Oscar History
Film Bitch History

The Film Experience™ was created by Nathaniel R. All material herein is written by our team. (This site is not for profit but for an expression of love for cinema & adjacent artforms.)

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The Film Experience. Where To Now?

Running a niche blog is tough business. It doesn't pay the bills. Traffic peaked in 2011 (I was unemployed and had more time to write) and though we held steady in 2012, more or less, no growth *sniffle*. Is the plateau a sign that I should close up shop? More corporate blogs emerge with big paid teams devoted to Oscar coverage each year.

The existental and practical question: how to compete?

But after a decade of writing for the internet, it's actually my life so I have no desire to quit. I fear becoming the boy who cried wolf since I've freaked out publicly before a few times about quitting but always kept writing.  "People" tell me that traffic is noteworthy but ads are still had to come by so I have to beg for donations / subscriptions (see righthand sidebar - if everyone who read gave a nickel a day I could do this full time!). I'll be brainstorming about how to make this work in 2013 and by June, I'll make decisions. So don't go anywhere post Oscar - Give me hope for the future. I'll sing for my supper. What would keep you coming back post-Oscar? 

I may even try a weekly Podcast though that would surely have to involve a rotating panel of guests instead of the regulars. ANYWAY. There's more to come before a possible summer hiatus (we'll see how the next two months go)...  

Reader Appreciation Month
Quentin Tarantino Week (March 25-30)
April Showers
Spring-Long Pedro Almódovar Retrospective

Meanwhile if you can contribute in any way (maybe you're a personal publicist? an interactive web designer? a brilliant emerging writer who doesn't want to run his/her own blog? a movie star or connected character actor who reads silently? a massage therapist? a personal trainer? a life coach?) towards boosting the site's profile let me know with a private email or with a comment. 

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Reader Comments (41)

I visit exactly 2 movie blogs regularly. One keeps tossing me out, moderating my comments. You're the only one that allows me to speak my mind. I appreciate that. Plus, your site is like NO other. I respect you and your writing and your site is more fun, unconventional. I like that.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

Happy to make my yearly donation.

I adore this site. Not only is it like crack for Oscar addicts, it's one of the only sites that remembers to keep a sense of humor during awards season.

Support the lovely Nathaniel, folks. He gives and gives all year long.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSan FranCinema

I visit the site every day all year but I would love a weekly podcast, they're my favorite thing that you during Oscar Season.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick

And I am telling youuuu I'm not going, this is the best blog I've ever read. And there's no way, no no no way I'm leaving.post Oscars. And you, and you, and you...you'll just keep blogging.

Lame, but maybe it will make you smile a little.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSad man

Why don't you try to write a book about actresses and Oscars? Exclusively about that. I think you've got a special gift framing them.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

It would make me awfully sad if this blog went anywhere. I've been coming here every day (Oscar season or not) for five years now, and I think it's easily the best movie blog on the internet.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoe K

I would hate to see you go, I think I would actually cry. I'm trying to scrape together a donation to you to keep this site going but if its not possible, I will try to understand...

And just remember, you have inspired many people, me included, to start my own blog and riff off on my passion for the cinema and actresses in general. So even if its just that, take that knowledge and keep it with you as you figure out what to do next :)

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermorganisaqt

As everybody else, I would be almost heartbroken if this site went down.
It's this site that made me get as interested in movies as I am today. No joking. It's the best film site out there and you're definitely the best film critic. Never taking yourself too serious as some other does. I must agree I had a bit of a fall-out when you from blogspot to incorporate your blog to your site, but I found back quickly.

If there's something I miss it's lists, and actresses and retrospectives, but that's just what I prefer on this site. I always read everything that comes by and even sometimes go back in web history with archive.org to see old Oscar predictions etc.

So please never stop!

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJesper

One comment to bring in extra funds, I know more and more people are releasing collections of reviews/essays in Kindle/downloadable form for a small price ($5-$10). I can definitely see myself, and many of your other readers, giddily downloading them to have mass amounts of your content at an easier to read speed.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrianZ

I love your blog although I understand that doing one doesn't bring much return. I'm happy to make occasional donations to support your efforts. This blog is the best thing on the internet when it comes to films and you have erudite, thoughtful readers who participate. Don't give up. Donation on paypal to follow.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMark Gaulding

I echo all of the above. I've just sent you a separate email, Nathaniel, but let me back it up here by saying I love the site - my favourite film blog of all - and am happy to donate. All the best.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEdward L.

You can't even finish your Film Bitch Awards within several weeks of claiming that you'll have them done and you want to do a weekly podcast?

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBlondzilla

Yes! Weekly podcast! I like Joe, Nick, and Katey though but I think you at the helm no matter what is a plus.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCMG

This is my favorite place on the Internet and has been since I started high school (I'm 23 now). You've got my donation and my continued support.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

I'm surprised you haven't been approached by one of the big sites to include your blog like IndieWire. You'd fit well there.

