Tweetweek: Babs, Ali, and Baby Alicia

Weekly tweet roundup for bite-sized amusements or insta-feelings. After the jump... X-Men, Alicia Vikander and goodbyes to Muhammad Ali (RIP) who led such an eventful life and inspired so many that I've lost track of how many documentaries there are about him. Plus that underappreciated Michael Mann biopic.
Key detail: The Oscar is like, "I will pose with the rest of you, but you may not touch me." (h/t @wondermann5)
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) June 1, 2016
You know what’s rad? That thing you like. Spend some time enjoying it and don’t let anything or anyone stop you. Do you, boo.
— Kevin Ketchum (@Kevin_Ketchum) June 3, 2016
if I see another dang tweet about a theoretical not-even-tertiary gay couple in a Pixar film I'm gonna
— Jacob (@MercuryMN) May 30, 2016
You know that thing where you're finally drifting into sleep but then are startled back awake by the knowledge that Sam Smith has an Oscar
— Richard Lawson (@rilaws) May 27, 2016
The Alice franchise going from a $110m opening to a $28m opening is some Basic Instinct 2 realness.
— Rob (@r0bwatson) May 29, 2016
Imagine actually having an opinion on whether or not Amber Heard was abused by Johnny Depp. It's not really something for us to decide.
— Guy Lodge (@GuyLodge) May 30, 2016
"Don't you DARE tell me what to say or think! Now shut up, say what I tell you to say, and think what I tell you to think!"
— Scott Sigler (@scottsigler) May 30, 2016
- The Internet
Unclothed, tongued, clothed
— Carrie Fisher (@carrieffisher) June 1, 2016
Filmmaking is like throwing a 500 piece puzzle in the air and having the faith that you can put it together before it hits the floor.
— Eitan (@AnotherEitan) June 2, 2016
Brie & Alicia both chasing Oscar wins with cartoony action franchises.
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) June 2, 2016
Never Forget.
🔸🔹 Baby Alicia Vikander! 💕
— AliciaVikander Daily (@jcsepjj) June 4, 2016
ILU Oscar Isaac but the funniest sight gag in any movie this year is Apocalypse being visibly 5' 8"
Imagine how good a real movie could be with Oscar Isaac, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, and Rose Byrne in it.
— Keith Calder (@keithcalder) June 4, 2016
The only human who could believably take on Superman. RIP #MuhammadAli
— Gavin Mevius (@FriendlessMean) June 4, 2016
This man inspired me. The Champ. Rest in peace. 2016 is a rough one.
— Idris Elba (@idriselba) June 4, 2016
Reader Comments (13)
Love Babs shoes.
Yes to Nathaniel and Keith. And how cute is Baby Alicia?
Imagine how good a real movie could be with Oscar Isaac, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, and Rose Byrne in it.
A movie directed by John Huston. Or William Wyler.
On that "the only human being who could take on Superman"? Dude, Superman has juggled planets. That event had Kryptonite involved.
See Nat Babs can't help herself,presenting the 85/86 Director prize.
Is that Oscar her "It's a tie" one, or the song one? Is one of those Emmys, like the stand-alone one on top, her Daytime Emmy? Are any of those Golden Globes for World Film Favorite - Female? God, so many questions!
Regardless, that awards shelf is overstuffed. And Captain Marvel + Catwoman > Aeon Flux + Tomb Raider. Choose wisely indeed.
Where's that second Oscar? #ageless #evergreen
As far as Ali documentaries go, there's no touching When we were Kings, but Muhammad and Larry (directed by the Maysles) and Facing Ali are also worth checking out.
La Babs is a STAR
Paul Outlaw: you can see the second glass case peeking at the edge of the photo. I assume that shelf is symmetrical: Oscar, candlestick, Grammy, Grammy, Grammy, candlestick, Oscar.
Kimberly S, those directors would be amazing!
@ Brevity:
I thought about someone from the past because
I have the impression that today directors are less and less
interested in actors. And also because
Huston and Wyler - two of my favourites - loved actors.