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Supporting Actress: Nicole Kidman's Fourth Nomination? 

Here's to the thought of Nicole Kidman back in an Oscar lineup - CHEERS!

Lion and Queen of Katwe were runner ups to La La Land for Toronto's People Choice prize and people were loving on Nicole Kidman and Lupita Nyong'o as warm mothers in those films. With a strange absence of contenders to this point (especially given the comparatively abundant Leading Actress wars) they both move way up the chart. Also shifting on the chart: Felicity Jones, Nina Arianda, Greta Gerwig x 2, Live by Night ladies, and a few drop-offs now that the films have been seen.

In category-fraud-loving Hollywood we have to assume that one of the leading ladies (Best Actress chart is not yet updated) will demote herself to secure a nomination in a weaker field. Viola Davis is a possibility in Fences  -- in the first Broadway run her Fences character was considered "featured" (Tony Award code for "supporting) and in the revival (the one Viola nabbed the Tony for) the same character in the exact same play was considered "lead". But we'll leave her in Best Actress for now because the plethora of her supporting roles aside, we all know Viola Davis is a Leading Lady down to the marrow and it shows in her supersized talent.

See the updated chart. Thoughts? 

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Reader Comments (49)

I'm on the Lupita train. Loved LOVED her in Katwe.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

Aren't there rumors that Viola and/or Amy Adams may go for supporting runs, since Best Actress is getting so crowded? For Nicole, it seems like it depends on how the movie does with audiences, and whether others (with more studio backing) make a play for the supporting category. When does her HBO show air?

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJono

I can't scream about how much I would love it if that final 5 was true. The talented veteran who has never received a nom, the young starlet who's been slowly gaining in critical acclaim (is this Stewart's Birdman?), the goddesses Michelle and Nicole welcomed back into the fold for Oscar nomination no 4 (how weird is it that Michelle Williams has the same amount of nominations as Nicole?) and Lupita making it 2/2 Oscar nominations for live action roles (that ghastly non-stop film does not count), sticking it to Hollywood and showing how good she is when given the chance!

So obviously, it's not going to turn out that way. But is it just me or is there a dearth of options beyond that 5?

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMorganb

Jono -- the Viola rumors make sense from a Hollywood / industry/ awards perspective. The Amy Adams rumors i have to think are a web invention from people who haven't seen the films. Nobody would ever buy it as she is THE central character in both of her films with no other women to speak of in either film (aside from cameos) Nobody else even comes close to being as central to those two movies.

September 20, 2016 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I've never been too bothered by Nicole Kidman's low Oscar nomination count. She and Tilda fall into the same category of actresses with fascinating careers who lucked out with an Oscar...one for a role that doesn't quite represent their body of work as a whole.

Checking that box early(ish) and moving on to do cool things certainly beats living in that Amy Adams space. Or even that Meryl Streep space.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHayden W.

If this is the top 5 right now? Viola almost certainly TAKES this if she downgrades. Not just nominated. TAKES. Who misses if so? Most likely, I'd actually guess Michelle Williams. EX-wives aren't exactly a common nomination trend at Oscar and this is after two years of "the hashtag", so most of the minority contenders (Naomie Harris, Lupita, Ruth, Denzel and, I'd now assume, Dev Patel over Nate Parker) can probably count themselves as at least near-locks.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Would love to see this line up as the actual nominees. I'm not buying Viola going for supporting at this point. I think we'll get one fraud this year and it's gonna be Hugh Grant nominated as a supporting player.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterV.

Is there absolutely no chance for Molly Shannon in Other People? Her and Jesse Plemons have such great chemistry together as mother and son. Her performance has such range equally hilarious and devastating. If I had one Oscar season wish it would be for her to get some recognition!

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJonn

When that FENCES role won the supporting/featured Tony, they had stricter rules about leading contenders names being above the title - if not, you were a featured contender. Under the current rules/appeal process, that role might never have been considering supporting/featured.