Anyway, I will be donating! :-)

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBia

Ooh, Peggy Sue, I love that idea. I would read that.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHans

Just subscribed for the first time, although I've been reading for years - ah, the life of a poor student. This was the first film site I got really into in high school (I'm also 23 now!) and is still probably my favorite. I'm a terrible commenter but I read regularly and listen to the podcasts religiously - they're probably my favorite thing about awards season (and whenever they pop up in the rest of the year!).

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMorgan

Please don't go!

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMe

I visit daily not only for current Oscar musings, but for the revisiting of Oscar races long ago and for the interesting articles. And Nathaniel, you are the NICEST Oscar blogger out there. That counts a lot. Not all of us are as eloquent as you, but you never get snarky or condescending with your readers. That's what makes this site feel like a friend's home, a place where film and Oscar geeks can offer their own opinion. Opinions that our won partners and freiinds at home really could care less about. Keep on truckin!

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPatryk

I've adored this site for years now, and I intend to keep adoring it for as long as you keep writing!

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRob

I'm very grateful to have TFE in my life. I don't know what I would do with my surf-time if it ever went away.
I'm more than happy to pay the cup of coffee per month (although maybe you should start using it towards Vitamin C after the year you had), and anyone wondering if they should, I can tell you, you don't miss $2.50/month. At all. So support your favorite blogger!

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMike in Canada

Nat,Il y a longtemps que je t'aime.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commentersolomon

It would probably help your traffic if you didn't assume a knee-jerk hostile view of Republicans/Conservatives EVERY time the opportunity arises. I know it runs contrary to everything progressives believe, but there are plenty of educated, broadminded Conservatives who perceive and appreciate the value of great film just as much as anyone on the left. I know--hard to accept, but it's the truth.

For myself, it is more than a bit discouraging to see your core values disparaged and ridiculed when all you are hoping to do is share a love of cinema. Not ALL conservatives are small-minded, racist homophobes.

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDBrooks

I live in the city and so do many of your readers. Throw a fundraiser maybe?

February 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commentercaroline

I think we all take for granted just how great this blog is. What sets this place apart from so many other Oscar/movie blogs is how personal it is. I love that about TFE. I've been a regular reader for almost a decade now and can't imagine not having The Film Experience around in my daily internet browsing. Did my part and donated, looking forward to more great content this year from Nathaniel and Co!

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKen

I've been a regular reader since high school when I first started (obsessively) following the Oscars and devouring film. The Film Experience was one of the first sites out there, and when it briefly became 'The Moulin Rouge! Experience' for a time in 2001, it was cemented: this is my single favorite website in all of the internet. I remember being skeptical when you announced (in 2004, I believe?) that you would be switching over to blogspot to post more regularly (as I foolishly thought blogging was a temporary/lesser thing) - though I followed and watched the site become bigger and better with each passing year. I exaggerate not when I say, with the exception of facebook and email, I visit your site more frequently than any other.

As I got older and became a more jaded Oscar watcher (don't we all?), I found myself seeking comfort in predicting the Film Bitch awards or trying to guess how your top ten list might pan out and how closely it would match my own. I'm quite certain my taste in movies and film culture has been shaped more so by you, Nathaniel, than any other single person. For that (and SO much more non-cinema related content that you provide), I thank you. Thank you for being you and offering an exceptionally awesome and unique voice that struck such a profound cord with this 16-year-old gay kid from Minnesota back in 2000.

Were I to strike it rich, I know for certain I would send millions your way so that you could accomplish all of The Film Experience's goals in your own time (and other non-TFE goals you no doubt have). For now, I struggle to make life work in this ridiculously expensive city of ours, but I hope the words help. Sincerest thanks for The Film Experience, whatever you decide it needs to be. .......and apologies that this post kind of sounded like an obit...

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCinemateo

Easily my favourite site on the web.
Some things I'd like to see though:
- More lists
- More actresses
- Things actually being done when you say they will, I actually look forward to it!

Hope things work out, I'd be pretty upset if you stopped posting :)

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

Hi, Nathaniel, I would love to contribute my knowledge on your fantastic blog, my daily wandering wonderland, I'm a Chinese from Shanghai, now temporarily locate in Rome, trying to write film blogs a bit but English is not my mother tongue and my location is not so convenient for topic moviegoers, so it is rather difficult to mend in, but if anything I could help to keep the film experience booming I will voluntarily be at your service.


February 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterlasttimeisaw

I will echo all the other voices chiming in to say that this is BY FAR my favorite film site, and not just because your tastes line up so neatly with mine own. Your writing is so personal, but you never, EVER get nasty in defense of your opinions like some other bloggers out there. Everything on this site is always a delight to read, and Hit Me With Your Best Shot is the best (semi-)regular feature of any film blog on the web.

