Let It Go... (In More Ways Than One)

I'm sorry. Was I singing too loudly? I'm just watching Frozen's "Let it Go" on loop (what?) now that Disney has uploaded it to YouTube*
One thing that is hard to miss while watching it repeatedly is that a) drag queens will be lipsynching to this in 3...2...1... and b) new gay anthem and c) Elsa is letting more than just her old repressed identity go in this key scene. Magical makeovers are a guarantee of FABULOUSNESS of course but this one seems to involve not just dress-making but elaborate undergarment construction. Push up bra and a girdle, amirite?
Note how she's just a slip of a thing in her queenly garb. But as soon as she lets her snowy powers out she's suddenly sexualized with larger breast and teensy waist. All the better to strut at you with, my dear. I'm suddenly flashing back to those complaints people had when Brave's Merida joined the princess line and tilted from tomboy towards boytoy with less freckles and a more womanly figure.
* Color me surprised that Disney released the Oscar-seeking "Let it Go" scene in its entirety, though. More and more if you just wait a month you can piece together about 33% of every movie playing for yourself if you just collect all the clips they release from everything -- even big draw scenes like this one. Such a strange give the farm away media world we live in these days. Here is the movie. Now come see the movie.

Reader Comments (12)
This should play at JFK for every small town gay man who arrives in NYC.
Mike - LOL, dead. The kicker is the ending, "the cold never bothered me anyway"
Jose and I LOVE this. I watched it as SOON as I got the screener. And please read: http://www.slantmagazine.com/film/review/frozen-2013
"Goodbye to Sandra Dee..."
"I am what I am and what I am needs no excuses..."
Gay anthem you say? Listen to THIS version, with a bit of creative editing:
I'm just hoping they get fabulous Idina Menzel to sing at the Oscars ceremony, when this is inevitably nominated for Best Song.
I see drag queens jumping for joy everywhere --- let the lip sinking
begin ....
This scene was ridiculous. The girl gets to leave alone like an hermit and be herself, but herself is apparently to be some vain queen who needs to look super sexualized in a las vegas diva dress... all the time... A real inspiration for little girls!
I haven't seen Frozen yet. I didn't realize it was that beautifully animated. Wow.
That song is great. The costume change is iffy for me (does her waist actually get smaller, too, when she self-actualizes as an icy princess?) but the number is so well-executed.
I JUST went to a student-sponsored drag show where the closing number was everyone singing this song. To say it was awesome is an understatement.
There's a simple difference between what went on with Merida and Elsa here.
Merida wasn't interested in sex or love, she was happy to be who she was, and didn't want sexy dresses within the scope of the film. So when they ignored that for the sake of selling a doll... well... it was kinda ick.
Elsa, on the other hand, has been trapped her whole life - and probably groomed to be queen and perfect all the time, makes sense she'd wanna rebel a bit. That freedom could mean sexuality as well. It's about agency, both characters made their choices.
It's sexualisation sure, the difference is Elsa is shown to be comfortable, Merida wasn't in that shiny dress of hers.
Thank you for sharing. Frozen Let It go song of the Year 2013.