March. It's a Wrap.

Usually March is our cool-down period after another exhausting but fun awards season. Here at (practically) the end of the first quarter of 2021, we're still three weeks away from Oscar night so we're reviewing each Oscar category still. Our internal calendars are a disaster. How about yours? Here's a quick recap in case you missed any of these...
A Dozen Highlights of March at TFE
• Minari: A Tale of Two (or more) Grandmas Lynn gets personal for this movie
• The New Actress Hierarchy Frances & Glenn are still rising
• Gay Best Friend: Dolly in Silkwood All roads eventually lead to Cher
• Over & Overs: Amadeus This composer biopic never gets old
• Ten best onscreen pigs because we live for a random list
• Most Confusing Oscar Categories pre-Nominations It was supporting actor not actress that ended up shocking this year. Which other years had confusing results?
• This Had Oscar Buzz Nathaniel guest stars for White Oleander
• The Piano Lesson The August Wilson plays are all getting movies. This is next
• New Oscar Records an annual tradition of course
• The Worst Case of Category Fraud Claudio finds things got egregious this year
• Almost There Anthony Hopkins in The Lion in Winter
• What were the 5 best "Best Picture" vintages? That got you talking
SAG, BAFTA, Spirit Awards, and Oscar night are all coming up in April. We'll also have a week-long John Waters retrospective (!) to celebrate his 75th birthday.
And of course the Supporting Actress Smackdown returns on April 15th with a look at the current Oscar season so get your votes in now on the current list. After that we'll all revisit the year 2000 together. Here's how to vote.
Reader Comments (10)
Just to check, are the limited/cameo role categories in the FBA going to be finalized soon? It's always exciting to see who you pick
A whole week devoted to John Waters!?! How exciting!
I am terrible at quoting movies but I think I have Female Trouble and Pecker practically memorized.
When are you getting your shots, my friend? Praying you get the Pfeiffer. I'll get Moderna.
Sooo curious to hear your thoughts on the 2000 race. I remember never understanding the love for Kate Hudson's performance when Almost Famous came out, but I'm curious to give it a revisit. I haven't seen it in 20 years!
2020 will be interesting too. I expect a lot of you will pull teeth to find a way to give Glenn Close three hearts lmao. ;)
Adam, I hope with her inevitable impending win the panellists will be extra honest in their comments on the unworthy (for Oscar, for Razzie it's debatable) work in Hillbilly Elegy.
I still can't understand how Close managed to come in 6th in the Film Bitch Awards. If you want to see an incredible actress doing great work in sub-par film that doesn't know what do with her talent, Dianne Wiest is right there in I Care A Lot.
Jules -- I CARE A LOT was not eligible for these awards as it didn't screen anywhere before January and we closed oiff the year when the year end and we started making the lists so anything that premiered thereafter (I care a lot, judas and the black messiah, united states vs billie holiday, barb & stars, etcetera) are 2021 films. otherwise we'd have only started ding the top ten list and awards right about now.
Duncan -- yes. my first draft was somehow lost so i'm trying to rebuild. will finish all the remaining pages before the Oscars.
Peggy Sue -- i've had the first dose. so just like 5 weeks or so until i get to go to the movies again. HOORAHHHH
Adam -- i haven't finished assembling the panel yet and i literally never know what the panelists will say. I dont grill them on their future opinions when inviting ;) (which is why its so hilarious when people accuse me of agendas with these things -- how can i control 5 other people's opinions???) Maybe they'll hate her. Maybe they'll love her.
I adore John Waters and think he’s a national treasure, so I’m really looking forward to your celebration of him.
Question: although he’s very far outside the Academy’s wheelhouse, do you think John Waters could ever get an honorary Oscar? I feel like he might be beloved enough for that to happen even if none of his films were ever going to appeal to Oscar voters.
I don't know where to put this so I'll put it here: Paul Raci's chance of winning Best Supporting Actor just shot up at least 50% with the publication of the interview with him in the New York Times today. Check it out.
Nathaniel - Please keep her in mind next year! She was fantastic even if the movie did not deserve her.