Streaming: "Good Luck to You, Leo Grande"

by Nathaniel R
Here's one we absolutely meant to review at Sundance but didn't get to. We did you disservice. This must-see drama from writer Katy Brand and director Sophie Hyde, now streaming on Hulu, is a fine specimen in the increasingly endangered species of "character-based drama for adults". More rising directors and screenwriters should attempt low-budget premises like -- easier to get funding -- provided they can find and guide actors savvy enough to pull off something direct and delicate. Hyde and Brand have done just that even if they haven't attempted to make it very "cinematic". It's not based on a play but it does feel like a film version of a play. For the wisely economical 97 minute running time we're entirely focused on just two people in one hotel room. Nancy Stokes (Emma Thompson) is a lonely fifty something widow who hires a male escort "Leo Grande" (Daryl McCormack) to fill the void of human connection in her life. She also hopes to finally experience an orgasm...
Nancy isn't brave enough to quite articulate all the reasons she needs this, at least not at first, but through multiple encounters she begins to loosen up. Though you can largely guess where Good Luck To You Leo Grande is going, there are multiple pleasures to be found in watching the journey. It's riveting to witness Nancy opening up, verbally, emotionally, and sexually. And the sex-positive message is a joy, even more of a rarity in films than the character-based adult drama.
There's already been much discussion online of Emma Thompson's "brave" nude scene. Brave is in quotes because the word is misused on the regular for discussing physically fit utterly gorgeous actors in their prime appearing in stages of undress. How exactly is that brave? The word should be saved for performances this vulnerable and revealing from actors who might not fit mainstream beauty standards whether through body type, or age, or other random factors; Emma Thompson is, of course, a beautiful photogenic woman, but she's also a woman of 63 in an industry and culture that regularly disposes of or dismisses women who are past, say, 40... especially as sexual beings.
Her final scene in Leo Grande is a thing of utter beauty, not just for her willingness to bare her own body, but for illuminating Nancy's soul. Thompson is operating at a level we haven't seen from her since at least Angels in America (2003). In fact, we'd argue that her rendition of Nancy Stokes can stand proudly with her Beatrice, Miss Kenton, Margaret Schlegel, and Elinor Dashwood to form a career defining quintet. It's further proof, if you needed any, that she's one of the greatest screen actors of all time. B+ (A+ for Emma)
Good Luck To You, Leo Grande is currently streaming on Hulu
Reader Comments (12)
She's my very favorite, and I cannot freaking wait for this.
I had the opportunity to see it in a theatre in my country because they released the film theatrically in the UK/Ireland and I'm certainly glad I got to see it whatever way it was gonna be because the film is just that good. Thompson is great as you say and it easily rises to the level of her Margaret Schlegel which I believe to be her greatest screen achievement (how wonderful an actor wins an Oscar for their greatest role.)
While Thompson has been getting the majority of praise the work of her co-star Daryl McCormack who shines just as well as she does even though he's tasked playing a more difficult role having to keep his emotions closed off as he acts the working character of Leo beautifully.
Hyde and Brand deserve a lot of credit for crafting this easy to digest yet majorly complex sex positive film that I keenly look forward to whatever the pair do next whether together of separate. I'd seen Hyde's most recent feature and while I wasn't totally impressed this is such a major step up that I hope she gets the credit she deserves alongside Thompson who is bound to get the most credit based on the reactions since its premiere earlier this year.
It's a wonderful film. I know awards aren't everything, but it really stings to know it isn't eligible for Oscars. Emma would of course be a more than deserving nominee, but so would her co-star. They work so well together and have real, genuinely sexy chemistry. That last scene is indeed a stunner.
She's never anything more than a total professional and never phones it in no matter what the project.
Top 3 Emma
The Remains Of The Day
Howard's End
Love Actually
I do want to see this film, despite not having Hulu right now, as I did get a look at some screencaps of her nude and.... honestly.... she looks great. I'd like to be in bed with her. I'd be a gentleman and do whatever she wants and asks me to do.
When it comes to great performances by Emma Thompson, I insist we add "Wit" to that list.
It's an HBO movie of a Broadway play that was not eligible for an Oscar nomination.
It's absolutely terrific.
As for 'Leo Grande', this sounds so much more appealing to me than yet another Marvel creation, or "Barbie". I really miss films for adults.
Completely agree with this review, particularly the last couple paragraphs. Emma Thompson's performance is a career highlight. She manages a really tricky, yet lovely arc with Nancy. The final nude scene is beautiful. Thompson conveys so many feelings about her body with her face and the way her hands move around her body. More movies like this please!!
Completely agree with this review, particularly the last couple paragraphs. Emma Thompson's performance is a career highlight. She manages a really tricky, yet lovely arc with Nancy. The final nude scene is beautiful. Thompson conveys so many feelings about her body with her face and the way her hands move around her body. More movies like this please!!
I thought Emma was divine in "Cruella," an overcooked movie with two perfect Emmas delivering brilliant performances. My personal face offers, other than "Howard's End" of course, is "Much Ado About Nothing." "Leo Grande" is lovely. I can't get that look she has on her face at the end out of my mind. Exquisite.
Awesome and interesting article. Great things you’ve always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post.
Awesome and interesting article. Great things you’ve always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post.