Follow Team TFE, please!

Hello, with Oscar season closing up, there is generally some attrition in readership but we're here all year long so dont desert us. In fact, follow more of us on social media won'cha? We have an Instagram and a Newsletter that you should sign up for since they'll start up again about a week from now once we've recovered from Oscar exhaustion. A big thanks to the team here which keeps your host Nathaniel (c'est moi) alive because daily content requires more than just one voice.
I thought we'd highlight eight team-members today. Get to know us better...
Hi neighbor!
CHRIS FEIL (sample tweet - very Chris)
As one of our most frequent contributors and intermittent podcast guest, you know Chris well. He writes the "Soundtracking" column and just co-wrote a piece with Joe Reid that you really have to read over at Vulture.
Instagram | Twitter | Letterboxd | "This Had Oscar Buzz" | Rotten Tomatoes
Bri and I can only relate to women in film (dunno why), so please enjoy our Extremely Long and Incredibly Glenn Close episodes of Broad Appeal about the 2 actress categories at the #Oscars.
SEÁN MCGOVERN (sample tweet - very Seán)
You'll know Seán from film festival coverage here (Berlinale and more), his actress podcast 'Broad Appeal, as well as a Smackdown appearance.
Instagram | Twitter | "Broad Appeal" Podcast

Official holiday portrait
MURTADA ELFADL (sample tweet - very murtada!)
You already know and love Murtada from the podcast. He also does reviews, interviews, festivals
Instagram | Twitter | YouTube Interview
The Craft (1996) 🥀 #witchesoffairfax
New contributor so we're excited to see what she'll bring us.
Instagram | IMDb
THE CORPSE BRIDE (2005) | dir. Tim Burton
JORGE MOLINA (sample tweet - very jorge!)
You know Jorge from his Mamma Mia! obsession and the screenplay series "Blueprints"
Instagram | Twitter | Letterboxd
Lovefest trashfest
SPENCER COILE (sample tweet - very spencer!)
If you see a Spencer byline here, it's usually for a review of something currently streaming at you
Instagram | Twitter | Letterboxd
There were worse ways to spend four months, although the view is somewhat spoiled this weekend by storms
GLENN DUNKS (sample tweet - very Glenn!)
Glenn is our longtime collaborator and currently stationed in Australia. He writes "Doc Corner" here at the site
Instagram | Twitter | Letterboxd | Rotten Tomatoes
She hates me. #catsofinstagram
Deborah has been on hiatus but hopefully she'll be back now. She loves James Bond movies and Mad Men and ran the now departed but much beloved Mad Men site "Basket of Kisses" which got frequent attention from Matthew Weiner and the actors themselves.
THAT'S NOT ALL OF US -- YOU CAN READ MORE TEAM BIOS ON THE "ABOUT" PAGE BUT THAT'S ENOUGH SELF-PROMOTION FOR NOW. I'm aware that we need more women and more writers of color! Working on expanding the team as the site grows. We're always looking for new contributors especially those with the following five things:
- Strong accessible writing skills
- Unique takes on current / classic cinema and the arts in general
- Interest or obsession with the Oscars
- Passion for movies that bleeds into their every day life in some demonstrable or engaging way.
- Commitment to contribute once bi-weekly
Reader Comments (11)
Please give yourselves snake codenames!
Love to.I don't know if I can write but i'd give anything to do a Sig Weavie post.
Wanna fuck that shirtless guy!Is his name Glenn?
Seán is really cute.
I’ve DM’d all these people my nudes on Instagram now.
Only Glenn can ease the pain I felt this week for the other Glenn.
Sorry, Sigweaver. Upon reflection the Weavie is a bit lame.
Glenn serving masc4masc vers top that five minutes into a hookup is grinding his hole against your dick.
I'm waiting!
Y'all are really adorable - and much love to Murtada for co-hosting your podcast. Murtada dunking on "Green Book" was amazing.
Chris Feil is great too - but really love to everyone who contributes - this is one of the few sites that I think dives into why we love movies, and I appreciate it every day.
Murtada, Who should sit on who's face first?