If today's your birthday, you're golden!

The 90th Academy Awards celebrating the 2017 film year will be held on March 4th, 2018, just 344 days from now. Only two previous ceremonies have been held on March 4th with those Oscars going to The Great Ziegfeld (1936) and Mrs Miniver (1942). Hmmm. Does this mean we'll get a showbiz biopic set during WW II as Best Picture next season?
Useless Oscar Trivia of the Day!
March 25th, today, shares with March 29th (coming right up) the distinction of being the date on which the most Oscar nights have been held. Both dates have seen five Oscar nights so if you were born on either of those dates please know that your birthday is also a special anniversary for many movies, creatives, and actors and for some of you THE ACTUAL special day. Consider...
March 25th Ceremonies
3/25/54: The 1953 Oscars: From Here to Eternity, Hepburn, Holden, Reed, Sinatra. While there are plentiful pictures from this Oscar night, only the second to be broadcast on TV, strangely I have been unable to find a photo of all four Oscar acting winners together. When did the winning quartet posing together become a tradition?
3/25/85: The 1984 Oscars: Amadeus, Field, Abraham, Ashcroft, and Ngor. Dame Peggy Ashcroft was not present and I couldn't find a picture of the other three together.
3/25/91: The 1990 Oscars: Dances With Wolves, Bates, Irons, Goldberg, Pesci
3/25/96: The 1995 Oscars: Braveheart, Sarandon, Cage, Sorvino, Spacey. (This was such a fun Oscar year... well, except for the big winner.)
3/25/01: The 2000 Oscars: Gladiator, Roberts, Crowe, Harden, Del Toro
Golly, look how young they all look!
As for the other most Oscar-nighty day, that's the following big nights...
March 29th Ceremonies
3/29/1951: The 1950 Oscars: All About Eve, Holliday, Ferrer, Hull, Sanders,
3/29/1976: The 1975 Oscars: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Fletcher, Nicholson, Grant, Burns
3/29/1982: The 1981 Oscars: Chariots of Fire, Hepburn, Fonda, Stapleton, Gielgud
3/29/1989: The 1988 Oscars: Rain Man, Foster, Hoffman, Davis, Kline
3/29/1993: The 1992 Oscars: Unforgiven, Thompson, Pacino, Tomei, Hackman
If you were born on any of those 10 specific dates, someone was quite possibly crying whilst holding their Oscar just as your parents were doing the same while cradling infant you. Okay, this is weird now. Byyy-yyyyye have a great weekend.
Reader Comments (16)
I'd forgotten that Pesci is an Oscar winner.
I love the 1990 winners so much - mostly because Irons is the only typical winner of the bunch, and the other managed such careers post-Oscar, and I'm so fond of all the performances.
And I don't care what anyone says about the '95 lineup. I don't care that Cage and Spacey eventually became self-parodies, that Sorvino got lost somehow, and that Sarandon became a bit of a public face of political irresponsibility last year - I think those are four fantastic performances.
Aaah...Donna Reed was so gorgeous and effortlessly sexy!
Bates reigns supreme as the most nominated member of her quartet.
There is no such thing as useless Oscar trivia
Look at Julia that girl can't help herself.
Sally was hot in 85.
My fav performance from the pics above is Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas. I cant believe he was able to master that level and then do a lot of really bad acting after (save Adaptation)
Anthony -- thank you for justifying my life ;)
LSS -- right? he's just genius in that movie. (sigh)
It was Julia Roberts' last chance and she knew it. And she made it!
Edgard: in hindsight though, if she'd lost, she might have been more of a contender for her small but memorable part in August: Osage County.
@Mike the shade the shade.
@ mike and Markgodonuk- there are a lot of whatifs for that year. If Julia or Jennifer loose prior, there is no way Lupita ends up winning. One of the Hollywood last female established stars would be getting it.
In 1954, they had two simultaneous ceremonies in Hollywood and New York. Audrey Hepburn was at the NY ceremony while the other 3 acting winners were in Hollywood, so that's why there sadly wasn't a winning quartet photo that year.
William Holden presented Hepburn with her inscribed Oscar sometime later during promo for Sabrina though:
Wow, I F. Murray Abraham looks so young, I never would recognize him even though he works so consistently today.
I have such fond memories of the 2000 Oscars with Marcia and Julia's wins (even though I would have voted for Ellen Burstyn). It felt like a glamorous ceremony.
Donna Reed - sitcom star to be. Sally Field - escapee of sitcoms. Remember "The Girl with Something Extra"?
Sorvino, miss lady, you are not Nic Cage's arm candy. Get that Oscar out there, front and center, like the winner you are.