Jennifer Lawrence, Press Room Superstar

Whether or not one agrees with her Oscar win (for me she wasn't even close to best of that lineup), there can be no doubt at this point that Jennifer Lawrence is a great celebrity. Whether she's quipping on the red carpet, mugging for photo-ops like she's auditioning for an animated cartoon, shrugging off a standing ovation 'you're just doing that because I fell' or just answering dumb press queries, she rocks it.
Check this out if you haven't yet seen it and be amazed with her ease, humor and comfort in her own skin. She doesn't seem to take her own celebrity all that seriously which is not an uncommon occurence in young actors (see also: Kristen Stewart) but she's smart enough to enjoy it and laugh at its weird 'the world is watching you' excesses rather than twitch with discomfort.
Her performance in Silver Linings Playbook is all right but if you ask me, her Oscar night performance is the real deal. Best best.
Reporter: Aren't you worried about peaking too soon?
Jen: I am now."
Reader Comments (28)
Don't think I'm allowed to post links, but here's J-Law being told that Hugh Jackman helped her up. HILARIOUS. You should update the post with this vid, Nathaniel. :)
http: //
I think she comes across a little just a little p/off with people in the room but the q's were awful and a little silly and i think she really deserved loved nicksflickpicks comment on chastain's oscar clip..
If she hadn't been followed by DDL totally wonderful acceptance speech directly after I would have said hers was the best. As it is it was a very close second and I think in a strange way the stumble helped her. It flustered her a little making her speech more genuine and charming. Her answering of questions in the press room just added to it.
One thing I noticed overall was a refreshing absence of lists the winners relied on to give thanks.
sad man -- that link doesn't take me anywhere
like you did with lee, pretend that oscar is for Winter's Bone
Nathaniel: There's an extra space after the http: I put just in case links weren't allowed. I can't find it on Youtube yet.
How about this?,AAABAY6g5IE~,g0_gr83Y4h2gsONEuiYgmhMw_6Z52KwP&bctid=2187246330001
Cal -- smart move!
Sad Men you can do links just follow the code below for the a href=" thing. It might mark you as spam but i fish non-spam out of spam all the time. particularly lately.
I just posted it on the Film Experience facebook page. Sorry about being a pain.
I agree Nathaniel - she's a fun celebrity to watch and is obviously intelligent, but the Oscar went to the wrong actress. She was good in Silver Linings Playbook, but definitely not the best female acting performance of 2012. So sad re Riva.
She's pretty delightful. There's a video of her effortlessly flirting with/fending off Jack Nicholson as well that's worth watching a couple dozen times.
its kinda like when sandra bullock won ... not a deserving winner, but it could've gone to a worse person. like, how can you not love her.
It's been awhile since there's been a young actor or actress who is a real movie star, and who actually has talent on top of box office appeal. She really hit at the right time.
And I do think it was a blessing in disguise that she tripped because it probably made her give a speech that was more "her." After people ragged on her at the Globes, she stuck to talking points at the SAG.
Speaking of Kristen Stewart...OMG, she looked bad last night! I mean, sick and bedraggled. That girl has some bad feng shui.
I find Lawrence to be vulgar, uneducated, and undisciplined. I can't respect an actor who brags about not memorizing her lines / researching characters, calls silent films "fucking boring," makes sexist and transphobic comments, and says that she was "dykey" for playing a lot of sports as a kid.
But, to each his own.
Honestly, she's always been delightful. I hated seeing her being picked apart in how she campaigned and how she was being perceived. I wasn't in love with the performance but I was a fan when she was Ree Dolly.
Just looking at her in that picture makes me want to be best friends with her :)
What a bunch of jerk reporters. I guess Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn, and Julie Christie all "peaked" too early and had lackluster careers following their Oscar wins at that age. I wasn't a huge Lawrence fan before, but seeing how she handled these vultures won me over.
I think the question about peaking too early was fair. Leigh, Christie and Hepburn won a long time ago, when times were different, and all three won for roles far more iconic than Lawrence's in SLP; while many best actress winners today are fairly young, they tend to win when they're around 10 years older than Lawrence, and even then, many younger female winners do peak with their Oscar wins.
Additionally, this is someone who has admitted that she's not exactly the hardest working woman in show business (indeed, she thinks that's part of her quirky charm). I know she's signed on for another David O. Russell film (which may or may not happen, given his track record) and Serena, but I'd be surprised if she doesn't stick mainly to action movies in the future; I just can't see her doing a lot more Winter's Bones.
Like Cal, I'm pretending this Oscar is a makeup Oscar for the one she should have gotten for Winter's Bone. I've noticed the Academy has been doing the "makeup" award a couple years now. Colin Firth should have won for A Single Man, gets his makeup Oscar for The King's Speech. Streep should have won for Julie and Julia, gets her makeup Oscar for The Iron Lady.
Have you guys seen this video of JLaw and Jack Nicholson backstage after she won? Haha:
Jack: "You look like an old girlfriend."
Jen: "How about your new girlfriend?"
But if Jennifer Lawrence had won for Winter's Bone, Natalie Portman would not have won for Black Swan (also, that was probably the best line-up of actresses in the last decade, that should have been a five-way tie). I actually loved her in Silver Linings Playbook and thought the film was very moving (I love the chaoptic nature of the film, it reminded me of The Fighter at times, which is also very much about a family sticking together).....
Come on,
a) she is not the first actress we love to win for the wrong role
b) she is a terrific actress and have proved this before
c) she is not the best of the year, but she handled beautifully a character in which she was miscast with a lot of charisma and killer line readings. it's a fine performance
d) it's refreshing to see somebody win in lead for a comedy. it's been a long time, and we know wins for comedies are always controversial.
e) she is such a lovely megastar.
I'm very happy for her. Leave her alone.
I was loving all of Lawrence's backstage shenanigans but I just came across her 'silent movies' comment.
The easiest way to get kicked off my diva-worship list is to diss silent movies. (This is also the easiest way to sound like an illiterate moron.)
I love that Jennifer & Jack clip. Loved Jennifer's natural humour & it's interesting to see how the stars mingle!
goran -- agreed. i guess with stars that run at the mouth (as she does) they're bound to expose their flaws as well. Being proud of ignorance is a huge turnoff for me. If i don't know about or don't understand something i always wnat to learn more but so many people seem to be all like "i don't like that cuz i don't get it"
sorry. i was just watching RuPaul's Drag Race and was terrified and embarrassed at an entire group of queens who were annoyed by "Little Edie" "what the fuck is a grey gardens?" They all ought to have been sent home right then for being so ignorant. Especially of something the gay community loves! I swear to god i should never watch reality television because it is THE hotbed of proud ignorance.
Lawrence's win is one I can undoubtedly live with, especially considering that I am not in love with Riva's peformance, and there have been far worse recipients. She comes across as sincere and far from self-serious, which goes a long way in my book. Sure, she lets her immaturity show from time to time, but she is still quite young, so I don't hold certain silly comments against her. I'd probably cringe at some of the things I said when I was 22 if I someone were to replay them for me.
God, that video with Jack Nicholson is priceless! hahaha
Jessica should have won, but I'm a fan of Jennifer, and I think she's handling all of this megastardom with charming aplomb. I think the wrong person won the Oscar, but I'm not bitter. She was very VERY good in SLP.
I love, love, love Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar win, and I think she's going to wear it very well in the coming years. It also helps that she looks absolutely amazing. Barring the FALL, I think it was a great night for her, and that press conference clip is amazing. Good going, J-Law!