Venice: Think Pink!

by Nathaniel R
The stylists have (apparently) decreed it. All stars must wear pink or pinkish reds whilst attending the 75th annual Venice Film Festival this year. Lady Gaga has arrived, continuing and perfecting the trend. Her full gown after the jump plus more pink fashion from other beauties. Even the men have joined in...
Imagine what she'll wear to the Globes and Oscars!
Jeff Goldblum also got the pink memo and is looking so fine. This man is 65 and aging so extraordinarily well.
Naomi Watts' first two looks.
Taika Waititi camping it up in a pinkish red kimono jacket of some kind.
Claire Foy's premiere look for First Man. Reds and pinkish reds are also allowed at Venice.
There's been some debate about what color this Ryan Gosling jacket is but we're going with super pale pink. It's definitely not the white-white of his shirt.
More ladies in the pink & reds family who we assume are all Italian celebrities.
Emma Stone arrived in a pink /dusty rose (what do we call this?) blouse but quickly ditched it for nudes and blues in her other looks.
Reader Comments (23)
When I think pink and Hollywood I think of What a Way to Go!, but that Kay Thompson scene is pretty great. And yes, Goldblum has has been looking fine of late (not that that's a new thing).
Has GaGa ever looked more Glamorous and Movie Starish.
I don't have much to say about Gaga's Oscar chances but based on the first reviews—my prediction is that A Star is Born cracks $400 domestically. It's going to be a massive, historic hit.
$400 million, lol.
Jeff Goldblum eats human meat. Everybody knows that.
Naomiiiiiiii! Gorgeoooooous! Love her!
Lady Gaga Movie Star!
I'm not a Gaga fan but that dress is everything! Brava!
Gaga is giving your D-R-A-M-A every step of the way. Her entrance to the festival on the boat was iconic. It's going to be an exciting awards season with her presence.
Gaga might end the season with three Golden Globes in her shelf.
(Michelle's got 1, Sarandon 0)
Go Gaga go! So happy to read all of her terrific reviews today. And yes, she is going to look amazing on the RC this season.
Gaga's dress and entire look is Glamour with a capital G.
I like Naomi's pink shingled dress but perhaps the first dress looked better in person. To me it looks rather sack like and frumpy.
ScottC-The Pinkie Benson segment of What a Way to Go! and Shirley MacLaine in it are phenomenal. I wouldn't be surprised to see Gaga try and emulate that, pink wig and all.
Gaga and Kay Thompson together! Think pink and your world is rosy red. Gaga, get that Oscar nomination. And Kay, get that retroactive nod.
$400 million. Let me laugh. La La Land barely cracked that, and Gaga isn't as likeable as Emma Stone or a big movie draw. It'll be lucky to crack $100 million.
The reviews seem to be positive, though.
OK, Lady Gaga just brought the glam. Everyone else is going to have to step up.
The Oscars didn’t need that new category this year.
Best picture black panther
Best actress Lady Gaga
I want a mashup of the Funny Face scene and Janelle Monae's Pynk.
While I live for Gaga's drama it stops there because I'm finding it difficult (sight unseen) to see myself rooting for her so easily transition to film and be the new hit and take the best actress prize.
Come on. Given a choice between Glenn or GaGa, the Academy will close Glenn as a life achievement award. GaGa may win a Globe for best musical performance but that’s about it.
Why are we trying so hard to make A Star is Born happen?
34 songs on the soundtrack... talk about overkill.
"$400 million. Let me laugh. La La Land barely cracked that, and Gaga isn't as likeable as Emma Stone or a big movie draw. It'll be lucky to crack $100 million."
And American Sniper, which also costarred Bradley Cooper, made $350 million a few years ago! He must be the most likable movie draw on the planet!
Gaga looks gorgeous
I am absolutely loving it when Gaga, yet again, embarrasses all the naysayers. The critics have spoken.
I'm adding Pink by Aerosmith to the cue now, because pink is a new kind of lingo.
I'm looking forward to A Star is Born, happy for Gaga and Cooper, both of whom have matured into artists I quite enjoy (early on, with The Fame/The Hungover projects, I found their personas both a bit grating). That look is a perfect synthesis of what makes current Gaga interesting to me. It is unusual, but glamourous, unique and self-assured but not desperate. She looks amazing.
Stone's fashion is a mystery to me. I'd think that blouse would look matronly on any other person, but something about her face and vibe that somehow makes it youthful. And yet, often when she goes for something more modern looking, she strikes me as a little girl wearing her mom's clothes.
Naomi Watts looked lovely as well. This is a fine collection of pink looks, indeed.
I love The Lady.... I did not agree with her winning the Golden Globe for American Horror Story. I did not consider her doing any acting in it. That is why I am glad she seems to have nailed this role.
You know what would be funny? DiCaprio giving Gaga the Golden Globe.