Beauty vs Beast: Murder on the Orientation Express

Jason from MNPP here with this week's "Beauty vs Beast" entertainment - I don't know if you've noticed by now that I will take any opportunity to talk about Alfred Hitchcock, but I will take any opportunity to talk about Alfred Hitchcock, and his birthday (which was yesterday) offers one of the best. Thankfully we've still plenty of choices - not many directors adored their villains like Hitch did, and so this series is a perfect fit.
And here's a good one! 1951's Strangers on a Train offers up one of Hitch's greatest bad guys in Bruno Antony, murder theorist and gay icon, played with giddy panache by Robert Walker. And Farley Granger's no slouch as the clearly-enticed-no-matter-how-hard-he-pretends-otherwise tennis-pro Guy Haines.
PREVIOUSLY It's one of her greatest roles so I'm not surprised that Joan Crawford stampeded her way to a win with last week's Johnny Guitar contest - she outgunned Mercedes McCambridge with 73% of your vote. Said Claran:
"This overlookes gem is one o JC's best. Much as I enjoy McCambridge all out evilness n Hayden's macho smotherness, it is Joan's icy confidence n eletricfying performance that keeps this western together n makes it a delicious camp. Afterall, it IS a Miss Crawford's pic n dun cha forget it!!"
Reader Comments (11)
That is a toughie, as this might be my favorite HItchcock. I went with Team Guy, who's delusional in not reciprocating Bruno's desires, at least in the bedroom, but not at the carnival. Naughty Naughty!
Ruth Roman is just sort of there, but Patricia Hitchcock and Teresa Wright should have teamed up to make a movie together where they solve mysteries while going Boy Crazy! Make it retro so!
While Guy is eminently doable and would be the more preferable mate without question, and Farley does a good job with the role, I went Team Bruno because Robert Walker in his Criss Cross Crazypants way OWNS this movie. It makes it especially sad then to realize this was his last completed film.
I love Ruth Roman but you can kind of tell that Hitchcock didn't want her in the film. She's not used anywhere near as effectively as his usual blonde heroines. Maybe he just decided to tip the female focus to daughter Pat and she is fantastic as Barbara.
Robert Walker is award-worthy here and in SINCE YOU WENT AWAY, along with his then wife Jennifer Jones. Such an overlooked talent!
This post wins "blog post title pun of the month"
Bruno is one of Hitchcok's greatest villain. Guy of course is not so innocent either. A great thriller
Farley Granger was just so beautiful I had to watch this movie twice. I was so distracted the first time.
It's tough not to vote for Farley, but it was Walker's picture all the way. Incidentally, have you ever done Janet Leigh vs Anthony Perkins, now that would be tough.
@ Brad - agreed! He was a stunning man!
@ forever1267 - that's a great idea! It's a shame Patricia Hitchcock didn't do more movies. She's a delight to watch.
Adam and Forever -- i cosign this fantasy franchise. I will see every installment
@forever- Patricia Hitchcock and Teresa Wright should have teamed up to make a movie together where they solve mysteries while going Boy Crazy! Make it retro so!
Fantastic idea!
Joe (UK) -- I had to search back to check but yes we did Psycho - right here - it appears that Marion won, but not by a whole lot. I agree, that's a really tough choice, i don't know who I voted for and I don't know who I'd vote for now!