Oscars Foreign Race Pt 2 - Trailers L-Z / Where to see the movies

by Nathaniel R
Today with the release of the official contenders list for Best Foreign Language Film we will be updating the four foreign Oscar charts which you can peruse at your leisure for more info about the films but while we work on that we wanted to share the trailers for each film as well as info on where you can see them (if it's possible to see them that is)
Previously: All the trailers for submissions from Afghanistan through Luxembourg
Ready? Deep breath. Here we go starting from Latvia and on through Vietnam. The remaining 33 films in the 87 film long list.
LATVIA To Be Continued
Where to see: Unknown
LEBANON Capernaum
Where to see: Opens in US theaters on December 14th
LITHUANIA Wonderful Losers: A Different World
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Currently streaming on Amazon Prime
MACEDONIA Secret Ingredient
Where to see: Unknown
MALAWI The Road to Sunrise
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Opens in US movie theaters on December 14th. Will also be streaming on Netflix
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Unknown
NEPAL Panchayat
Where to see: Unknown
THE NETHERLANDS The Resistance Banker
Where to see: Currently streaming on Netflix
NEW ZEALAND Yellow is Forbidden
Where to see: Unknown
NIGER The Wedding Ring (REVIEWED)
Where to see: Unknown
NORWAY What Will People Say
Where to see: Available to rent on iTunes as of 10/9.
Where to see: Unknown
PALESTINE Ghost Hunting
Where to see: Unknown
PANAMA Ruben Blades is Not My Name
Where to see: Unknown
PARAGUAY The Heiresses
Where to see: Unknown
PERU Eternity
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Opens in US theaters on December 21st
PORTUGAL Peregrinacao
Where to see: Unknown
ROMANIA "I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians"
Where to see: Unknown
RUSSIA Sobibor
Where to see: Unknown
SERBIA Offenders
Where to see: Unknown
SINGAPORE Buffalo Boys
Where to see: Unknown
SLOVAKIA The Interpreter
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Unkown
SOUTH AFRICA Sew the Winter on My Skin
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Opens in US theaters on November 9th
SPAIN Champions
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Opens in US theaters on October 26th
Where to see: Unknown
TAIWAN The Great Buddha +
Where to see: Available to rent on iTunes
THAILAND Malaila: The Farewell Flower
Where to see: Available to stream on an app called Dekkoo
TUNISIA Beauty and the Dogs
Where to see: Available to stream on Amazon Prime
TURKEY The Wild Pear Tree
Where to see: Coming to US theaters
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Currently in theaters in the US
URUGUAY A Twelve Year Night
Where to see: Unknown
Where to see: Streaming now on iTunes
VIETNAM The Tailor
Where to see: Unknown
YEMEN 10 Days Before the Wedding
Where to see: Unknown

Reader Comments (10)
So thankful to you for posting all of these trailers. I want to see them all!
Massive effort!
Lithuania - Available on Volta - Irish VOD (with a little bit of work you may try to make it available in USA or any other country).
Vietnam - Available on Dailymotion with Engsub (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6fhvdf).
This is super specific but you can see "Wonderful Losers" from Lithuania as part of the New York Baltic Film Festival. it's playing on Saturday, October 20, 6:15 pm. I hope there will be more widespread reasons to see the film but I'm hoping to catch it there!
Spain's trailer is wrong. So strange in this site. This is the real one:
Thank you for this work Nathaniel. Much appreciated.
I'm so pissed I coudn't watch Wiñaypacha, Peru's Eternity. Every friend who has seen it had told me it is just magical and so sad. It's about an elderly couple that live in the highlands alone and wait their son's comeback from the city. The movie has produced the same buzz between critics as The Milk of Sorrow once did, and even better, this film has no detractors. If it is rightly promoted, I believe it may easily get at least in the 9 finalist.
Amazing - you're the best!!
Thank you! Good job! We all apreciate your work. Viva Nathaniel !!!
Jorge - I highly doubt that "Wiñaypacha" has the same buzz as "The Milk of Sorrow", at least worldwide. Llosa's film has won Gold Bear Award, while "Wiñaypacha" has not been screen at any big festival, Though, I still hope that I'll be able to see it one day.