September 20, 2016 | Registered CommenterChris Feil

Nat I'm feeling the Gerwig love this year plus Jackie's definitely in play,I see it looking like this as of now,Is it a No to Linney in Nocturnal Animals then.


September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commentermarkgordon

Natalie Portman is the only lock for a nomination at this present time. Following her are Emma Stone and Viola Davis. No reason in the world for Viola to ever go supporting unless she's just supporting. Everyone says Viola really wants that Oscar. Well if a black woman has to go supporting to get one of those fuckers than fuck it. And the Best Actress category.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtful

I imagine Viola will need a lot of convincing from the studio to switch to supporting, I just can't see her willingly going for it.

I'm all in for Kidman getting her fourth nomination, given her talent and amazing filmography three nominations for her seems like such a low number!

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRami

Laura Linney for Sully!

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterVerizon

This is my suspicion about Jackie...I have no doubt that Portman will convince critics that she's given a resoundingly successful performance in the film. I have no doubt that people (especially women) will go to see her movie in droves, that Jackie will perform well in limited release and roll out to a respectable wide run.

That said, I doubt she will be able to convince audiences that she's delivered a true-to-life rendering of Jackie Kennedy. My Week With Marilyn comes to mind. No one questioned whether Michelle Williams gave an emotionally honest or compelling take on Marilyn Monroe. But people didn't shout "Williams IS Marilyn Monroe!" Her take was in no way definitive or satisfying for people going to see Marilyn Monroe visually and spiritually *captured* onscreen. If she achieved that kind of unanimous approval, she would've won the Oscar. That feat would be irresistible, but that's not what she achieved.

I don't doubt that Portman can get her nomination, but I don't expect a rapturous response to the film. If anything, I expect audiences/word-of-mouth/social media to be highly skeptical of the praise critics have (and will continue) to heap on her.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHayden W.

if both Viola and Ruth goes sup. then it won't happen. and even worth situation is that Rosamunde Pike goes sup too.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTom

Hayden that's an excellent assessment of biopic performances and esp Williams,nice performance but no Marilyn.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commentermarkgordon

Jonn -- UGH. I forgot her. I did mean to include her. ADDING NOW REPLACING CHLOE SEVIGNY

September 20, 2016 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

The actress categories are most exciting for me this year. The fact that we have actual great leading roles in the dozen and actual supporting female roles competing in supporting is something I'm apperciate it of. We've grown so accusumed to category fraud (no matter how much we object) that when I hear someone say Michelle Williams has a little role in Manchester I'm get to thinking do we forget what a supporting performance should be. Gone are the days of Beatrice Straight and Hermione Baddeley.

I for one second do not believe Viola Davis will go supporting. Davis herself is not a supporting actress anymore and even if it's borderline it's more lead then supporting (not having seen the film of course). Portman seems like a Helen Mirren style win and had she not won before there would be no question with her raves she'd have this award sown up. Emma Stone is I'm sure a delight and your typical your starlet but she'll have more chances (Billie Jean King). I really want Davis to win because she's due and the sad fact Halle Berry remains the only non white actress to win the lead trophy is a horrifying fact.

Really it's so exciting to be an actressexual this season because the race is all about the women. Let's hope the major prizes (picture, director) reflect this too.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEoin Daly

Tom: A United Kingdom? I don't think that's happening anymore, in any category.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Hayden - The difference between Marilyn Monroe and Jackie Kennedy, though, is that at this point, 20+ years after her death, many audience members can't really even evaluate what Jackie Kennedy was like, because she made so few media appearances, let alone films that are still being seen. When the first clip from Jackie was circulated, quite a few people were shocked at how Portman's voice sounded - just like they were shocked at how Daniel Day-Lewis's voice sounded when he was playing Abraham Lincoln.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

The voice in the clip put me off at first so I went and viewed as much JK interview footage I could and Portman is spot on.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commentermarkgordon

