A Second Oscars For Seth?

JA from MNPP here - according to JustJared, everybody's favorite (heh) Oscar host Seth MacFarlane has been asked to return to host the awards next year. It's not terribly surprising since the ratings were great and that's what most matters to the people who run this televised spectacle, but I have a feeling that those of us who were critical of Seth's performance won't take too kindly to this news. MacFarlane is on the record as not wanting to do it again, but who knows? Now that the offer's on the table he might just have spent the past few weeks thinking up new lyrics to rhyme with "boobs." So... what do we think about that?

Reader Comments (13)
oh, srlsy? This is a sad news. I hope to see someone like Tina & Amy hosting this years OSCARs.
I think it is worse that they asked the producers back. Then again, they can't possibly make it about Chicago/Dreamgirls again, right?
Eh, it was okay. I think part of the thing is...I don't exactly know how much of a "film lover" McFarlane is. I can just imagine him in the writers room tossing out ideas. "Oh, Sally Field's going to be there, I'll do a Flying Nun joke with her." "But wouldn't Norma Rae be more this ceremony's..." "I want to do a Flying Nun joke! And, hey, what about a self deprecating cameo from Shatner on a video screen?" "(sigh) Okay." It seemed like more of a tribute to TV and Broadway than movies.
That was the noisiest Oscar party I've been to, but the audience loved it. I would prefer not, but I will be overruled by most (non-cinephile) people I know. Baldwin and Martin will not be that busy, producers!
A couple of the stupid numbers aside I didn't hate him as host. He can sing and danced surprisingly well and moved everything along well. I'd prefer Tina/Amy but if he can come up with some better bits than the infamous boob thing I don't shudder at the thought of a return like I would at a Hathaway/Franco rematch.
This news just make me sad
Despite a few missteps here and there I rather enjoyed McFarland as host, as did many of my friends (who happen to be more critical astute than most), for the reasons that joel6 mentioned. Hosting the telecast is such a trial by fire. Maybe he'll learn and improve -- if he accepts the invitation.
IMHO, one of the best telecasts since 2009. I loved that they brought back the music and didn't try to appeal to every demographic. Plus, the montages were kept to a bare minimum. Looking forward to what they come up with next, hopefully bearing in mind the misses of this year. Please, no more Nicholson/Hanks/Spielberg trifecta presenting BP. Also, hope they include some classic film stars into the show ie: Joanne Woodward, Doris Day, Dorothy Malone, etc.
I enjoy Seth and wouldn't mind seeing him back a bit more mindful this time. Amy and Tina would be amazing.
I didn't hate him, but I demand a "We Saw Your Peen" number if he says yes. If Ewan McGregor finally gets in for something this year, it would be perfect.
Those who didn't like him can drink their wine and raise their pinky up their ass.
The Adele joke was really bad. The rest was hit and miss, but he definitely was pretty sexist in his humor. He was really picking on the women. JMO.
Lets see Bob Hope, Carson, Steve Martin, Whoopi and Billy Crystal are multiple Oscar hosts and Seth can possibly join that list.... just doesn't sound right does it ?
People keep mentioning the ratings being great for the last Oscar telecast, but do we really think that it was due to Seth Macfarlane? These were the most successful group of BP nominees in the past... I don't know how long. I'd argue that people watched the telecast because they'd seen the movies, not because they wanted to see the guy from Family Guy host.