What I find most fun to read are the lists (who doesn't love reading lists, although putting them together is a BITCH) and reviews/retrospectives of films, stars and Oscar races past. Actually just last night I was talking with my man about the closest Oscar races and worst wins in Best Picture, and the first thing I did was look it up here. There was nothing specific, but there were a few entries where the readers had to vote in contentious races and those were fun AND informative! More rewriting of Oscar history, please! It's fun for everyone!

And thanks for everything.

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

I agree with Caroline. You're like the PBS of Oscar Blogs so why not go the PBS route and have a little telethon... er... blogathon with fundraising as the goal. For a $100 donation, we'll throw in a signed picture of Monty the cat!

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

Gurrllll, don't do it! To quote Jack Nicholson in Batman "You...are my number one...GUY." In fact, in my top ten of sites I go to DAILY. If I can pay for a gym membership I don't really use often (full disclosure), I can certainly help keep this flame alive!

P.S. When does your book come out? Thanks!

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoel V

Definitely like the NYC fundraiser idea -- would be fun to meet readers in person!

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHannah

Aw, the internet ate my comment!

I was just echoing what most people have said: Your voice is so distinctive and fun to read, and your passion shines through in a way that never comes across as nastiness (as so many other film bloggers do). This is by far my favorite film site, and it appears many other people share that sentiment. Take heart!

Hit Me With Your Best Shot is by far the best (semi-)regular feature on any film site on the web, but my favorite posts of yours (besides the lists, which are always fun to read but a BITCH to come up with) are nearly always on films, stars, and Oscars past. You had done a bunch of polls a while back asking readers to re-vote on contentious Oscar races, and that was a LOT of fun. I say more Oscar revisiting! It's fun for everyone!

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

Or, apparently, the internet ate my comment, and then hours later threw it up.

Silly internet! Trix are for kids!

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

Hey Nat!

I think it goes without saying that, as the rest of the commenters on this thread, I don't really want to see TFE go anywhere!

I'm always up for helping or contributing to the blog -- posts are always nice distractions from dissertations and I'd be happy to support any way I can :D

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterManuel

Oh Nathaniel, don't go! I've been a silent reader of this blog from some time now and this post got me so freaked out I've decided to break the silence and make my first comment ever.

My name is Clara, I'm from Brazil and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't come here to check out new posts. I read all of it! including the comments you get from your loyal readers. You guys are amazing and I've learned a lot from this blog! Like most of you, I've been in love with films since- well- ever!, so, from the get go, reading The Film Experience was like finding a bunch of crazy people who share this love - and who talk passionately about it, without being blasé or trying to sound above the whole thing (as is often the case with some movie enthusiasts).
I'd be very lost without my daily visits to this blog and without your smart words.
What can I do to help?
I'd be happy to write some stuff about Brazilian films or about the usual films but from a Brazilian perspective (whatever the hell that means), if you think that might be interesting.
Whatever the case, just know that you're great and that your blog is loved.

February 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterClara

Just like Clara, I am also a silent reader from Brazil who loves this blog and had to say it so now. Please don't go anywhere. We are here with you.

February 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRafael

Thank you to everyone for the kind comments. I am thinking over the suggestions and emails and y'all know i'm obsessive about maintaining this blog so i will keep trying to figure out a way.

February 20, 2013 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I'm a latecomer to this blog -- just a few months now, with just a few comments -- and while I don't frequent it for the reviews (I can't esteem a critic who gives a film an F -- e.g. Cloud Atlas -- while admitting to liking some things about it -- e.g. Doona Bae), I love the podcasts and the Oscar punditry. You have a real gift for the latter -- a more pronounced gift for it, in fact, than I've ever encountered. I've missed just one Oscar telecast in the last 21 years. When I fell in love with cinema at age 17, it was a gem-spangled love affair with the Academy Awards from then on out. One often feels alone in such a geeky obsession -- your blog reminds me that I'm not alone. And while there is a kind of spectacular camaraderie in movie buffs banding together, there is something even more magical about self-proclaimed Oscar fanatics breathing the same figurative air. So keep at it. I haven't given cash yet, as I want to set up a PayPal account first (there are two or three bloggers to whom I feel bound to donate) -- but rest assured I will.

February 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJason Cooper

Jason -- thank you. very sweet AND WELCOME. I know i pissed off a lot of people with that Cloud Atlas grade but haven't you ever just loathed a film?

February 24, 2013 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

There've been plenty of films I've loathed, but if a film has even just a single quite noteworthy element to it, I cannot give it an F (even if I'm giving it an F-range score on the IMDb scale of 10) if I'm working on an A through F scale. I don't mind critics hating films I've loved (my favorite critic, AO Scott, hated The Impossible, which was my #3 of the year), but I do hope to see them exercising more nuance in their judgments than they often do.

February 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJason Cooper
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