After Lupita was voted most likely never to be nominated again, AND then she had such difficulty lining up work after 12 years, seeing her gracious and stylish presence returning to the Oscars as a nominee would be so, so sweet.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commentershawshank

I think if Davis demotes to supporting, she's a surefire win. However, I think she deserves to win in Best Actress because she is more a leading lady than a character actress by this point.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBVR

Haven't seen Nicole's role in Lion or Lupita in Queen yet. In my corner of the world, I'm still hoping Julianne Moore in Maggie's plan is not forgotten and Kate Dickie in The WItch. And I wouldn't mind if Julieta's Adriana Ugarte would get some Academy love :)
I did love Nicole in Genius though. But you're right, all of these seem far fetched and the supporting womens' list is wide open.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKrister

This thread reminded me of how much I love Mad Men: are you Jackie or a Marilyn?

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

Cal roth: Yes! Love that episode of "Mad Men"! When is Hendricks going to play Marilyn?

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBVR

I love the idea of Nicole finally getting her fourth nomination. She should've been the first Aussie actress to have two Oscars (sorry Cate).

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterthefilmjunkie

I'd love to see Nicole back in the race with an actual nomination if only to prove once again how great she can be.

I doubt Molly Shannon is gonna happen for a Netflix movie, although Cynthia Nixon didn't happen for JAMES WHITE so at least as a nomination go it won't be seen as a repeat.

This Viola stuff is so upsetting.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterGlenn Dunks

I think you have a solid five. I'd maybe drop Lupita and add Helen Mirren since her as Death Incarnate sounds too juicy to pass up. If Viola goes Supporting, she replaces Lupita/Mirren.

I know you hate to say it this early on, but Williams seems like a lock, Harris very very likely, and Kidman likely since people love the movie and it's a tearjerker of a role. I'd drop Kristen Stewart to fourth just because people are so (unfairly) resistant to her.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

I think it's very nice that Nyong'o is back in the Supporting Actress conversation.

Also, 4th Nom for Legend Kidman!!!!

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMatt St.Clair

What a dream line-up! Too good to be true, of course, but that's the fun of this time of year: all the possibilities.

That COLLATERAL BEAUTY trailer gave me PAY IT FORWARD flashback nightmares so I doubt Mirren will register.

Rooney Mara's part in LION looks small/dull - his girlfriend has not much presence in the book the film's based on. Though Oscar have already nominated her twice, so who knows.

And I wouldn't rule out THE BIRTH OF A NATION just yet - I think Nate Parker will be the one to potentially miss (some) nominations but it could still do well in other categories, including Supporting Actor and Actress,

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteve G

Does no one think Knightley could surprise
? I feel like she is good so often yet always sneaks up on ppl. Also I thought she was the biggest female role in that

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnonny

I know it'll add to her nomination count. But I wanted Kidman's Oscar record entirely made up of Best Actress nods. She should be classifiable as a perennial already in the category with 4 or more Best Actress nods.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtful

Seriously.... Kidman has 3 nominations already, when she only deserved 1. And that 1 was for "To Die For" for which she was not nominated? Her win for "The Hours" didn't even deserve a nomination. Had Jimmy Durante been still alive, he could have played it and they would not have need a prosthetic nose. Just saying.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRJL

I want to see Nicole and Lizzy Caplan nominated.

Won't the Allied press tour be interesting in light of today's events?!

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEz


Thank you... Amen.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterrick

Because nobody mentions Kristen Stewart for Cafe Society? Even as a distant possibility.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterharmodio

Michelle Williams is in. Seriously, she's remarkable in the movie and is absolutely heartbreaking. I expect her and Affleck to really do well in the critical portion of the season.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan

Viola will definitely win if she goes to suporting. I'm not so sure with her in leading though, as Stone and Bening (who I assume is leading and acts amazingly as usual in Women) might have more chance. Portman is a lock for nom, but not gonna win. Michelle Williams might win if Viola stays in lead and her film is popular with voters. As with Amy Adams, I am sad to say this but she will only get a nom in leading, making her the next Glenn Close. I'm hoping I'm wrong tho.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCraver

@RJL - You crazy. Kidman isn't consistently great but she definitely deserves more than one nomination. She is undeniably great and potentially even win-worthy (i'd have to go back and look) in To Die For, The Others and Birth. I also really loved Dogville, although may need a re-watch to specifically assess her in it; at first watch I thought her, Bettany & Clarkson were fab.

