Queen Ingrith Tease

Since it's only (haha) 477 days until Maleficent 2 hits theaters, Michelle Pfeiffer gave us a sneak peek of her character Queen Ingrith on Instagram. We don't know if she's a fairy queen or just a regular queen yet but we hope a fairy queen because how many actresses can say they've played fairy royalty twice? (see also: Titania, Queen of the Fairies, in A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1999)
Reader Comments (12)
I'm loving her on instagram. That Grease 2 clip she posted last Friday made my year! I always felt like she was mortified by that film, so it's nice to see how she's now realised it's become something of a cult favourite.
omg at first glance I thought it was the cover of Madonna's new CD :-)
She was not a good Titania, dear.
Liam Neeson racist fantasies and Juliette Binoche defending Harvey Weinstein. What a great week!
I really loved Maleficent. It's one of the best of the megabudget Hollywood white elephant films of the last few years and Angelina Jolie was tremendous. Very underappreciated. Hope the sequel is in the same spirit.
Judi I agree that was a bad performance from her
Didn't care for that performance.
It was a serviceable performance from Pfeiffer, but I do remember her looking the part, visually radiant, although this probably has more to do with cinematography and her genetics than performance.
I thought it was Miranda Richardson.
I'm happy she is coming out of her catnap with a big roar.
She followed on Instagram nearly everyone from Big Little Lies, Julianne Moore, Penelope Cruz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Dakota and Elle Fanning. I hope she follows her older friends from the 1980s: Cher, Susan Sarandon, Jeff Bridges, and Jeff Goldblum.
The new InStyle article says she is launching a new fragrance.
And she is name-checked in a third song. This time, the song is actually named after her: Michelle Pfeiffer by hip hop artist Mahawam. It's not a hit yet, but it's buzzing in some small circles.
I have to go back and watch it, but I thought Michelle was pretty good as Titania. Looked beautiful as usual, but a good acting performance although Kevin Kline stole most of the show.
I have mixed feelings about Michelle's fragrance line. On the one hand, I'm glad that she's found something to keep her occupied, and I hope she's successful.
OTOH, I fear it'll mean she just does even fewer movies and even smaller roles as she spends time on her business :(