazingly brilliant. The movie is 80% just Sandra Bullock!

If this is a runaway crowd pleaser, then count Bullock in."
Reader Comments (23)
My most anticipated movie of the year, if for no other reason than all the mystery surrounding it. I'm sure that movies like Prometheus and The Dark Knight Rises will be good based on buzz, trailers, etc...but this is so clouded in secrecy that I find myself anxiously waiting ANY and all news on it!
I have no problem watching Sandra fly solo on screen for 80% of a movie....so there's that too...
This is definitely one of the movies I'm most excited for. I really think Sandra (and Cuaron) will turn it out and I can't wait. I think she has a great shot at Oscar nomination.
I am a bit confused because on some other sites, some people mentioned that the visual effect was in rough stage and still needs tons of improvement. So I wonder how your source mentioned the likely nomination for visual effects when it's not done ? Nonetheless, I am very excited for this and I am glad Sandy takes a chance with this role.
Drew -- i can't speak for him but i assume he saw promise in it. He really loved it though so maybe he was extrapolating ;) and, yes, it's great that she's not coasting post-Oscar. Because lord knows she could.
I'm squealing now, thanks.
CANNOT wait. I seriously don't wanna know anything until the trailer comes out and even then, nothing till it's released. Huge thanks to that devoted TFE reader for whetting our appetites, this is pretty golden indeed.
Emmanuel Lubezki is always ace. This is just a fact. I'd love to see him rewarded while working with Cuarón again, that would just perfect but damn those clearly jealous AMPAS members who can't handle him. >_>
^ Well you know it seemed like she felt kinda guilty when she won, even if she did have fun campaigning. So I think she just wants to really prove herself and take the opportunities that have become available because of Oscar and show that she really cares about acting, not just money.
Regarding Bullock's post Oscar win, maybe we could see more Oscar nominations following just like Marisa Tomei?
I also went to IMDB and someone shared some mini reviews by his friends about this movie. All praise for the film, Cuaron's direction, and Bullock carrying the whole film. That's it then, I'm camping night before this film comes out.
Tomei's win was premature. Her nomination was criminal—the women denied that year in supporting actress for an almost dry lineup of prestige porn with the dark horse being Tomei over Alfre Woodard for Passion Fish and Michelle Pfeiffer for Batman Returns (she's really a lead but being a genre movie where she isn't in the Sigourney Weaver position prevented Best Actress traction from occurring).
Tomei is an under appreciated talent from the fallout over her victory and her background as a lightweight TV actress.and beating even more under appreciated actresses—Redgrave, Davis, and Miranda Richardson.
I'm pro-Bullock by the way. She's likable, lovable, and not a bitch underneath (Julia Roberts).
Yeah, she is a bit boring compared to julia...
Anyway, your friend's comment saying 'if it is a crowd pleaser' ... Shouldnthe know or at least take a good guess, having seen the film. From what he says about it being divisive, it sounds like not so much of a crowdpleaser
I couldn't be more hyped! When can we expect a trailer?! I also heard Clooney is the comic relief of the film and is brilliant in his short performance and Bullock is just fantastic.7
This movie is DEFINATELY now my most anticipated films of 2012, tied with The Hobbit!!!
I'm glad she's taking her career, post-Oscar, seriously. Unlike so many before her who have done the opposite. But that may have something to do with the fact that she had already spent years doing crap to get her paycheck.
OK, Maggie Smith is officially nominated for an Oscar (leading or supporting, we're not sure)
I'm so excited, I just cannot hide it.
I think the director will get the credit if Gravity turns out to be great. Bullock has already won her Oscar which was a travesty. Another nomination, just say NO.
There's a laundry list of performers and technicians who posses undeserved nominations and wins. I think hands down Bullock's Best Actress is the worst ever—Flotsam as Nick Davis would categorize.
I still like Bullock and therefore her having an Oscar isn't a crime as much as the film she won it for.
By the way since you're a Streeper—there's a price to be paid for Meryl's 3rd being a thing of the present. Uncertain how Viola Davis will benefit outside a possible Supporting Actress win?—I suspect Osage County will be Julia Robert's 2nd Oscar in Best Actress.
I suspect Streep will win her 4th Oscar for August: Osage County (Violet Weston is a dream project).
Hot damn. Can't wait. I wish I was Basher Savage.
Bia -- that's a good point.
I would love to be a part of this movie, does anyone know who I can contact to be an extra in this move? :)
Would love Sandra to at least get an Oscar nomination for her work in "Gravity." She promised during the Oscar campaign luncheon (for The Blind Side) that she felt an obligation to better her work.
"Extremely Loud..." was a flawed film (though I enjoyed it) but Sandra's work was delicate and lovely. She is very watchable, so I am looking forward to having her be in 80% of "Gravity." So glad she is keeping her promise to do better work. I really do not want to see Julia Roberts get any more Oscar or awards recognition. I love Meyrl, but sad she is doing "August Osage County" with Julia...a not nice person.
I have no problem with Sandra having an Oscar, nor even really for the movie she won it for. I would never want to see it again, but likability and charisma (which are part of acting) is even rarer than Shakespearean competence. I'm perfectly happy with a "light" performance winning an award.
That being said, I hope she gets really strong directors in the future because when Sandy goes serious, she tends to go blank. Someone needs to help her keep her charisma and intensity rather than pushing vagueness.
I too was at the screening of "Gravity". Even as a work in progress this film shows tons of potential. Bullock and Clooney excellent (and I'm not a big fan of Bullock). Cinematography/Sound/Production Design/Costumes/Music---Exceptional. Alfonso Cuaron---what is there to say----one of the few visionaries in cinema today...
Sandra is in my opinion, a blank actress in dramatic performances. Thanks for the word I was looking for to describe her, Dave,