It is crazy to me that she got nominated for none of those! I really disliked two films that she was actually nominated for (The Hours & Moulin Rouge) and have no desire to see the dead kid crying movie (Rabbit Hole) so it is hard for me to judge those performances without bias.

September 20, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterhuh

Great Kidman Perfromances ( in no order), in my book, she was in the top 5 for each of these movies' respective year, with one double whammy included.

- To Die For
- The Hours
- Moulin Rouge
- The Others
- Birth
- The Golden Compass ( Yes, she was game in that movie- even if the movie was not)
- Dogville
- Rabbit Hole ( ditto)
- The Paperboy

September 21, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRizz

Rizz, Nicole Kidman was Oscar nomination-worthy a whopping 13 times:

1992) Far & Away
1995) To Die For
2001) The Others
2001) Moulin Rouge
2002) The Hours
2003) The Human Stain
2004) Birth
2004) Dogville
2007) The Golden Compass
2007) Margot at the Wedding
2010) Rabbit Hole
2012) The Paperboy
2014) Paddington

Not saying she should've been nominated for everything on the list but her nomination count should undoubtedly equal that of Blanchett and Winslet (7 noms). And she should totally own two statuettes by now.

People keep saying that Meryl Streep is generally the redeeming feature of many of her movies but with Kidman it's even more evident.

September 21, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterYavor

I've heard such good things about Lily Gladstone in "Certain Women". It would be so nice to have a Native American nominee. Is she not even a long shot candidate?

September 21, 2016 | Unregistered Commenteradri

I've heard such good things about Lily Gladstone in "Certain Women". It would be so nice to have a Native American nominee. Is she not even a long shot candidate?

The movie itself isn't a long shot candidate.

September 21, 2016 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtful

I'm sure that -in addition to all the arguments already expressed here- Viola Davis knows all too well that if she goes supporting she will surely split the "black" vote with Naomi Harris, who at this point many consider as the front-runner.

September 21, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMarcos

I'm not predicting doom and gloom for Portman and Jackie. Here's what happens:

Critics at a festival praise Portman's emotional resonance, detailed voice work, and the quality of her film.

A trailer is released. Mainstream media outlets say "Portman TRANSFORMS HERSELF into Jackie Kennedy." Overstate the mimicry aspects of the performance.

Portman starts winning odd critics awards, works the media, etc. Precursor nods. More talk of "uncanny transformation."

Jackie opens wide, audiences discover this is not The Iron Lady or Monster. Disappointment builds online because the expectations were poorly set (because the media does now know how to talk about acting/biopics).

So ultimately the end (Portman gets an Oscar nomination!) is the same. But sum total response to the film meets somewhere in the middle. People like to think they know better than critics, Portman's not ripe for a win, a delicate little portrait is viewed through the big crass lens Meryl Streep has conditioned us to use.

It's happened before.

September 21, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHayden W.

Kidman is the most underawarded great actress, IMHO.

September 21, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterI

Nobody here is going to change the die hard Kidman fans... it is not even worth arguing about ..

Kidman was very good in To Die For, Rabbit Hole, and The Others... other than those... for me she is just another actress who draws a paycheck...

she lucked out that Cruise needed a wife to chase the gay rumors off ( did not work ) , adopted children with him and was such a good mother, she was not invited to the wedding of one...

September 21, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterrick

I'm a Kidman fan, although I can admit when she's laid an egg. I can understand not liking her, but she seems to inspire a lot of rather low blows from detractors (see above post).

Anyway--I'd love to see her score a fourth nomination. Let's hope this is the year.

September 22, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJoe
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