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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (S1.E5-6)

We haven't forgotten about Crazy Ex Girlfriend. We'll just mix in it as we get through its hilarious episodes in preparation for Season 2. 

S1:E5 "Josh and I Are Good People!"

Rebecca, still guilty from her terrible behavior with Greg, attempts to prove to herself that she's a good person by getting mixed up in people's lives including Daryl's custody battle for his daughter. Josh also goes a little mental worrying that he's too much of a sinner. Let's rank the crazy...

Relatably out-of-his/her-head
Paula has had it with her incompetent "garbage" co-workers in the office sitcom portion of the show. And Greg has had it with both Rebecca (who legitimately hurt him previously on...) and Josh's willful ignorance about the situation.

The conversation between Josh and his favorite priest that he's nicknamed "Father Brah," is a dash of blissful dumb perfection in the sea of the show's more complicated neuroses. 

Two things is a lot for one brain.

Endearingly mental: It's a pet-lover's episodes as we learn Daryl cries at catfood commercials (you don't?), his daughter Madison names her pet snails after pop stars ("Snaily Rae Jepsen" is my favorite), and Karen thinks of little but her pet snake.

Bonker Balls
Rebecca forcing everyone to sing along to "I'm a Good Person"

-Say it or I'll gut him like a fish.
-[scared] You're a good person.

...But Self Aware
Despite the high-nonsene quality of the show, Rebecca does have an arc of sorts and she grows increasingly aware of her own difficulties. As in this conversation after she attempts to frame Darryl's ex-wife to win her case for his full custody.

Stacy: What is wrong with you?

Rebecca: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of maternal affection, and a genetic pre disposition for anxiety and depression.

Stacy: I did not think that was where you were going to go."



Episode GradeB  a little mushy and scattered and the songs are below par but it's still quite funny. Plot-wise this is a crucial episode as Josh finally admits his feelings for Rebecca even if Rebecca misreads them.
MVP: The Casting Department: Felicia Fasano, Lordan Napoli and Bernard Telsey. The leads are superb of course but in this episode with its vast array of tertiary parts and recurring characters you realize how strong the casting of the whole season is. Everyone is so nutty/funny but in separate ways within the same universe. Bonus points for one of the most diverse shows on television that doesn't make a big deal about it despite being groundbreaking in that regard.
Songs: "I Love My Daughter" (Darryl), "I'm a Good Person" (Rebecca)
Introducing: Josh's priest "Father Brah" (Rene Gube); three co-workers that make Paula hates: Karen (Stephnie Weir), Tim (Michael McMillian who you'll remember from True Blood) and Jim (Burl Moseley); Darryl's daughter Madison (Olivia Edward) and ex-wife Stacy (Alison Dunbar). 

S1:E6 "My First Thanksgiving With Josh!"

-How'd you know she was here?
-It's best if I don't share that with you.

We learn about Greg's dream to quit the bar and go to business school. Paula concocts a plan to get Rebecca invited to Josh's parents house for Thanksgiving once they hear that the Chans don't like Valencia. Oh, it's on.

Relatably Foolish
Greg still pining for Rebecca adorably.

I'm not crazy. She's the One who's crazy
It's Valencia vs. Rebecca. Valencia wins this round with Josh's announcement that they'll move in together but first, it's humiliation when Josh's parents prefer Rebecca loudly, even inviting in to family photos and Mass afterwards despite her being Jewish.


Valencia: Great. I'll also join for Mass. Because I actually believe in Jesus.
Josh's Mom: Knock yourself out, it's a public place of worship. 

Sick burn, Mom Chan, dayumn!

Bonker Balls
Rebecca and Paula's plan complete with a nanny cam surveillance ("you're an evil genius." / "you're welcome") and this batshit mental song

Got the Chan fam damp in the underpants!

Episode GradeB+
MVP: Josh's Mom
Songs: "I Give Good Parent (Rebecca & Josh's Mom), "What It'll Be" (Greg)
Introducing: Greg's Boss Kevin (Johnny Ray Meeks) and Dad Marco (Robin Thomas); Josh's Mom (Amy Hill) & Dad (Alberto Isaac); and the Bobo Shop boys (Matt & John Yuan) who are sick of Rebecca constantly yammering on about Josh.

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Reader Comments (5)

Josh's mom is played by Amy Hill, who's also in UnREAL as the insidious psychiatrist, Dr. Lowenstein.

July 21, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCraver

That Thanksgiving episode just made me go... wow American TV is actually showing Filipino family get-togethers!

I *loved* the song "I'm A Good Person". Pretty much on loop for an entire week for me after the episode."My nickname is Mother Theresa Luther King..."

July 22, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

Amy Hill is FANTASTIC as Josh's Mom. ESPECIALLY in the "I Give Good Parent" video. She cracks me up. She's so good that I was actually pulling for her to somehow snag a Guest Actress Emmy nom even though I knew it was the longest of longshots.

"What'll It Be" is easily in the Top 3 songs of the season for me. And like Ryan, I was listening to "I'm A Good Person" on loop for at least a week after episode aired (as I did with pretty much at least one song every episode, now that I think about it), and singing the "Mother Theresa Luther King" line ALL the damn time. Rachel's performance in that song is just brilliant. And my favorite throwaway from the whole season is the sound guys in the middle of it "That mic cost $300!" LOL

July 22, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

Amy Hill was also fantastic on "Enlightened." It wasn't a big part, but any excuse to bring up "Enlightened"...

July 22, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDJDeeJay

"Paula: she saw her parents murdered in front of her... In an alley... in Gotham.
Mrs. Chan: Oh, dear. Just like Batman"

Amy Hill is such a treasure XD

July 22, 2016 | Unregistered Commentereduardo
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