
MTV News hilarious bit w/ Julia Roberts and Josh Horowitz talking Jennifer Lawrence
Juan Luis Garcia writes an open letter to Spike Lee about Oldboy poster designs that are being used without the designer's permission. Horrifying story of freelancer abuse
Gawker collected the key floats and Roker silliness for Thanksgiving Day Parade ICYMI
Variety Evan Rachel Wood vs the MPAA over a recent sex scene
List Mania
Gurus of Gold we list nominations we'd be thankful for and update our charts
THR Feinberg's Forecast. It's exhausting to read all the stuff that happened this week. Once campaigning starts it's just impossible to keep up, right?
The Playlist on the Breakout directors of 2013 from Destin Cretton (Short Term 12) to Sebastian Lelio (Gloria)
Variety also reviewed the week from Jean Claude Van Damme's epic split stunt to Frozen on your phone
Vulture all the times Peeta messes up in Hunger Games: Catching Fire. LOL. Get it together, Josh Hutcherson!
Reader Comments (9)
Yay! Weinstein FYC ads on TFE!
I am finding Julia Roberts really down to earth and humble in the past couple of months of press tour for August: Osage County- quite the opposite from her entitled self from years back.
Interesting comments on Hustle. Looks like they have their work cut out for them for noms outside of Lawrence. Nice to see Larson figuring so high on Feinberg's list.
Not that I think Spike's response to that artist was called for at all, but why did that artist direct it at all when Lee, as far as I can tell, likely had nothing to do with the poster art? He needs to direct that at Oldboy's distributor who is responsible for the campaign and ads. Directing it at a well-known director either shows incredible naivete at the commercial process of films or is doing it for hits and sympathy.
Julia is always throwing shade when someone brings up another actor in her interviews. I also thought there was a bit of a chill between her and Amy Adams at the recent actors roundtable. Not on Amy's part either.
CMG -- a freelance artist directing a letter to a CORPORATION would have gotten them nowhere at all. And certainly no press. It was smart to direct it at Lee. Even though Lee has shrugged it off -- bad form I think (better not to say anything at all if he doesn't agree than to diss someone who is already hurting. Especially since it appears to be fact that Spike Lee used his work without permission and without the artist getting paid) -- it was still the only way to get the story heard.
Henry -- i'll wait until I see it for myself. I think it's too small a sampling right now. It starts screening for a lot more people (guilds and such -- I'm going tomorrow) this weekend.
Bia -- How exactly was Julia throwing shade at Jennifer Lawrence? Julia called her "fabulous" and stated JLaw is too cool and edgy for such a reductive label of "America's Sweetheart" (which is true). If that's supposed to be shade then it's an epic fail on Juila's part.
ooooooooh. julia roberts called jennifer lawrence too cool, cooler than her and fabulous. what a shade!!! bring on the shade police!!!!
english is probably not your first language or you just choose to not understand that interview. watch it again. clearly, they're having fun with the whole "america's sweetheart" thing.
I agree, Julia Roberts never seemed to enjoy sharing the spotlight with another actress back when she was the biggest movie star in the world.. but she seems more down to earth now and actually praises fellow actresses. That was definitely not a shade, she clearly loves Jennifer Lawrence.