Clint Eastwood's 'Sully' Biopic Lands Its First Trailer

Daniel here. When news broke that Tom Hanks was cast as airline captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger – the real-life angel with jet wings who, in 2009, famously piloted an A320 to an emergency water landing on the Hudson River, saving the lives of all crew and passengers in the process – approximately no one was surprised. If you ever need to cast an IRL hero for the big screen, Hanks’ evergreen likeability automatically makes him the safest choice; personally, as much as I really, really, really, really, really, really like Hanks, I’d have loved to see William Hurt take the controls. Regardless, we now have our first trailer for Clint Eastwood’s Sully and down to its Oscar-nominated, underutilized actress propped as a wallpaper wife, it’s about what you've come to expect from a ripped-from-the-headlines biopic these days. To some, it seems the surest route to stoic is stale.
In lieu of our traditional Yes No Maybe So, a whole bunch of Maybe concerns...
- How it will stretch two hours’ worth of drama from a single incident that in actuality didn’t last that long? How will it craft a compelling character arc for a figure of such broad-stroked, well, likeability. No points for originality, as it seems to take Flight’s plan of cross-examining his methodology and, briefly, toxicology. That said, its shards of PTSD and demythologizing its hero archetype through personal doubt look promising.
- While J. Edgar was a dud in the American History Eastwood department, some (including the Academy) found American Sniper’s mode of pointed patriotism to be persuasive. This could go either way.
- Eastwood’s scummy blue scrim has deservedly taken a lot of flack over the years and, for a few shots in the trailer anyway, cinematographer Tom Stern has opened a critical window for some light to make its way into the frame.
- As mentioned, The Lovely Laura Linney seems totally wasted here, issuing words of support to her husband and little else. As if that’s not bad enough, they gave her a hale bay wig to go with it. The Film Experience couldn’t be more thrilled with the movies’ recent showcases for senior actresses – Blythe Danner, Susan Sarandon, Sally Field, to name a few – but how about giving our middle-aged actresses some vehicles as well?
A firm “I hope to God I’m surprised” on this. Does it look like Eastwood's latest will take flight?
Reader Comments (16)
Did I hear this was filmed in IMAX? If so, I'm a big yes. If not, eh.
I'm likely going to pass on this one. Eastwood as a director is hit-or-miss for me and I share the same sentiments about Laura Linney. Looks like another movie where Eastwood gives her nothing to do along with Mystic River. Damn shame.
I'll wait for reviews. Eastwood occasionally makes brilliant movies (Unforgiven still being the best by a country mile), but this feels like a thin idea for a film and Clint isn't great at making nuanced characters when the figure is real.
Will Gloria Swanson play herself as one of the passengers?
I am not optimistic. For me, both the Clint Eastwood and Tom Hanks wells have run dry. "Technically well made", "adequate", "entertaining enough" are all adjectives that have applied to all recently. Saving Mr. Banks, Captain Phillips, Bridge of Spies were all just serviceable and bound to be forgotten (minus Rylance Oscar). Eastwood's Invictus, Hereafter, Jersey Boys, J Edgar are all marred and flattened out emotionally by his direction and the cinematography.
I am puzzled to learn what drama can be wrung out over two hours to sustain a rather straightforward real life narrative.
Clint Eastwood and his movies: SNORE. Plus almost to a one they are visually brown & thoroughly dreary. Pass.
Definitely yes. I hate to be a downer, but Clint is 86--this very well could be his last film. I will not miss it. And American Sniper proved he can still deliver. Godspeed.
Yes. This is a very strong trailer, Eastwood can still absolutely rise to the occasion, and Hanks has been on a roll for the past several years. Plus, I'm really interested in the IMAX factor.
I just don't see why this warrants afilm,we know the outcome,wwe can see the actual footage anywhere and there is a book on it by Sully.
Trailers lie, of course, but this one looks a lot more promising than I would have thought. Nicely edited with grace notes that gave me chills. It reminds me a bit of another underrated Eastwood outing, Hereafter, that I quite liked. This looks like a more low-key version of Flight, with more focus on the investigation as opposed to the crash. It probably won't set the world on fire, but may be worth the 2-hour sit.
I am very crazy about Tom Hanks, but this is like cliché Hanks casting, and for that reason, I have my doubts as to whether Eastwood is in brilliant mode or Million Dollar Baby mode.
PASS - this cannot possibly sustain my interest for 2 hours, and I already know so much about the real life incident that I don't even have a bit of curiosity.
I wish Tom Hanks well, but Eastwood is getting too old, these icons from the 60's and 70's need to make way for some new blood.
I don't wanna change subject, but American Sniper was not exactly patriotic.
It looks good - but can it go beyond the obvious "Airport" cliches?
Meh, Denzel Washington's ''Flight'' did it better!
Hilarious that Linney spoofed "supportive wifes on the phone" in a recent episode of Inside Amy Schumer, and that is LITERALLY all she does in this trailer. Hope this is better than it looks.