Gods, Monsters, and Master Detectives

JA from MNPP here - want to feel old? Well here ya go - in two months time Bill Condon's Gods & Monsters is turning 15 years old. Fifteen! Some of you were probably barely even born, but I was in college working at the local movie-house and man, that movie bowled me over. It's easily my favorite thing that Condon's ever done, but then it was about movies, monsters, and prime Brendan Fraser's towel half falling off while he wore a gas mask, so it was pretty much made just for me. And remember how McKellen brought a hot young thing as his date to the Oscars? McKellen totally should have won the statue that year though. (Let us not speak of who did.)
Anyway I bring up G&M for a reason - McKellen and Condon are set to reunite finally! Next year they're going to make A Slight Trick of the Mind, which is an adaptation of a 2006 Sherlock Holmes book written by Mitch Cullin. It's about a long retired Sherlock who gets pulled back into a mystery that he'd never been able to solve. Have any of you read it? This will be Condon's follow-up to The Fifth Estate, the Cumberbatch-starring bio-pic of Julian Assange hitting this Fall.
Reader Comments (4)
I loved Gods & Monsters. The three leads were close to perfect in their performances. The ending scene of Fraser playing monster with his son is one of my favorites.
I have weirdly not seen Gods & Monsters - I will rectify. I loved Kinsey so I'm pretty interested in anything Condon does (except...you know), especially when Sir Ian is involved.
I'm such a Sherlock fan that I devoted an entire month to writing about weird Sherlock movies. I even created a Sherlock bingo game. So it is no surprise that I am REALLY BLOODY EXCITED about this.
I suggested this before, but I'm going to do it again: anybody up for a TFE book club? I'd love to read this (or any Sherlock) before the movie comes out.
Ah, yes, the year that a set of four masterly performances were all defeated by the loud, brash and sentimental one. My pick for that year was Nick Nolte (the first of two nominations where he should have won) but all of the nominees would have been better winners.