The Link Persuasive

• Coming Soon Juliette Lewis is joining the Roseanne spinoff sitcom The Conners
• MNPP ACK! Somehow I missed the news that there's a new documentary coming about Montgomery Clift and it's playing at NewFest next month
• Awards Daily Willem Dafoe and Paul Greengrass are getting tributes at the Gotham Awards
• AV Club Eric Idle confirms a longstanding rumor about Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in a scene from Empire Strikes Back...
Lots more after the jump including Judi Dench's frustration, Wicked's anniversary, Chris Pine's penis, Glenn Close's movies, JK Rowling's foot-in-mouth problem, and English language remakes of foreign hits which are fine as they are (sigh)...
• Vanity Fair Outlaw King got a 20 minute trim after middling TIFF reviews but they left in Chris Pine's full frontal
• Variety big box office not expected for Crazy Rich Asians as it opens in Japan
• Guardian Judi Dench is uncomfortable with Kevin Spacey being cut from movies "Are we to go back throughout history and anyone who has misbehaved in any way... Are we going to extrude them from our history?”"
• Playbill Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel are reuniting on an NBC TV special in October celebrating 15 years of Wicked on Broadway
• Variety Tang Wei (Lust Caution, Blackhat) will headline The Whistleblower an expensive China/Australia coproduction
• The Guardian ranks Glenn Close movies and somehow believes that The Wife is a greater film than Dangerous Liaisons? Oh my I can't. That's even more absurd than putting Albert Nobbs on any best of list and I LIKE The Wife.
• Pajiba JK Rowling in danger of becoming the next George Lucas
• Variety Nicole Kidman and team are going to produce The Female Persuasion based on Meg Wolitzer's book. It's about a college student, though, so dont expect Kidman in the lead role.
• Coming Soon in truly dumb news there's going to be an English language remake of Joachim Trier's supernatural lesbian drama Thelma, that was Norway's Oscar submission last year. It's dumb to remake things that are already great. (sigh)
• Coming Soon ...that's not the only recent foreign hit getting remade. There's currently a bidding war for the rights to remake South Korea's zombie hit Train to Busan
Reader Comments (25)
That Guardian list is weird but also confusing - they say they're ranking her best films but then really focus on the performances, so which is it?
I thought Dangerous Liaisons is the best Glenn Close film and film performance. I wonder why a lot of folks never warmed up to Albert Nobbs which I also like (though not in my top 10). The film and Close's Albert may not be the right tonal chord for a lot of people but I thought it was touching all the more because of this discordance. Just me, I'm sure.
Based on my highly subjective version, I'd rank Close's best performances in films this way (in order for the first five, then interchangeable in the next 5): Dangerous Liaisons, The House of the Spirits, Reversal of Fortune, Fatal Attraction, The World According to Garp, Cookie's Fortune, Heights, The Stepford Wives, 101 Dalmatians, Mary Reilly.
Excited for the remake of Thelma. Hope they won't cast just any popular actress for commercial marketing. Part of the reason why the original worked was partly due to perfect casting of the principal roles particularly Eili Harboe who was in my top 5 best female performance for 2017.
If Roseanne is such a repulsive woman why is everyone so willing to participate in a show based on HER characters?
Because they like the show, they like their characters, they like working together and they like a good paycheck just like everyone else?
I have mixed feelings on the Dame Judi argument. In principle, I agree with her regarding censorship and removal of actors from films. But in the case of 'All the Money in the World', I think it was necessary to make sure a perfectly good film didn't fall by the wayside because of one bad egg.
Her decision to (publicly) defend Spacey, no matter how solid a friend he is, is questionable considering he's pretty much owned up. But we're all allowed our opinions.
Because they are a bunch of hypocrates.
*I meant the Roseanne cast not Judi Dench who is truly a dame
I think I have to see Outlaw King because I like Chris Pine and I'd like to see more of him.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
I think with Dench she is saying everybody is 3 dimensional and he was good to her when her husband died,she did not condone or deny his actions but stated we can't erase everything from history becuase it's been found out after the fact something allegedly happened.
I'm sure Spacey's a great friend to a lot of people and has much kindness in him but the alleged other side can't be overlooked but also can't be erased.
The Plummer casting was a financial one,Trust is much better anyway with Hilary Swank.
I love reading news about Tang Wei. I want her to be the huge superstar she deserves to be.
However Dame Judi feels about the treatment of Spacey (and I forcefully disagree with her--it's not easy to see clearly when your friend is involved), the placement of Plummer and his brilliant work made All the Money In the World the better movie.
Nicole will definitely be playing the mentor of the main character in The Female Persuasion. It's a polarizing character and has many shades to it. Hero, mentor, villain, sellout. She is supposed to have superhuman charisma and intelligence--something Nicole can very easily telegraph. I read the novel picturing her tbh!
I am glad that All the Money in the World exists to preserve Michelle Williams' magnificent performance.
So, we are going to see what Chris Pine has in his pants and the only thing I want to know is.... is it above average?
As long as he's not cut
I don't think I've seen this on the site, but as soon as I heard Eastwood has sneaked 'The Mule' onto the December schedules I started having Million Dollar Baby shaped palpitations.
Should we be concerned?
The Monty Clift doc is really great! Got to see it at the LA Film Festival and interview the directors. It's a great look at the star while avoiding the "tragic gay" cliches.
I pay money to see Chris Pine in anything but I thought "Hell an High Water " was a great American film.
@cal roth: Tang Wei is superlative in Lust, Caution!! But sadly, she haven really been able to follow up her sensational debut ever since.
I blame it on the Ch govt who blacklisted her for 3 yrs after release o Lust Caution n kinda stopped her momentum to super stardom.
Let's hope her new film make a splash! 😁
Dangerous Liaisons is an incredibly enjoyable movie that I've always loved and is perhaps my favorite Close performance. But all the different accents among the characters IS pretty jarring.
@markgordonuk - I enjoyed Trust, and Hilary Swank is indeed great in it (as is Michelle Williams in All the Money in the World).
The Guardian list is bananas. Glenn Close's best performance (by a country mile) is Fatal Attraction, followed by Dangerous Liaisons. But glad to see The Paper on this list because she *is* pretty great in it.
I think Owl and I think very much alike. I do believe Fatal Attraction is watchable repeatedly thanks to Close. She's a bit histrionic in some scenes, but Lyne could have toned her down with proper direction. He obviously liked her overly psychotic interpretation/reactions in some scenes. Either way, her chewing the scenery more or less worked because the character was so extreme. And then she was so perfect in other scenes. It really morphs into a great performance. Douglas is terrific, too, and their chemistry is believable. I, for one, felt sorry for Alex Forrest in the end, and that's all thanks to Close.
To me, Close is exceptional at playing manipulative, delusional nutcases. Even in one of her final scenes before she dies in The Girl with All the Gifts, she's brilliant at going over the edge. I actually teared up a little bit. I believe more of Close's characters have been killed in films than any other Oscar–nominated actress. Now that's as good as it gets!
Hell, just give her the Oscar already.
The movie wasn’t released yet and I’m sure they didn’t want bad publicity.
Rank Glenn Close's performances according to your own preferences:
Dangerous Liaisons
Fatal Atraction
The Shield
The World Acording to G.
Reverse of Fortune
The Lion in Winter
101 Dalmatians (❤️)
Is that Pine's real dick or just synthetic?