Hirokazu Koreeda is directing an all star cast!

by Nathaniel R
Koreeda, Deneuve, and Hawke working on a movie called "Truth"
Somehow this had escaped our attention so apologize to those for whom it is old news. Thanks to Juliette Binoche for getting us caught us up to speed on her instagram, sharing photos from the set of the next film from Japanese master Hirokazu Koreeda. Koreeda was already in our brain because his current brilliant film Shoplifters, which opens in the US around Thanksgiving time. It won the Palme d'Or at Cannes and we hope it's nominated for the Oscar for Foreign Language Film.
His next picture is called Truth. It's his first non-Japanese language picture with an all star French cast plus Ethan Hawke...
The film appears to be a meta film at least partially about the making of a film. According to IMDb the stars Juliette Binoche, Catherine Deneuve, and Ludivine Sagnier are playing characters named Juliette, Catherine, and Ludivine... so maybe themselves or thinly veiled versions thereof? If that weren't exciting enough Ethan Hawke, who is on a roll with amazing work in Boyhood and First Reformed recently, has top billing so we assume he's playing the director or something?
The IMDb synopsis goes like so...
...about a stormy reunion between a daughter and her actress mother, Catherine, against the backdrop of Catherine's latest role in a sci-fi picture as a mother who never grows old.
And here's a promotional image, presumably for announcements or film markets or whatnot.
Reader Comments (5)
My gay heart almost exploded.
Move over whatever was there, I have a new most anticipated movie.
Ethan Hawke, Juliette Binoche, Ludivine Sagnier, and Catherine Deneuve in a film by Hirokazu Koreeda?
Juliette Binoche. The best career of an auteur driven actress EVER.
Carax, Kaufman, Godard, Kieslowski, Minghella, Akerman, Assayas, Kiarostami, Hou, Gitai, Dumont, Denis, Malle, Haneke, Ferrera, Cronemberg and now Hirokazu. Only Deneuve and Huppert could challenge her. That's my girl!
I hope she's brilliant again as she was in Let The Sunshine in and Camille Claudel 1915!