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Dr Linkgood

Yahoo attends a Hobbit fan event and discovers that Gandalf has a potty mouth
Movies.com inspired by the return of Chris Hemsworth as "Thor" they must ask "what's the best movie starring a man with long blonde hair?" Duh! It's a tie between the complete filmography of Brad Pitt and The Legolas of the Rings trilogy starring Orlando Bloom's Youth.
Deadline now here's a biopic we weren't expecting: Hair metal band Motley Crue to get the bio (of sorts) from the director of Bad Grandpa.

Atlantic Wire the Emmys weren't enough. Netflix wants an Oscar and scoops up hot documentary The Square (reviewed right here) relabelling it a 'Netflix Original' 
In Contention Nebraska in a double bill with Paper Moon for old timey charm? Yes please. 
AV Club why Schwarzenegger's Last Action Hero failed 20 years ago and why it needs to be rediscovered  
Playbill Sadie Sadie Married Lady! Congratulations to the fabulous Megan Hilty (Smash) who just got hitched. 
i09 Benedict Cumberbatch surprises Harrison Ford with a pretty great Chewbacca impression 

Today's Watch
Awesome Greta Gerwig dances her way through this awesome new video "Afterlife" from Arcade Fire, directed by Spike Jonze 

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Reader Comments (7)

LOVING brunette Greta. Wowzer.

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

That Greta Gerwig video is everything. EVERYTHING. I don't ever want or need to watch anything else for the rest of my life. I just want that, forever.

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJA

She looks so different with brown hair. Who knew she could sell A-list romantic lead with a change of hair color?

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRobert G

I love Greta Gerwig (I spell her name Greata Gerwig) , but that was akward in oh so many ways.

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterUlrich

Don't tease me! I thought that "Sadie Sadie Married Lady" comment was about to tell me that Hilty would be playing Fanny Brice in the perpetually-discussed Funny Girl revival. God, that would be magical.

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

Man I love me some Arcade Fire. That clip reminded me of how flakey her character was in Frances Ha and how much i enjoyed her performance, all-limbs lankiness and all.

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMDA

Greta Gerwig, Spike Jonze and Arcade Fire? That's like a hipster's wet dream.

November 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCristhian
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