Beauty vs Beast: Sailors Moon

Jason Adams from MNPP here using this week's "Beauty vs Beast" to memorialize a sad anniversary -- the great German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder died of an overdose on this day in the year 1982. Unsurprising given his extraordinary output over the course of his 37 years on Earth Fassbinder's projects outlived his days, and one finished film came out a few months after he'd passed -- his gorgeously gay and strange Genet adaptation Querelle, starring Brad Davis as a sailor entangled in lusty criminalities in port, and that's where we'll rest our eyes today (since we're also covering LGBT films all June to boot). Much like Lieutenant Seblon (a perfectly mustachioed Franco Nero, awash in long eroticized pauses) can't keep his eyes off his charge, neither can we all these years later...
PREVIOUSLY The first week of Pride Month took us to sweet Translyvania, where Tim Curry's Dr. Frank N Furter easily swanned off with 0ver 80% of your Rocky Horror votes. Said kris01:
"Brad and Janet are cute and everything, but Frank n Furter can create life. Iron Man has a million suits to jerk off too, but can he make people!?"
Reader Comments (12)
Team Brad Davis. Always.
Brad David was gorgeous. He’s one of those guys who can be placed in any decade and still be hot. I discovered Midnight Express in the late 90s maybe. He was hot then, hot when I saw it again the 2000s and he’s very hot today.
Team Querelle for sure, but Franco Nero is nothing to turn your nose up at! I watched this movie for the first time on Youtube during my sophomore year in college and never forgot it. It did a lot for me as a budding queer cinephile.
I just saw the film a few days ago. Goddamn, it was incredible. I went with Davis as he's just got that intensity about him that is sorely missed right now.
Brad Davis was one of the sexiest most beautiful men in cinema
I'm Team Jeanne Moreau.
That was tough! I chose Seblon ‘cause I think Querelle was a strong entry in his resume. Through the years he always said nice things about the film and Fassbinder, remembering also the other movies the German director would have aimed to do with him (a Rosa Luxembourg biopic co-starring Vanessa Redgrave and Cocaine, featuring the beautiful Ornella Muti)
Team Brad Davis all the way!
What a brilliant actor he was. Was it too much to ask for him to get Oscar nominated in 1979?
I remember reading Genet's novel in high school and being mesmerized (and probably aroused) by his poetic writing. Even if Fassbinder's movie has its flaws, it's a daring and terrific adaptation.
No, in my opinion it wasn’t, considering that Academy appreciated Midnight Express a lot
I fancy a pocket, muscle gay, which Brad Davis most certainly was (well, at least the pocket muscle part), so he gets my vote. But, as has been noted, Mr. Vanessa Redgrave is a fine specimen himself, so either way we win.
Just rewatched Querelle on the Criterion Channel, and holy hell is it one weird, wild film. Fassbinder could be like John Waters, but with artier, more continental sensibilities. A unique voice in world cinema. #RIP
Shouldn't "that chest!" be a criteria for both of them?
Franco Nero was a very handsome movie star so let's just vote for both- too bad we really did not get a hot sex scene between these two